Source code for criutils.conversions

#! /usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import numpy as np
import baldor as br
# Messages
from geometry_msgs.msg import (Point, Quaternion, Pose, Vector3, Transform,
from sensor_msgs.msg import RegionOfInterest

[docs]def from_dict(transform_dict): """ Converts a dictionary with the fields `rotation` and `translation` into a homogeneous transformation. Parameters ---------- transform_dict: dict The dictionary to be converted Returns ------- array: array_like The resulting numpy array """ T = br.quaternion.to_transform(np.array(transform_dict['rotation'])) T[:3,3] = np.array(transform_dict['translation']) return T
[docs]def from_point(msg): """ Convert a `geometry_msgs/Point` ROS message into a numpy array. Parameters ---------- msg: geometry_msgs/Point The ROS message to be converted Returns ------- array: np.array The resulting numpy array """ return from_vector3(msg)
[docs]def from_pose(msg): """ Convert a `geometry_msgs/Pose` ROS message into a numpy array (4x4 homogeneous transformation). Parameters ---------- msg: geometry_msgs/Pose The ROS message to be converted Returns ------- array: np.array The resulting numpy array """ T = br.quaternion.to_transform(from_quaternion(msg.orientation)) T[:3,3] = from_point(msg.position) return T
[docs]def from_quaternion(msg): """ Convert a `geometry_msgs/Quaternion` ROS message into a numpy array. Parameters ---------- msg: geometry_msgs/Quaternion The ROS message to be converted Returns ------- array: np.array The resulting numpy array """ return np.array([msg.w, msg.x, msg.y, msg.z])
[docs]def from_roi(msg): """ Convert a `sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest` ROS message into a list with the two corners of the ROI. Parameters ---------- msg: sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest The ROS message to be converted Returns ------- result: list The resulting list """ top_left = np.array([msg.x_offset, msg.y_offset]) bottom_right = top_left + np.array([msg.width, msg.height]) return [top_left, bottom_right]
[docs]def from_transform(msg): """ Convert a `geometry_msgs/Transform` ROS message into a numpy array (4x4 homogeneous transformation). Parameters ---------- msg: geometry_msgs/Transform The ROS message to be converted Returns ------- array: np.array The resulting numpy array """ T = br.quaternion.to_transform(from_quaternion(msg.rotation)) T[:3,3] = from_vector3(msg.translation) return T
[docs]def from_vector3(msg): """ Convert a `geometry_msgs/Vector3` ROS message into a numpy array. Parameters ---------- msg: geometry_msgs/Vector3 The ROS message to be converted Returns ------- array: np.array The resulting numpy array """ return np.array([msg.x, msg.y, msg.z])
[docs]def from_wrench(msg): """ Convert a `geometry_msgs/Wrench` ROS message into a numpy array. Parameters ---------- msg: geometry_msgs/Wrench The ROS message to be converted Returns ------- array: np.array The resulting numpy array """ array = np.zeros(6) array[:3] = from_vector3(msg.force) array[3:] = from_vector3(msg.torque) return array
[docs]def to_quaternion(array): """ Convert a numpy array WXYZ into a `geometry_msgs/Quaternion` ROS message. Parameters ---------- array: np.array The quaternion XYZW as numpy array Returns ------- msg: geometry_msgs/Quaternion The resulting ROS message """ return Quaternion(array[1], array[2], array[3], array[0])
[docs]def to_point(array): """ Convert a numpy array XYZ into a `geometry_msgs/Point` ROS message. Parameters ---------- array: np.array The position XYZ as numpy array Returns ------- msg: geometry_msgs/Point The resulting ROS message """ return Point(*array)
[docs]def to_pose(T): """ Convert a homogeneous transformation (4x4) into a `geometry_msgs/Pose` ROS message. Parameters ---------- T: np.array The homogeneous transformation Returns ------- msg: geometry_msgs/Pose The resulting ROS message """ q = br.transform.to_quaternion(T) return Pose(to_point(T[:3,3]), to_quaternion(q))
[docs]def to_roi(top_left, bottom_right): """ Generate a `sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest` ROS message using the two given corners Parameters ---------- top_left: array_like The top left corner of the ROI bottom_right: array_like The bottom right corner of the ROI Returns ------- msg: sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest The resulting ROS message """ msg = RegionOfInterest() msg.x_offset = round(top_left[0]) msg.y_offset = round(top_left[1]) msg.width = round(abs(bottom_right[0]-top_left[0])) msg.height = round(abs(bottom_right[1]-top_left[1])) return msg
[docs]def to_transform(T): """ Convert a homogeneous transformation (4x4) into a `geometry_msgs/Transform` ROS message. Parameters ---------- T: np.array The homogeneous transformation Returns ------- msg: geometry_msgs/Transform The resulting ROS message """ translation = Vector3(*T[:3,3]) q = br.transform.to_quaternion(T) rotation = to_quaternion(q) return Transform(translation, rotation)
[docs]def to_vector3(array): """ Convert a numpy array XYZ into a `geometry_msgs/Vector3` ROS message. Parameters ---------- array: array_like The vector XYZ as numpy array Returns ------- msg: geometry_msgs/Vector3 The resulting ROS message """ return Vector3(*array)
[docs]def to_wrench(array): """ Convert a numpy array into a `geometry_msgs/Wrench` ROS message. Parameters ---------- array: array_like The wrench :math:`[f_x, f_y, f_z, t_x, t_y, t_z]` as numpy array Returns ------- msg: geometry_msgs/Wrench The resulting ROS message """ msg = Wrench() msg.force = to_vector3(array[:3]) msg.torque = to_vector3(array[3:]) return msg