Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef HULL_LIB_H
00003 #define HULL_LIB_H
00062 namespace ConvexDecomposition
00063 {
00065 class HullResult
00066 {
00067 public:
00068         HullResult(void)
00069         {
00070                 mPolygons = true;
00071                 mNumOutputVertices = 0;
00072                 mOutputVertices = 0;
00073                 mNumFaces = 0;
00074                 mNumIndices = 0;
00075                 mIndices = 0;
00076         }
00077         bool                    mPolygons;                  // true if indices represents polygons, false indices are triangles
00078         unsigned int            mNumOutputVertices;         // number of vertices in the output hull
00079         double                  *mOutputVertices;            // array of vertices, 3 doubles each x,y,z
00080         unsigned int            mNumFaces;                  // the number of faces produced
00081         unsigned int            mNumIndices;                // the total number of indices
00082         unsigned int           *mIndices;                   // pointer to indices.
00084 // If triangles, then indices are array indexes into the vertex list.
00085 // If polygons, indices are in the form (number of points in face) (p1, p2, p3, ..) etc..
00086 };
00088 class FHullResult
00089 {
00090 public:
00091         FHullResult(const HullResult &r)
00092         {
00093     mPolygons          = r.mPolygons;
00094     mNumOutputVertices = r.mNumOutputVertices;
00095     mNumFaces          = r.mNumFaces;
00096     mNumIndices        = r.mNumIndices;
00097     mIndices           = 0;
00098     mOutputVertices    = 0;
00099     if ( mNumIndices )
00100     {
00101       mIndices = new unsigned int[mNumIndices];
00102       memcpy(mIndices,r.mIndices,sizeof(unsigned int)*mNumIndices);
00103     }
00104     if ( mNumOutputVertices )
00105     {
00106       mOutputVertices = new float[mNumOutputVertices*3];
00107       const double *src = r.mOutputVertices;
00108       float        *dst = mOutputVertices;
00109       for (unsigned int i=0; i<mNumOutputVertices; i++)
00110       {
00111         dst[0] = (float) src[0];
00112         dst[1] = (float) src[1];
00113         dst[2] = (float) src[2];
00114         dst+=3;
00115         src+=3;
00116       }
00117     }
00118         }
00119   ~FHullResult(void)
00120   {
00121     delete mIndices;
00122     delete mOutputVertices;
00123   }
00124         bool                    mPolygons;                  // true if indices represents polygons, false indices are triangles
00125         unsigned int            mNumOutputVertices;         // number of vertices in the output hull
00126         float                  *mOutputVertices;            // array of vertices, 3 doubles each x,y,z
00127         unsigned int            mNumFaces;                  // the number of faces produced
00128         unsigned int            mNumIndices;                // the total number of indices
00129         unsigned int           *mIndices;                   // pointer to indices.
00131 // If triangles, then indices are array indexes into the vertex list.
00132 // If polygons, indices are in the form (number of points in face) (p1, p2, p3, ..) etc..
00133 };
00135 enum HullFlag
00136 {
00137         QF_TRIANGLES         = (1<<0),             // report results as triangles, not polygons.
00138         QF_REVERSE_ORDER     = (1<<1),             // reverse order of the triangle indices.
00139         QF_SKIN_WIDTH        = (1<<2),             // extrude hull based on this skin width
00140         QF_DEFAULT           = 0
00141 };
00144 class HullDesc
00145 {
00146 public:
00147         HullDesc(void)
00148         {
00149                 mFlags          = QF_DEFAULT;
00150                 mVcount         = 0;
00151                 mVertices       = 0;
00152                 mVertexStride   = 0;
00153                 mNormalEpsilon  = 0.001f;
00154                 mMaxVertices = 4096; // maximum number of points to be considered for a convex hull.
00155                 mSkinWidth = 0.01f; // default is one centimeter
00156         };
00158         HullDesc(HullFlag flag,
00159                                                  unsigned int vcount,
00160                                                  const double *vertices,
00161                                                  unsigned int stride)
00162         {
00163                 mFlags          = flag;
00164                 mVcount         = vcount;
00165                 mVertices       = vertices;
00166                 mVertexStride   = stride;
00167                 mNormalEpsilon  = 0.001f;
00168                 mMaxVertices    = 4096;
00169                 mSkinWidth = 0.01f; // default is one centimeter
00170         }
00172         bool HasHullFlag(HullFlag flag) const
00173         {
00174                 if ( mFlags & flag ) return true;
00175                 return false;
00176         }
00178         void SetHullFlag(HullFlag flag)
00179         {
00180                 mFlags|=flag;
00181         }
00183         void ClearHullFlag(HullFlag flag)
00184         {
00185                 mFlags&=~flag;
00186         }
00188         unsigned int      mFlags;           // flags to use when generating the convex hull.
00189         unsigned int      mVcount;          // number of vertices in the input point cloud
00190         const double      *mVertices;        // the array of vertices.
00191         unsigned int      mVertexStride;    // the stride of each vertex, in bytes.
00192         double             mNormalEpsilon;   // the epsilon for removing duplicates.  This is a normalized value, if normalized bit is on.
00193         double             mSkinWidth;
00194         unsigned int      mMaxVertices;               // maximum number of vertices to be considered for the hull!
00195 };
00197 enum HullError
00198 {
00199         QE_OK,            // success!
00200         QE_FAIL           // failed.
00201 };
00203 // This class is used when converting a convex hull into a triangle mesh.
00204 class ConvexHullVertex
00205 {
00206 public:
00207         double         mPos[3];
00208         double         mNormal[3];
00209         double         mTexel[2];
00210 };
00212 // A virtual interface to receive the triangles from the convex hull.
00213 class ConvexHullTriangleInterface
00214 {
00215 public:
00216         virtual void ConvexHullTriangle(const ConvexHullVertex &v1,const ConvexHullVertex &v2,const ConvexHullVertex &v3) = 0;
00217 };
00221 class HullLibrary
00222 {
00223 public:
00225         HullError CreateConvexHull(const HullDesc       &desc,           // describes the input request
00226                                                                                                                         HullResult           &result);        // contains the resulst
00228         HullError ReleaseResult(HullResult &result); // release memory allocated for this result, we are done with it.
00230         // Utility function to convert the output convex hull as a renderable set of triangles. Unfolds the polygons into
00231         // individual triangles, compute the vertex normals, and projects some texture co-ordinates.
00232         HullError CreateTriangleMesh(HullResult &answer,ConvexHullTriangleInterface *iface);
00233 private:
00234         double ComputeNormal(double *n,const double *A,const double *B,const double *C);
00235         void AddConvexTriangle(ConvexHullTriangleInterface *callback,const double *p1,const double *p2,const double *p3);
00237         void BringOutYourDead(const double *verts,unsigned int vcount, double *overts,unsigned int &ocount,unsigned int *indices,unsigned indexcount);
00239         bool    CleanupVertices(unsigned int svcount,
00240                                                                                                         const double *svertices,
00241                                                                                                         unsigned int stride,
00242                                                                                                         unsigned int &vcount,       // output number of vertices
00243                                                                                                         double *vertices,                 // location to store the results.
00244                                                                                                         double  normalepsilon,
00245                                                                                                         double *scale);
00246 };
00248 };
00250 #endif

Author(s): John W. Ratcliff
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:01:17