CLIK Yaml file

Basic CLIK Planner Configuration

A basic configuration file is as follows:
  • clik_config_example.yaml
        allow_joint_convergence: false
        allow_primary_normalization: true
        allow_auxiliary_nomalization: true
        limit_primary_motion: true
        limit_auxiliary_motion: true
        limit_auxiliary_interations: false
        solver_max_iterations: 100
        solver_min_iterations: 0
        auxiliary_max_iterations: 5
        auxiliary_max_motion: 0.5
        primary_max_motion: 2.0
        primary_norm: 1.0
        auxiliary_norm: 0.15
        primary_gain: 1.0
        auxiliary_gain: 1.0
        joint_convergence_tol: 0.0001
          class: constrained_ik/GoalPosition
          primary: true
          weights: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
          position_tolerance: 0.001
          debug: true
          class: constrained_ik/AvoidObstacles
          primary: false
          debug: false
          link_names:         [ shoulder_link, upper_arm_link, forearm_link, wrist_1_link, wrist_2_link, wrist_3_link]
          amplitude:          [      0.000001,       0.000001,     0.000001,     0.000001,     0.000001,     0.000001]
          minimum_distance:   [         0.001,           0.01,         0.01,         0.01,         0.01,        0.001]
          avoidance_distance: [           0.1,            0.1,          0.1,          0.1,          0.1,         0.01]
          weights:            [             1,              1,            1,            1,            1,            1]
      translational_discretization_step: 0.02
      orientational_discretization_step: 0.02
      joint_discretization_step: 0.02
    Each "constrained_ik_solver/group_name" section is specific to that planning group. The group name must be a valid planning group in the SRDF file

Explanation of parameters

Constrained IK Solver Parameters

All the parameters affect the behavior of the Constrained IK solver process. These parameters are as follows:

Planner Parameters

These parameters are as follows:

Author(s): Chris Lewis , Jeremy Zoss , Dan Solomon
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:23:45