Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # License: BSD
00004 #   https://raw.github.com/robotics-in-concert/concert_services/license/LICENSE
00005 #
00006 ##############################################################################
00007 # About
00008 ##############################################################################
00010 # Simple script to pimp out make a map operations for rocon interactions.
00011 #
00012 # - watch the app manager status and when it has a remote controller,
00013 # - flip a spawn/kill pair across
00014 # - call the spawn api
00015 #  - the turtle herder will flip back some handles then.
00017 ##############################################################################
00018 # Imports
00019 ##############################################################################
00021 import rospy
00022 import rocon_uri
00023 import concert_service_utilities
00024 import unique_id
00025 import rocon_std_msgs.msg as rocon_std_msgs
00026 import scheduler_msgs.msg as scheduler_msgs
00027 import concert_service_msgs.msg as concert_service_msgs
00029 from concert_software_farmer import SoftwareFarmClient, FailedToStartSoftwareException
00031 class WaypointNavPimp(concert_service_utilities.ResourcePimp):
00033     def setup_variables(self):
00034         '''
00035             Need to setup the following variables
00036             service_priority, service_id, resource_type, available_resource_publisher_name, capture_topic_name
00037         '''
00038         (service_name, service_description, service_priority, service_id) = concert_service_utilities.get_service_info()       
00039         self.service_priority = service_priority
00040         self.service_id = service_id
00041         self.resource_type = 'rocon_apps/waypoint_nav'
00042         self.available_resource_publisher_name = 'available_waypoint_nav'
00043         self.capture_topic_name = 'capture_waypoint_nav'
00045         # it should be rapp's public interface
00046         self._default_map_topic = 'map' 
00047         self._default_waypoints_topic = 'waypoints'
00049     def ros_capture_callback(self, request_id, msg):
00050         '''
00051          Processes the service pair server 'capture_waypiont_nav'. This will run
00052          in a thread of its own for each request. It has a significantly long lock
00053          though - this needs to get fixed.
00054         '''
00055         # Todo : request the scheduler for this resource,
00056         # use self.allocation_timeout to fail gracefully
00057         response = concert_service_msgs.CaptureResourceResponse()
00058         response.result = False
00059         if not msg.release:  # i.e. we're capturing:
00060             if msg.rocon_uri not in [r.uri for r in self.available_resources]:
00061                 self.logwarn("couldn't capture resource [not available][%s]" % msg.rocon_uri)
00062                 response.result = False
00063             else:
00064                 resource = self._create_resource(msg.rocon_uri)
00065                 request_result, resource_request_id = self.send_allocation_request(resource)
00066                 response.result = request_result
00067                 if request_result == False:
00068                     self.logwarn("couldn't capture resource [timed out][%s]" % msg.rocon_uri)
00069                 else:
00070                     self.loginfo("captured resource [%s][%s]" % (msg.rocon_uri, resource_request_id))
00071                     response.remappings = resource.remappings
00072         else:  # we're releasing
00073             self.send_releasing_request(msg.rocon_uri)
00074             response.result = True
00075         return response
00077     def _create_resource(self, uri):
00078         # Create a resource to request
00079         resource = scheduler_msgs.Resource()
00080         resource.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
00081         resource.rapp = self.resource_type
00082         resource.uri = uri
00083         resource.remappings = []
00084         map_remapped, waypoints_remapped  = self._get_remapped_topic(rocon_uri.parse(resource.uri).name.string)
00085         resource.remappings = [rocon_std_msgs.Remapping(self._default_map_topic, map_remapped), rocon_std_msgs.Remapping(self._default_waypoints_topic, waypoints_remapped)]
00086         return resource
00088     def _get_remapped_topic(self, name):
00089         '''
00090           Sets up remapping rules for Rapp configuration
00091         '''
00092         map_remapped = rospy.resolve_name(rospy.get_param('map_topic'))
00093         waypoints_remapped = rospy.resolve_name(rospy.get_param('waypoints_topic'))
00095         return map_remapped, waypoints_remapped
00097     def loginfo(self, msg):
00098         rospy.loginfo("WaypointNavPimp : %s"%str(msg))
00100     def logwarn(self, msg):
00101         rospy.logwarn("WaypointNavPimp : %s"%str(msg))
00103     def logerr(self, msg):
00104         rospy.logerr("WaypointNavPimp : %s"%str(msg))
00106 ##############################################################################
00107 # Launch point
00108 ##############################################################################
00110 if __name__ == '__main__':
00111     rospy.init_node('waypoint_nav_pimp')
00113     pimp = WaypointNavPimp()
00114     rospy.on_shutdown(pimp.cancel_all_requests)
00115     pimp.loginfo("Initialised")
00116     rospy.spin()
00117     pimp.loginfo("Bye Bye")

Author(s): Jihoon Lee
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:35:23