Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA)
00004 #
00005 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008 #
00009 #   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00010 #
00011 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 # limitations under the License.
00018 import sys
00019 import copy
00020 from enum import IntEnum
00022 import rospy
00023 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
00024 from diagnostic_msgs.msg import DiagnosticStatus, DiagnosticArray
00026 from cob_msgs.msg import *
00027 from cob_light.msg import LightMode, LightModes, SetLightModeGoal, SetLightModeAction
00028 from cob_light.srv import StopLightMode, StopLightModeRequest
00030 from simple_script_server import *
00031 sss = simple_script_server()
00033 class EMState(IntEnum):
00034         EM_UNKNOWN      = -1
00035         EM_FREE         =  0
00036         EM_BUTTON       =  1
00037         EM_BRAKE        =  2
00038         EM_LASER        =  3
00039         EM_WIRELESS     =  4
00040         EM_FALL         =  5
00041         EM_INTERNAL     =  6
00044 class emergency_stop_monitor():
00045         def __init__(self):
00046                 self.color = "None"
00047                 self.enable_sound = rospy.get_param("~enable_sound", False)
00048                 self.enable_light = rospy.get_param("~enable_light", False)
00049                 self.diagnostics_based = rospy.get_param("~diagnostics_based", False)
00050                 self.motion_based = rospy.get_param("~motion_based", False)
00051                 self.track_id_light = None
00053                 if(self.enable_light):
00054                         if not rospy.has_param("~light_components"):
00055                                 rospy.logwarn("parameter light_components does not exist on ROS Parameter Server, aborting...")
00056                                 sys.exit(1)
00057                         self.light_components = rospy.get_param("~light_components")
00059                 # set colors (also neccessary if self.enable_light is false)
00060                 self.color_error = rospy.get_param("~color_error","red")
00061                 self.color_warn = rospy.get_param("~color_warn","yellow")
00062                 self.color_ok = rospy.get_param("~color_ok","green")
00063                 self.color_off = rospy.get_param("~color_off","black")
00065                 if(self.enable_sound):
00066                         if not rospy.has_param("~sound_components"):
00067                                 rospy.logwarn("parameter sound_components does not exist on ROS Parameter Server, aborting...")
00068                                 sys.exit(1)
00069                         self.sound_components = rospy.get_param("~sound_components")
00071                 self.sound_em_button_released = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_button_released", "button released")
00072                 self.sound_em_button_issued = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_button_issued", "button issued")
00073                 self.sound_em_brake_released = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_brake_released", "brake released")
00074                 self.sound_em_brake_issued = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_brake_issued", "brake issued")
00075                 self.sound_em_laser_released = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_laser_released", "laser released")
00076                 self.sound_em_laser_issued = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_laser_issued", "laser issued")
00077                 self.sound_em_wireless_released = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_wireless_released", "wireless released")
00078                 self.sound_em_wireless_issued = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_wireless_issued", "wireless issued")
00079                 self.sound_em_fall_released = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_fall_released", "fall released")
00080                 self.sound_em_fall_issued = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_fall_issued", "fall issued")
00081                 self.sound_em_internal_released = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_internal_released", "internal released")
00082                 self.sound_em_internal_issued = rospy.get_param("~sound_em_internal_issued", "internal issued")
00084                 rospy.Subscriber("/diagnostics_agg", DiagnosticArray, self.diagnostics_agg_callback, queue_size=1)
00085                 self.em_state = EMState.EM_UNKNOWN
00087                 self.diag_status = -1
00088                 if(self.diagnostics_based):
00089                         rospy.Subscriber("/diagnostics_toplevel_state", DiagnosticStatus, self.diagnostics_callback, queue_size=1)
00090                         self.last_diag = rospy.get_rostime()
00092                 self.motion_status = -1
00093                 if(self.motion_based):
00094                         rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, self.jointstate_callback, queue_size=1)
00095                         self.last_vel = rospy.get_rostime()
00097         def diagnostics_agg_callback(self, msg):
00098                 diagnostics_errors = []
00099                 diagnostics_errors_detail = []
00101                 #all diagnostics that have warning/error/stale
00102                 for status in msg.status:
00103                         if "Safety" in status.name:
00104                                 if status.level > DiagnosticStatus.OK:
00105                                         diagnostics_errors.append(status)
00107                 #reduce list to most detailed description only
00108                 for i, status in enumerate(diagnostics_errors):
00109                         tmp = diagnostics_errors[:i]+diagnostics_errors[i+1:]
00110                         if not next((True for status2 in tmp if status2.name.startswith(status.name)), False):
00111                                 diagnostics_errors_detail.append(status)
00113                 if not diagnostics_errors_detail:
00114                         if self.em_state > EMState.EM_FREE:
00115                                 self.stop_light()
00116                                 if self.em_state == EMState.EM_BUTTON:
00117                                         self.say(self.sound_em_button_released)
00118                                 elif self.em_state == EMState.EM_BRAKE:
00119                                         self.say(self.sound_em_brake_released)
00120                                 elif self.em_state == EMState.EM_LASER:
00121                                         self.say(self.sound_em_laser_released)
00122                                 elif self.em_state == EMState.EM_WIRELESS:
00123                                         self.say(self.sound_em_wireless_released)
00124                                 elif self.em_state == EMState.EM_FALL:
00125                                         self.say(self.sound_em_fall_released)
00126                                 elif self.em_state == EMState.EM_INTERNAL:
00127                                         self.say(self.sound_em_internal_released)
00128                         self.em_state = EMState.EM_FREE
00130                 #determine error state
00131                 sound_output = ""
00132                 em_state = EMState.EM_UNKNOWN
00133                 for status in diagnostics_errors_detail:
00134                         if "Safety" in status.name:
00135                                 for value in status.values:
00136                                         if (value.key == "button_stop_ok"):
00137                                                 if (value.value == "False"):
00138                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_BUTTON:
00139                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_button_issued
00140                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_BUTTON
00141                                         if (value.key == "brake_stop_ok"):
00142                                                 if (value.value == "False"):
00143                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_BRAKE:
00144                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_brake_issued
00145                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_BRAKE
00146                                         if (value.key == "laser_stop_ok"):
00147                                                 if (value.value == "False"):
00148                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_LASER:
00149                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_laser_issued
00150                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_LASER
00151                                         if (value.key == "wireless_stop_ok"):
00152                                                 if (value.value == "False"):
00153                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_WIRELESS:
00154                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_wireless_issued
00155                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_WIRELESS
00156                                         if (value.key == "fall_sensor_front_ok"):
00157                                                 if (value.value == "False"):
00158                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or self.em_state > EMState.EM_FALL:
00159                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_fall_issued
00160                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_FALL
00161                                         if (value.key == "fall_sensor_left_ok"):
00162                                                 if (value.value == "False"):
00163                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_FALL:
00164                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_fall_issued
00165                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_FALL
00166                                         if (value.key == "fall_sensor_right_ok"):
00167                                                 if (value.value == "False"):
00168                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_FALL:
00169                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_fall_issued
00170                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_FALL
00171                                         if (value.key == "fall_sensors_released"):
00172                                                 if (value.value == "False"):
00173                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_FALL:
00174                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_fall_issued
00175                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_FALL
00176                                         if (value.key == "efi_bus_front_io_error"):
00177                                                 if (value.value == "True"):
00178                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_INTERNAL:
00179                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_internal_issued
00180                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_INTERNAL
00181                                         if (value.key == "efi_bus_left_io_error"):
00182                                                 if (value.value == "True"):
00183                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_INTERNAL:
00184                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_internal_issued
00185                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_INTERNAL
00186                                         if (value.key == "efi_bus_right_io_error"):
00187                                                 if (value.value == "True"):
00188                                                         if em_state <= EMState.EM_FREE or em_state > EMState.EM_INTERNAL:
00189                                                                 sound_output = self.sound_em_internal_issued
00190                                                                 em_state = EMState.EM_INTERNAL
00192                 rospy.logdebug("self.em_state: %d, em_state: %d"%(self.em_state, em_state))
00193                 if self.em_state != em_state and em_state > EMState.EM_FREE:
00194                         #emergency_stop_monitoring has higher priority
00195                         self.set_light(self.color_error)
00196                         self.say(sound_output)
00197                 self.em_state = em_state
00198                 rospy.logdebug("self.em_state: %d"%(self.em_state))
00200         ## Diagnostics monitoring
00201         def diagnostics_callback(self, msg):
00202                 if self.em_state > EMState.EM_FREE:
00203                         #emergency_stop_monitoring has higher priority
00204                         return
00206                 if self.diag_status != msg.level:
00207                         self.diag_status = msg.level
00208                         rospy.loginfo("Diagnostics change to "+ str(self.diag_status))
00210                         if msg.level == DiagnosticStatus.OK:
00211                                 self.stop_light()
00212                                 self.motion_status = -1
00213                         else:           # warning or error
00214                                 self.set_light(self.color_warn)
00216         ## Motion Monitoring
00217         def jointstate_callback(self, msg):
00218                 if self.em_state > EMState.EM_FREE:
00219                         #emergency_stop_monitoring has higher priority
00220                         return
00221                 if self.diag_status != DiagnosticStatus.OK:
00222                         #diagnostics_monitoring has higher priority
00223                         return
00225                 threshold = 0.1
00226                 moving = 0
00227                 for v in msg.velocity:
00228                         if abs(v) > threshold:
00229                                 moving = 1
00230                                 break
00232                 if self.motion_status != moving:
00233                         self.motion_status = moving
00234                         rospy.loginfo("Motion change to "+ str(self.motion_status))
00236                         if moving == 0: # not moving
00237                                 self.stop_light()
00238                         else:           # moving
00239                                 self.set_light(self.color_warn, True)
00242         ## set light
00243         def set_light(self, color, flashing=False):
00244                 if self.enable_light:
00245                         for component in self.light_components:
00246                                 error_code, color_rgba = sss.compose_color(component, color)
00248                                 action_server_name = component + "/set_light"
00249                                 client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(action_server_name, SetLightModeAction)
00250                                 # trying to connect to server
00251                                 rospy.logdebug("waiting for %s action server to start",action_server_name)
00252                                 if not client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)):
00253                                         # error: server did not respond
00254                                         rospy.logerr("%s action server not ready within timeout, aborting...", action_server_name)
00255                                 else:
00256                                         rospy.logdebug("%s action server ready",action_server_name)
00258                                         # sending goal
00259                                         mode = LightMode()
00260                                         mode.priority = 10
00261                                         mode.colors = []
00262                                         mode.colors.append(color_rgba)
00263                                         if flashing:
00264                                                 mode.mode = LightModes.FLASH    #Flashing
00265                                                 mode.frequency = 2.0                    #Hz
00266                                         else:
00267                                                 mode.mode = LightModes.GLOW             #Glow
00268                                                 mode.frequency = 10.0                   #Hz
00270                                         goal = SetLightModeGoal()
00271                                         goal.mode = mode
00272                                         client.send_goal(goal)
00273                                         client.wait_for_result()
00274                                         result = client.get_result()
00275                                         self.track_id_light = result.track_id
00277                                 self.color = color
00278         def stop_light(self):
00279                 if self.enable_light:
00280                         if self.track_id_light is not None:
00281                                 for component in self.light_components:
00282                                         srv_server_name = component + "/stop_mode"
00283                                         try:
00284                                                 rospy.wait_for_service(srv_server_name, timeout=2)
00285                                                 srv_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv_server_name, StopLightMode)
00286                                                 req = StopLightModeRequest()
00287                                                 req.track_id = self.track_id_light
00288                                                 srv_proxy(req)
00289                                         except Exception as e:
00290                                                 rospy.logerr("%s service failed: %s",srv_server_name, e)
00292         def say(self, text):
00293                 if self.enable_sound and text:
00294                         for component in self.sound_components:
00295                                 sss.say(component, [text])
00297 if __name__ == "__main__":
00298         rospy.init_node("emergency_stop_monitor")
00299         emergency_stop_monitor()
00300         rospy.spin()

Author(s): Florian Weisshardt , Felix Messmer
autogenerated on Sun Jun 9 2019 20:20:19