
Implements the concept of capabilities as part of the robots-in-concert system.

API Documentation

For end users it is recommended to use the capability_server script in combination with the capabilities.client.CapabilitiesClient Class of the capabilities.client module and the capabilities.service_discovery module.

The capability_server, along with its ROS API, is documented here: The capability_server ROS Node

The capabilities.client.CapabilitiesClient class provides a simple Python class for interacting with a remote capability_server, allowing you to “use” and “free” capabilities using the reference counting services provided by the server. The client API ensures the “uses” of capabilities do not leak by maintaining a bond with each client, and it manages underlying bond creation and maintenance under the hood so that the client never sees that. Since there is a bond with each client, if that bond breaks for any reason, then the corresponding “used” capabilities will be freed and may shutdown. Therefore, if you want to make sure the capabilities keep running, you need to keep the capabilities.client.CapabilitiesClient Class around for the lifetime of your application.

The capabilities.service_discovery module provides a mechanism to remotely get an instance of the powerful capabilities.discovery.SpecIndex Class which allows you to introspect the available capability specs (interfaces, semantic interfaces, and providers) to which the server has access.

These are considered to be the public API for the capabilities Python package:

The rest of the documented API is used internally and not considered public, so use it at your on risk:


Build it in a catkin workspace or build it stand alone (replace hydro with your ros version if necessary):

$ source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ source ./devel/setup.bash

Building the Documentation

First you need sphinx installed, on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install python-sphinx

On other platforms use pip:

$ sudo pip install Sphinx

You have to have built the package first, then you mush source the resulting devel or install space:

$ source /path/to/space/setup.bash

Then from the capabilities source folder you can build the docs:

$ cd docs
$ make html

The resulting docs will be generated to doc/.build/html/index.html.

Running the Tests

To run the tests you will need the nosetests and coverage python packages. On Ubuntu you can get these like this:

$ sudo apt-get install python-nose python-coverage

On other platforms you can use pip:

$ sudo pip install nose coverage

You will also need the build and run dependencies for capabilities because it must be built during the testing. You can get the dependencies you need using rosdep:

$ rosdep install --from-paths ./ --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y

Remember to update the value given to --rosdistro to the ROS distro you are using and to change the ./ given to --from-paths if you are not in the local checkout of the capabilities source code.

Finally you can run the tests with a coverage report by invoking the coverage target of the provided Makefile in the root of the capabilities source repository:

$ make coverage

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The capability_server ROS Node

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