File: bebop_msgs/Ardrone3GPSStateHomeTypeChosenChanged.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Ardrone3GPSStateHomeTypeChosenChanged
# auto-generated from up stream XML files at
# To check upstream commit hash, refer to last_build_info file
# Do not modify this file by hand. Check scripts/meta folder for generator files.
# SDK Comment: Home type.\n This choice is made by the drone, according to the [PreferredHomeType](#1-24-4) and the [HomeTypeAvailability](#1-31-1). The drone will choose the type matching with the user preference only if this type is available. If not, it will chose a type in this order:\n FOLLOWEE ; TAKEOFF ; PILOT ; FIRST_FIX
Header header
# The type of the return home chosen
uint8 type_TAKEOFF=0 # The drone will return to the take off position
uint8 type_PILOT=1 # The drone will return to the pilot position In this case, the drone will use the position given by ARDrone3-SendControllerGPS
uint8 type_FIRST_FIX=2 # The drone has not enough information, it will return to the first GPS fix
uint8 type_FOLLOWEE=3 # The drone will return to the target of the current (or last) follow me In this case, the drone will use the position of the target of the followMe (given by ControllerInfo-GPS)
uint8 type
Compact Message Definition
uint8 type_TAKEOFF=0
uint8 type_PILOT=1
uint8 type_FIRST_FIX=2
uint8 type_FOLLOWEE=3
std_msgs/Header header
uint8 type