File: automotive_platform_msgs/DriverCommands.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Driver Commands Message
# Contains commands from the driver to the autonomy system
uint8 msg_counter # Increments each time a command is sent
# An acknowledge message should be published with this value
uint16 engage # Engage auto
uint16 disengage # Disengage auto
uint16 speed_up # Increase speed set point
uint16 slow_down # Decrease speed set point
uint16 further # Increase distance set point
uint16 closer # Decrease distance set point
uint16 right_turn # Right turn signal
uint16 left_turn # Left turn signal
Compact Message Definition
uint8 msg_counter
uint16 engage
uint16 disengage
uint16 speed_up
uint16 slow_down
uint16 further
uint16 closer
uint16 right_turn
uint16 left_turn