Go to the documentation of this file.
00021 #include "descriptor_surface_based_trainer/Utils.h"
00022 #include <asr_halcon_bridge/halcon_image.h>
00023 #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
00027 bool check_string_redex(std::string to_check, boost::regex regex)
00028 {
00029     boost::cmatch what;
00030     return boost::regex_match(to_check.c_str(), what, regex);
00031 }
00034 std::string trim(std::string input) {
00035     input.erase(0,input.find_first_not_of(" "));
00036     input.erase(input.find_last_not_of(" ")+1);
00037     return input;
00038 }
00040 wxBitmap* createBitmap(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& msg, int width, int height) {
00041     wxImage img(msg->width, msg->height);
00042     int bpp = msg->step / msg->width;
00043     if (msg->encoding == "bgr8") {
00044         for (int i = 0; i < img.GetHeight(); i++) {
00045             for (int j = 0; j < img.GetWidth(); j++) {
00046                 img.SetRGB(j, i,
00047                         msg->data[i * msg->step + bpp * j + 2],
00048                         msg->data[i * msg->step + bpp * j + 1],
00049                         msg->data[i * msg->step + bpp * j]);
00050             }
00051         }
00052     } else if (msg->encoding == "mono8") {
00053         for (int i = 0; i < img.GetHeight(); i++) {
00054             for (int j = 0; j < img.GetWidth(); j++) {
00055                 img.SetRGB(j, i,
00056                         msg->data[i * msg->step + bpp * j],
00057                         msg->data[i * msg->step + bpp * j],
00058                         msg->data[i * msg->step + bpp * j]);
00059             }
00060         }
00061     } else if (msg->encoding == "rgb8") {
00062         unsigned char *data = (unsigned char*)(&msg->data[0]);
00063         img = wxImage(msg->width, msg->height, data, true);
00064     }
00065     img = img.Scale(width, height);
00066     wxBitmap* image = new wxBitmap(img);
00067     return image;
00069 }
00071 wxBitmap* createBitmap(HalconCpp::HImage image, int width, int height)
00072 {
00073     halcon_bridge::HalconImagePtr ptr = boost::make_shared<halcon_bridge::HalconImage>();
00074     if (image.CountChannels() == 1) {
00075         ptr->encoding = "mono8";
00076     } else {
00077         ptr->encoding = "rgb8";
00078     }
00079     ptr->image = new HalconCpp::HImage();
00080     *ptr->image = image;
00081     sensor_msgs::ImagePtr imgptr = ptr->toImageMsg();
00082     return createBitmap(imgptr, width, height);
00083 }
00086 wxString trimDoubleString(wxString input)
00087 {
00088     std::string string = std::string(input.mb_str());
00089     if (check_string_redex(string, boost::regex("^[-+]?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)$"))) {
00090         char cur = *string.rbegin();
00091         while (cur == '0') {
00092             string.resize(string.size() - 1);
00093             cur = *string.rbegin();
00094         }
00095         if (cur == '.') {
00096             string += '0';
00097         }
00098         return wxString(string.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
00099     }
00100     return input;
00101 }
00103 void get_all_files_with_ext(const boost::filesystem::path& root, const std::string& ext, std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>& ret)
00104 {
00105     if(!boost::filesystem::exists(root) || !boost::filesystem::is_directory(root)) return;
00107     boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator it(root);
00108     boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator endit;
00110     while(it != endit)
00111     {
00112         if(boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(*it) && it->path().extension() == ext) ret.push_back(it->path().filename());
00113         ++it;
00114     }
00116 }
00118 HalconCpp::HImage drawBoundingBox(HalconCpp::HImage image, std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i> corner_points)
00119 {
00120     int max_expand = image.Width();
00121     if (image.Width() < image.Height()) {
00122         max_expand = image.Height();
00123     }
00124     int scale_factor = max_expand / 100;
00125     int BOX_BORDER_SIZE = 8;
00126     int CORNER_RADIUS = 3;
00127     if (scale_factor > 1) {
00128         BOX_BORDER_SIZE = BOX_BORDER_SIZE * (1.f + (scale_factor / 10.f));
00129         CORNER_RADIUS = CORNER_RADIUS * (1.f + (scale_factor / 10.f));
00130     }
00131     HalconCpp::HTuple color(255);
00132     if (image.CountChannels() > 1) {
00133         color.Append(0);
00134         color.Append(0);
00135     }
00136     HalconCpp::HTuple rows, columns;
00137     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < corner_points.size(); i++) {
00138         rows.Append(corner_points.at(i)[1]);
00139         columns.Append(corner_points.at(i)[0]);
00140     }
00141     if (corner_points.size() == 4) {
00142         HalconCpp::HTuple rows_outer, columns_outer;
00143         rows_outer.Append(rows[0] - BOX_BORDER_SIZE);
00144         rows_outer.Append(rows[1] - BOX_BORDER_SIZE);
00145         rows_outer.Append(rows[2] + BOX_BORDER_SIZE);
00146         rows_outer.Append(rows[3] + BOX_BORDER_SIZE);
00147         columns_outer.Append(columns[0] - BOX_BORDER_SIZE);
00148         columns_outer.Append(columns[1] + BOX_BORDER_SIZE);
00149         columns_outer.Append(columns[2] + BOX_BORDER_SIZE);
00150         columns_outer.Append(columns[3] - BOX_BORDER_SIZE);
00151         HalconCpp::HRegion box_points;
00152         box_points.GenRegionPolygonFilled(rows, columns);
00154         HalconCpp::HRegion box_points_outer;
00155         box_points_outer.GenRegionPolygonFilled(rows_outer, columns_outer);
00157         box_points = box_points_outer.Difference(box_points);
00158         image = box_points.PaintRegion(image, color, HalconCpp::HTuple("fill"));
00159     } else if (corner_points.size() > 0) {
00160         HalconCpp::HTuple radius;
00161         radius = HalconCpp::HTuple::TupleGenConst(rows.Length(), CORNER_RADIUS);
00162         HalconCpp::HRegion box_points;
00163         box_points.GenCircle(rows, columns, radius);
00164         image = box_points.PaintRegion(image, color, HalconCpp::HTuple("fill"));
00165     }
00167     return image;
00168 }

Author(s): Allgeyer Tobias, Hutmacher Robin, Meißner Pascal
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 17:57:29