Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2015 Airbus
00004 # Copyright 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA)
00005 #
00006 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00007 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00008 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009 #
00010 #
00011 #
00012 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00013 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00014 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00015 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00016 # limitations under the License.
00018 import sys
00020 # from qt_gui.main import Main as Base
00021 import os
00022 import rospy
00023 from rospkg.rospack import RosPack
00025 from rqt_gui.main import Main
00026 from rqt_gui.main import Base
00028 from argparse import ArgumentParser, SUPPRESS
00029 import platform
00030 import signal
00031 import sys
00033 from python_qt_binding.QtGui import *
00034 from python_qt_binding.QtCore import *
00036 from airbus_cobot_gui import Plugin
00038 class RqtGuiWrapperClass(Main):
00040     def __init__(self, filename=None, ros_pack=None):
00041         rp = ros_pack or RosPack()
00042         qtgui_path = rp.get_path('qt_gui')
00043         super(Main, self).__init__(qtgui_path, invoked_filename=filename, settings_filename='rqt_gui')
00044         self._ros_pack = rp
00046     def main(self, argv=None, standalone=None, plugin_argument_provider=None):
00047         if argv is None:
00048             argv = sys.argv
00050         # extract --args and everything behind manually since argparse can not handle that
00051         #arguments = argv[1:]
00052         arguments = []
00053         # extract plugin specific args when not being invoked in standalone mode programmatically
00054         if not standalone:
00055             plugin_args = []
00056             if '--args' in arguments:
00057                 index = arguments.index('--args')
00058                 plugin_args = arguments[index + 1:]
00059                 arguments = arguments[0:index + 1]
00061         parser = ArgumentParser(os.path.basename(Main.main_filename),
00062                                 add_help=False)
00063         self.add_arguments(parser, standalone=bool(standalone),
00064                            plugin_argument_provider=plugin_argument_provider)
00065         self._options = parser.parse_args(arguments)
00067         if standalone:
00068             # rerun parsing to separate common arguments from plugin specific arguments
00069             parser = ArgumentParser(os.path.basename(Main.main_filename),
00070                                     add_help=False)
00071             self.add_arguments(parser, standalone=bool(standalone))
00072             self._options, plugin_args = parser.parse_known_args(arguments)
00073         self._options.plugin_args = plugin_args
00075         # set default values for options not available in standalone mode
00076         if standalone:
00077             self._options.freeze_layout = False
00078             self._options.lock_perspective = False
00079             self._options.multi_process = False
00080             self._options.perspective = None
00081             self._options.perspective_file = None
00082             self._options.standalone_plugin = standalone
00083             self._options.list_perspectives = False
00084             self._options.list_plugins = False
00085             self._options.command_pid = None
00086             self._options.command_start_plugin = None
00087             self._options.command_switch_perspective = None
00088             self._options.embed_plugin = None
00089             self._options.embed_plugin_serial = None
00090             self._options.embed_plugin_address = None
00092         # check option dependencies
00093         try:
00094             if self._options.plugin_args and \
00095             not self._options.standalone_plugin and \
00096             not self._options.command_start_plugin and \
00097             not self._options.embed_plugin:
00098                 raise RuntimeError('Option --args can only be used together with either --standalone, --command-start-plugin or --embed-plugin option')
00100             if self._options.freeze_layout and \
00101                not self._options.lock_perspective:
00102                 raise RuntimeError('Option --freeze_layout can only be used together with the --lock_perspective option')
00104             list_options = (self._options.list_perspectives,
00105                             self._options.list_plugins)
00106             list_options_set = [opt for opt in list_options if opt is not False]
00107             if len(list_options_set) > 1:
00108                 raise RuntimeError('Only one --list-* option can be used at a time')
00110             command_options = (self._options.command_start_plugin,
00111                                self._options.command_switch_perspective)
00112             command_options_set = [opt for opt in command_options if opt is not None]
00113             if len(command_options_set) > 0 and not self._dbus_available:
00114                 raise RuntimeError('Without DBus support the --command-* options are not available')
00115             if len(command_options_set) > 1:
00116                 raise RuntimeError('Only one --command-* option can be used at a time (except --command-pid which is optional)')
00117             if len(command_options_set) == 0 and \
00118                self._options.command_pid is not None:
00119                 raise RuntimeError('Option --command_pid can only be used together with an other --command-* option')
00121             embed_options = (self._options.embed_plugin,
00122                              self._options.embed_plugin_serial,
00123                              self._options.embed_plugin_address)
00124             embed_options_set = [opt for opt in embed_options if opt is not None]
00125             if len(command_options_set) > 0 and not self._dbus_available:
00126                 raise RuntimeError('Without DBus support the --embed-* options are not available')
00127             if len(embed_options_set) > 0 and \
00128                len(embed_options_set) < len(embed_options):
00129                 raise RuntimeError('Missing option(s) - all \'--embed-*\' options must be set')
00131             if len(embed_options_set) > 0 and self._options.clear_config:
00132                 raise RuntimeError('Option --clear-config can only be used without any --embed-* option')
00134             groups = (list_options_set, command_options_set, embed_options_set)
00135             groups_set = [opt for opt in groups if len(opt) > 0]
00136             if len(groups_set) > 1:
00137                 raise RuntimeError('Options from different groups (--list, --command, --embed) can not be used together')
00139             perspective_options = (self._options.perspective,
00140                                    self._options.perspective_file)
00141             perspective_options_set = [opt for opt in perspective_options if opt is not None]
00142             if len(perspective_options_set) > 1:
00143                 raise RuntimeError('Only one --perspective-* option can be used at a time')
00145             if self._options.perspective_file is not None and \
00146                not os.path.isfile(self._options.perspective_file):
00147                 raise RuntimeError('Option --perspective-file must reference existing file')
00149         except RuntimeError as e:
00150             print(str(e))
00151             #parser.parse_args(['--help'])
00152             # calling --help will exit
00153             return 1
00155         # set implicit option dependencies
00156         if self._options.standalone_plugin is not None:
00157             self._options.lock_perspective = True
00159         # create application context containing various relevant information
00160         from qt_gui.application_context import ApplicationContext
00161         context = ApplicationContext()
00162         context.qtgui_path = self._qtgui_path
00163         context.options = self._options
00165         if self._dbus_available:
00166             from dbus import DBusException, Interface, SessionBus
00168         # non-special applications provide various dbus interfaces
00169         if self._dbus_available:
00170             context.provide_app_dbus_interfaces = len(groups_set) == 0
00171             context.dbus_base_bus_name = 'org.ros.qt_gui'
00172             if context.provide_app_dbus_interfaces:
00173                 context.dbus_unique_bus_name = context.dbus_base_bus_name + '.pid%d' % os.getpid()
00175                 # provide pid of application via dbus
00176                 from qt_gui.application_dbus_interface import ApplicationDBusInterface
00177                 _dbus_server = ApplicationDBusInterface(context.dbus_base_bus_name)
00179         # determine host bus name, either based on pid given on command line or via dbus application interface if any other instance is available
00180         if len(command_options_set) > 0 or len(embed_options_set) > 0:
00181             host_pid = None
00182             if self._options.command_pid is not None:
00183                 host_pid = self._options.command_pid
00184             else:
00185                 try:
00186                     remote_object = SessionBus().get_object(context.dbus_base_bus_name,
00187                                                             '/Application')
00188                 except DBusException:
00189                     pass
00190                 else:
00191                     remote_interface = Interface(remote_object,
00192                                                  context.dbus_base_bus_name + '.Application')
00193                     host_pid = remote_interface.get_pid()
00194             if host_pid is not None:
00195                 context.dbus_host_bus_name = context.dbus_base_bus_name + '.pid%d' % host_pid
00197         # execute command on host application instance
00198         if len(command_options_set) > 0:
00199             if self._options.command_start_plugin is not None:
00200                 try:
00201                     remote_object = SessionBus().get_object(context.dbus_host_bus_name,
00202                                                             '/PluginManager')
00203                 except DBusException:
00204                     (rc, msg) = (1, 
00205                                  'unable to communicate with GUI instance "%s"'
00206                                  % context.dbus_host_bus_name)
00207                 else:
00208                     remote_interface = Interface(remote_object,
00209                                                  context.dbus_base_bus_name + '.PluginManager')
00210                     (rc, msg) = remote_interface.start_plugin(self._options.command_start_plugin,
00211                                                               ' '.join(self._options.plugin_args))
00212                 if rc == 0:
00213                     print('qt_gui_main() started plugin "%s" in GUI "%s"'
00214                           %(msg, context.dbus_host_bus_name))
00215                 else:
00216                     print('qt_gui_main() could not start plugin "%s" in GUI "%s": %s'
00217                           %(self._options.command_start_plugin,
00218                             context.dbus_host_bus_name, msg))
00219                 return rc
00220             elif self._options.command_switch_perspective is not None:
00221                 remote_object = SessionBus().get_object(context.dbus_host_bus_name,
00222                                                         '/PerspectiveManager')
00223                 remote_interface = Interface(remote_object,
00224                                              context.dbus_base_bus_name+'.PerspectiveManager')
00225                 remote_interface.switch_perspective(self._options.command_switch_perspective)
00226                 print('qt_gui_main() switched to perspective "%s" in GUI "%s"'
00227                       %(self._options.command_switch_perspective,
00228                         context.dbus_host_bus_name))
00229                 return 0
00230             raise RuntimeError('Unknown command not handled')
00232         # choose selected or default qt binding
00233         setattr(sys, 'SELECT_QT_BINDING', self._options.qt_binding)
00234         from python_qt_binding import QT_BINDING
00236         from python_qt_binding.QtCore import qDebug, qInstallMsgHandler, \
00237                                              QSettings, Qt, QtCriticalMsg, \
00238                                              QtDebugMsg, QtFatalMsg, \
00239                                              QTimer, QtWarningMsg
00240         from python_qt_binding.QtGui import QAction, QIcon, QMenuBar
00242         from qt_gui.about_handler import AboutHandler
00243         from qt_gui.composite_plugin_provider import CompositePluginProvider
00244         from qt_gui.container_manager import ContainerManager
00245         from qt_gui.help_provider import HelpProvider
00246         from qt_gui.main_window import MainWindow
00247         from qt_gui.minimized_dock_widgets_toolbar import MinimizedDockWidgetsToolbar
00248         from qt_gui.perspective_manager import PerspectiveManager
00249         from qt_gui.plugin_manager import PluginManager
00251         def message_handler(type_, msg):
00252             colored_output = 'TERM' in os.environ and 'ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED' not in os.environ
00253             cyan_color = '\033[36m' if colored_output else ''
00254             red_color = '\033[31m' if colored_output else ''
00255             reset_color = '\033[0m' if colored_output else ''
00256             if type_ == QtDebugMsg and self._options.verbose:
00257                 print(msg, sys.stderr)
00258             elif type_ == QtWarningMsg:
00259                 print(cyan_color + msg + reset_color, sys.stderr)
00260             elif type_ == QtCriticalMsg:
00261                 print(red_color + msg + reset_color, sys.stderr)
00262             elif type_ == QtFatalMsg:
00263                 print(red_color + msg + reset_color, sys.stderr)
00264                 sys.exit(1)
00266         qInstallMsgHandler(message_handler)
00268         app = self.create_application(argv)
00270         self._check_icon_theme_compliance()
00272         settings = QSettings(QSettings.IniFormat,
00273                              QSettings.UserScope,
00274                              '',
00275                              self._settings_filename)
00276         if len(embed_options_set) == 0:
00277             if self._options.clear_config:
00278                 settings.clear()
00280             main_window = MainWindow()
00282             if self._options.on_top:
00283                 main_window.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
00285             main_window.statusBar()
00287             def sigint_handler(*args):
00288                 qDebug('\nsigint_handler()')
00289                 main_window.close()
00290             signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)
00291             # the timer enables triggering the sigint_handler
00292             timer = QTimer()
00293             timer.start(500)
00294             timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None)
00296             # create own menu bar to share one menu bar on Mac
00297             menu_bar = QMenuBar()
00298             if 'darwin' in platform.platform().lower():
00299                 menu_bar.setNativeMenuBar(True)
00300             else:
00301                 menu_bar.setNativeMenuBar(False)
00302             if not self._options.lock_perspective:
00303                 main_window.setMenuBar(menu_bar)
00305             file_menu = menu_bar.addMenu('File'))
00306             action = QAction('Quit'), file_menu)
00307             action.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('application-exit'))
00308             action.triggered.connect(main_window.close)
00309             file_menu.addAction(action)
00311         else:
00312             app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False)
00314             main_window = None
00315             menu_bar = None
00317         self._add_plugin_providers()
00319         # setup plugin manager
00320         plugin_provider = CompositePluginProvider(self.plugin_providers)
00321         plugin_manager = PluginManager(plugin_provider, settings, context)
00323         if self._options.list_plugins:
00324             # output available plugins
00325             print('\n'.join(sorted(plugin_manager.get_plugins().values())))
00326             return 0
00328         help_provider = HelpProvider()
00329         plugin_manager.plugin_help_signal.connect(help_provider.plugin_help_request)
00331         # setup perspective manager
00332         if main_window is not None:
00333             perspective_manager = PerspectiveManager(settings, context)
00335             if self._options.list_perspectives:
00336                 # output available perspectives
00337                 print('\n'.join(sorted(perspective_manager.perspectives)))
00338                 return 0
00339         else:
00340             perspective_manager = None
00342         if main_window is not None:
00343             container_manager = ContainerManager(main_window, plugin_manager)
00344             plugin_manager.set_main_window(main_window, menu_bar, container_manager)
00346             if not self._options.freeze_layout:
00347                 minimized_dock_widgets_toolbar = MinimizedDockWidgetsToolbar(container_manager, main_window)
00348                 main_window.addToolBar(Qt.BottomToolBarArea, minimized_dock_widgets_toolbar)
00349                 plugin_manager.set_minimized_dock_widgets_toolbar(minimized_dock_widgets_toolbar)
00351         if menu_bar is not None:
00352             perspective_menu = menu_bar.addMenu('P&erspectives'))
00353             perspective_manager.set_menu(perspective_menu)
00356         # connect various signals and slots
00357         if perspective_manager is not None and main_window is not None:
00358             # signal changed perspective to update window title
00359             perspective_manager.perspective_changed_signal.connect(main_window.perspective_changed)
00360             # signal new settings due to changed perspective
00361             perspective_manager.save_settings_signal.connect(main_window.save_settings)
00362             perspective_manager.restore_settings_signal.connect(main_window.restore_settings)
00363             perspective_manager.restore_settings_without_plugin_changes_signal.connect(main_window.restore_settings)
00365         if perspective_manager is not None and plugin_manager is not None:
00366             perspective_manager.save_settings_signal.connect(plugin_manager.save_settings)
00367             plugin_manager.save_settings_completed_signal.connect(perspective_manager.save_settings_completed)
00368             perspective_manager.restore_settings_signal.connect(plugin_manager.restore_settings)
00369             perspective_manager.restore_settings_without_plugin_changes_signal.connect(plugin_manager.restore_settings_without_plugins)
00371         if plugin_manager is not None and main_window is not None:
00372             # signal before changing plugins to save window state
00373             plugin_manager.plugins_about_to_change_signal.connect(main_window.save_setup)
00374             # signal changed plugins to restore window state
00375             plugin_manager.plugins_changed_signal.connect(main_window.restore_state)
00376             # signal save settings to store plugin setup on close
00377             main_window.save_settings_before_close_signal.connect(plugin_manager.close_application)
00378             # signal save and shutdown called for all plugins, trigger closing main window again
00379             plugin_manager.close_application_signal.connect(main_window.close,
00380                                                             type=Qt.QueuedConnection)
00382         if main_window is not None and menu_bar is not None:
00383             about_handler = AboutHandler(context.qtgui_path, main_window)
00384             help_menu = menu_bar.addMenu('Help'))
00385             action = QAction('About'), help_menu)
00386             action.setIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('help-about'))
00387             action.triggered.connect(
00388             help_menu.addAction(action)
00390         # set initial size - only used without saved configuration
00391         if main_window is not None:
00392             main_window.resize(600, 450)
00393             main_window.move(100, 100)
00395         # ensure that qt_gui/src is in sys.path
00396         src_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
00397         if src_path not in sys.path:
00398             sys.path.append(src_path)
00400         # load specific plugin
00401         plugin = None
00402         plugin_serial = None
00403         if self._options.embed_plugin is not None:
00404             plugin = self._options.embed_plugin
00405             plugin_serial = self._options.embed_plugin_serial
00406         elif self._options.standalone_plugin is not None:
00407             plugin = self._options.standalone_plugin
00408             plugin_serial = 0
00409         if plugin is not None:
00410             plugins = plugin_manager.find_plugins_by_name(plugin)
00411             if len(plugins) == 0:
00412                 print('qt_gui_main() found no plugin matching "%s"' % plugin)
00413                 return 1
00414             elif len(plugins) > 1:
00415                 print('qt_gui_main() found multiple plugins matching "%s"\n%s'
00416                       %(plugin, '\n'.join(plugins.values())))
00417                 return 1
00418             plugin = plugins.keys()[0]
00420         qDebug('QtBindingHelper using %s' % QT_BINDING)
00424         if self._options.reload_import:
00425             qDebug('ReloadImporter() automatically reload all subsequent imports')
00426             from .reload_importer import ReloadImporter
00427             _reload_importer = ReloadImporter()
00428             self._add_reload_paths(_reload_importer)
00429             _reload_importer.enable()
00431         # switch perspective
00432         if perspective_manager is not None:
00433             if plugin:
00434                 perspective_manager.set_perspective(plugin,
00435                                                     hide_and_without_plugin_changes=True)
00436             elif self._options.perspective_file:
00437                 perspective_manager.import_perspective_from_file(self._options.perspective_file,
00438                                                                  perspective_manager.HIDDEN_PREFIX + '__cli_perspective_from_file')
00439             else:
00440                 perspective_manager.set_perspective(self._options.perspective)
00442         # load specific plugin
00443         if plugin:
00444             plugin_manager.load_plugin(plugin, plugin_serial,
00445                                        self._options.plugin_args)
00446             running = plugin_manager.is_plugin_running(plugin, plugin_serial)
00447             if not running:
00448                 return 1
00450         return main_window
00452     def create_application(self, argv):
00453         pass
00455     def _add_plugin_providers(self):
00456         # do not import earlier as it would import Qt stuff without the proper initialization from qt_gui.main
00457         from qt_gui.recursive_plugin_provider import RecursivePluginProvider
00458         from rqt_gui.rospkg_plugin_provider import RospkgPluginProvider
00459         RospkgPluginProvider.rospack = self._ros_pack
00460         self.plugin_providers.append(RospkgPluginProvider('qt_gui',
00461                                                           'qt_gui_py::Plugin'))
00462         self.plugin_providers.append(RecursivePluginProvider(RospkgPluginProvider('qt_gui',
00463                                                                                   'qt_gui_py::PluginProvider')))
00464         self.plugin_providers.append(RecursivePluginProvider(RospkgPluginProvider('rqt_gui',
00465                                                                                   'rqt_gui_py::PluginProvider')))
00467     def _add_reload_paths(self, reload_importer):
00468         super(Main, self)._add_reload_paths(reload_importer)
00469         reload_importer.add_reload_path(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
00470                                                      *('..',) * 4))
00472 class PluginRqt(Plugin):
00474     def __init__(self, context):
00475         Plugin.__init__(self, context)
00477         self._wrapper_rqt = None
00479     def onCreate(self, param):
00481         layout = QGridLayout(self)
00482         layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
00484         self._wrapper_rqt = RqtGuiWrapperClass()
00486         layout.addWidget(self._wrapper_rqt.main(), 0, 0, 0, 0)
00488     def onPause(self):
00489         pass
00491     def onResume(self):
00492         pass
00494     def onControlModeChanged(self, mode):
00495         pass
00497     def onUserChanged(self, user_info):
00498         pass
00500     def onTranslate(self, lng):
00501         pass
00503     def onEmergencyStop(self, state):
00504         pass
00506     def onDestroy(self):
00507         pass
00510 #End of file

Author(s): Matignon Martin
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 17:59:24