Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2015 Airbus
00004 # Copyright 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA)
00005 #
00006 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00007 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00008 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009 #
00010 #
00011 #
00012 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00013 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00014 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00015 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00016 # limitations under the License.
00019 class Attrib:
00020     id   = 'id'
00021     type = 'type'
00022     href = 'href'
00024 class Metadata:
00025     head   = "head"
00026     title  = "title"
00027     base   = "base"
00028     link   = "link"
00029     meta   = "meta"
00030     style  = "style"
00032 class Sections:
00033     body     = "body"
00034     article  = "article"
00035     section  = "section"
00036     nav      = "nav"
00037     aside    = "aside"
00038     h1       = "h1"
00039     h2       = "h2"
00040     h3       = "h3"
00041     h4       = "h4"
00042     h5       = "h5"
00043     h6       = "h6"
00044     header   = "header"
00045     footer   = "footer"
00046     address  = "address"
00048 class Grouping:
00049     p           = "p"
00050     pre         = "pre"
00051     blockquote  = "blockquote"
00052     ol          = "ol"
00053     ul          = "ul"
00054     li          = "li"
00055     dl          = "dl"
00056     dt          = "dt"
00057     dd          = "dd"
00058     figure      = "figure"
00059     figcaption  = "figcaption"
00060     div         = "div"
00061     main        = "main"
00062     hr          = "hr"
00064 class Text:
00065     a      = "a"
00066     em     = "em"
00067     strong = "strong"
00068     cite   = "cite"
00069     q      = "q"
00070     dfn    = "dfn"
00071     abbr   = "abbr"
00072     data   = "data"
00073     time   = "time"
00074     code   = "code"
00075     var    = "var"
00076     samp   = "samp"
00077     kbd    = "kbd"
00078     mark   = "mark"
00079     ruby   = "ruby"
00080     rb     = "rb"
00081     rt     = "rt"
00082     rp     = "rp"
00083     rtc    = "rtc"
00084     bdi    = "bdi"
00085     bdo    = "bdo"
00086     span   = "span"
00087     br     = "br"
00088     wbr    = "wbr"
00089     small  = "small"
00090     i      = "i"
00091     b      = "b"
00092     u      = "u"
00093     s      = "s"
00094     sub    = "sub"
00095     sup    = "sup"
00097 class Edits:
00098     ins    = "ins"
00099     delete = "delete" 
00101 class EmbeddedContent:
00102     img    = "img"
00103     embed  = "embed"
00104     object = "object"
00105     param  = "param"
00106     video  = "video"
00107     audio  = "audio"
00108     source = "source"
00109     track  = "track"
00110     map    = "map"
00111     area   = "area"
00112     iframe = "iframe"
00114 class Tables:
00115     table    = "table"
00116     tr       = "tr"
00117     td       = "td"
00118     th       = "th"
00119     caption  = "caption"
00120     tbody    = "tbody"
00121     thead    = "thead"
00122     tfoot    = "tfoot"
00123     colgroup = "colgroup"
00124     col      = "col"
00126 class Forms:
00127     form     = "form"
00128     input    = "input"
00129     textarea = "textarea"
00130     select   = "select"
00131     option   = "option"
00132     optgroup = "optgroup"
00133     datalist = "datalist"
00134     label    = "label"
00135     fieldset = "fieldset"
00136     legend   = "legend"
00137     button   = "button"
00138     output   = "output"
00139     progress = "progress"
00140     meter    = "meter"
00141     keygen   = "keygen"
00143 class Scripting:
00144     script   = "script"
00145     noscript = "noscript"
00146     template = "template"
00147     canvas   = "canvas"
00149 from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
00150 from xml.etree.ElementTree import tostring
00151 from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
00153 HtmlElementTree = ET.ElementTree
00154 HtmlElement = ET.Element
00156 def indent(elem, level=0):
00158     i = "\n" + level*"  "
00159     if len(elem):
00160         if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
00161             elem.text = i + "  "
00162         if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
00163             elem.tail = i
00164         for elem in elem:
00165             indent(elem, level+1)
00166         if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
00167             elem.tail = i
00168     else:
00169         if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
00170             elem.tail = i
00172 def loadHtml(htmlfile):
00173     f = parse(htmlfile)
00174     return f.getroot()
00176 class HTMLException(HtmlElement):
00177     def __init__(self, ex, parent=None):
00178         HtmlElement.__init__(self, Grouping.p, attrib={"id":"exception"})
00179         self.text = str(ex)
00181         if parent is not None:
00182             parent.append(self)

Author(s): Matignon Martin
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 17:59:08