Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2015 Airbus
00004 # Copyright 2017 Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA)
00005 #
00006 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00007 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00008 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009 #
00010 #
00011 #
00012 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00013 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00014 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00015 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00016 # limitations under the License.
00018 class RgbColor:
00020     AliceBlue      = "\"#F0F8FF\""
00021     AntiqueWhite      = "\"#FAEBD7\""
00022     Aqua      = "\"#00FFFF\""
00023     Aquamarine      = "\"#7FFFD4\""
00024     Azure      = "\"#F0FFFF\""
00025     Beige      = "\"#F5F5DC\""
00026     Bisque      = "\"#FFE4C4\""
00027     Black      = "\"#000000\""
00028     BlanchedAlmond      = "\"#FFEBCD\""
00029     Blue      = "\"#0000FF\""
00030     BlueViolet      = "\"#8A2BE2\""
00031     Brown      = "\"#A52A2A\""
00032     BurlyWood      = "\"#DEB887\""
00033     CadetBlue      = "\"#5F9EA0\""
00034     Chartreuse      = "\"#7FFF00\""
00035     Chocolate      = "\"#D2691E\""
00036     Coral      = "\"#FF7F50\""
00037     CornflowerBlue      = "\"#6495ED\""
00038     Cornsilk      = "\"#FFF8DC\""
00039     Crimson      = "\"#DC143C\""
00040     Cyan      = "\"#00FFFF\""
00041     DarkBlue      = "\"#00008B\""
00042     DarkCyan      = "\"#008B8B\""
00043     DarkGoldenRod      = "\"#B8860B\""
00044     DarkGray      = "\"#A9A9A9\""
00045     DarkGreen      = "\"#006400\""
00046     DarkKhaki      = "\"#BDB76B\""
00047     DarkMagenta      = "\"#8B008B\""
00048     DarkOliveGreen      = "\"#556B2F\""
00049     DarkOrange      = "\"#FF8C00\""
00050     DarkOrchid      = "\"#9932CC\""
00051     DarkRed      = "\"#8B0000\""
00052     DarkSalmon      = "\"#E9967A\""
00053     DarkSeaGreen      = "\"#8FBC8F\""
00054     DarkSlateBlue      = "\"#483D8B\""
00055     DarkSlateGray      = "\"#2F4F4F\""
00056     DarkTurquoise      = "\"#00CED1\""
00057     DarkViolet      = "\"#9400D3\""
00058     DeepPink      = "\"#FF1493\""
00059     DeepSkyBlue      = "\"#00BFFF\""
00060     DimGray      = "\"#696969\""
00061     DodgerBlue      = "\"#1E90FF\""
00062     FireBrick      = "\"#B22222\""
00063     FloralWhite      = "\"#FFFAF0\""
00064     ForestGreen      = "\"#228B22\""
00065     Fuchsia      = "\"#FF00FF\""
00066     Gainsboro      = "\"#DCDCDC\""
00067     GhostWhite      = "\"#F8F8FF\""
00068     Gold      = "\"#FFD700\""
00069     GoldenRod      = "\"#DAA520\""
00070     Gray      = "\"#808080\""
00071     Green      = "\"#008000\""
00072     GreenYellow      = "\"#ADFF2F\""
00073     HoneyDew      = "\"#F0FFF0\""
00074     HotPink      = "\"#FF69B4\""
00075     IndianRed       = "\"#CD5C5C\""
00076     Indigo       = "\"#4B0082\""
00077     Ivory      = "\"#FFFFF0\""
00078     Khaki      = "\"#F0E68C\""
00079     Lavender      = "\"#E6E6FA\""
00080     LavenderBlush      = "\"#FFF0F5\""
00081     LawnGreen      = "\"#7CFC00\""
00082     LemonChiffon      = "\"#FFFACD\""
00083     LightBlue      = "\"#ADD8E6\""
00084     LightCoral      = "\"#F08080\""
00085     LightCyan      = "\"#E0FFFF\""
00086     LightGoldenRodYellow      = "\"#FAFAD2\""
00087     LightGray      = "\"#D3D3D3\""
00088     LightGreen      = "\"#90EE90\""
00089     LightPink      = "\"#FFB6C1\""
00090     LightSalmon      = "\"#FFA07A\""
00091     LightSeaGreen      = "\"#20B2AA\""
00092     LightSkyBlue      = "\"#87CEFA\""
00093     LightSlateGray      = "\"#778899\""
00094     LightSteelBlue      = "\"#B0C4DE\""
00095     LightYellow      = "\"#FFFFE0\""
00096     Lime      = "\"#00FF00\""
00097     LimeGreen      = "\"#32CD32\""
00098     Linen      = "\"#FAF0E6\""
00099     Magenta      = "\"#FF00FF\""
00100     Maroon      = "\"#800000\""
00101     MediumAquaMarine      = "\"#66CDAA\""
00102     MediumBlue      = "\"#0000CD\""
00103     MediumOrchid      = "\"#BA55D3\""
00104     MediumPurple      = "\"#9370DB\""
00105     MediumSeaGreen      = "\"#3CB371\""
00106     MediumSlateBlue      = "\"#7B68EE\""
00107     MediumSpringGreen      = "\"#00FA9A\""
00108     MediumTurquoise      = "\"#48D1CC\""
00109     MediumVioletRed      = "\"#C71585\""
00110     MidnightBlue      = "\"#191970\""
00111     MintCream      = "\"#F5FFFA\""
00112     MistyRose      = "\"#FFE4E1\""
00113     Moccasin      = "\"#FFE4B5\""
00114     NavajoWhite      = "\"#FFDEAD\""
00115     Navy      = "\"#000080\""
00116     OldLace      = "\"#FDF5E6\""
00117     Olive      = "\"#808000\""
00118     OliveDrab      = "\"#6B8E23\""
00119     Orange      = "\"#FFA500\""
00120     OrangeRed      = "\"#FF4500\""
00121     Orchid      = "\"#DA70D6\""
00122     PaleGoldenRod      = "\"#EEE8AA\""
00123     PaleGreen      = "\"#98FB98\""
00124     PaleTurquoise      = "\"#AFEEEE\""
00125     PaleVioletRed      = "\"#DB7093\""
00126     PapayaWhip      = "\"#FFEFD5\""
00127     PeachPuff      = "\"#FFDAB9\""
00128     Peru      = "\"#CD853F\""
00129     Pink      = "\"#FFC0CB\""
00130     Plum      = "\"#DDA0DD\""
00131     PowderBlue      = "\"#B0E0E6\""
00132     Purple      = "\"#800080\""
00133     RebeccaPurple      = "\"#663399\""
00134     Red      = "\"#FF0000\""
00135     RosyBrown      = "\"#BC8F8F\""
00136     RoyalBlue      = "\"#4169E1\""
00137     SaddleBrown      = "\"#8B4513\""
00138     Salmon      = "\"#FA8072\""
00139     SandyBrown      = "\"#F4A460\""
00140     SeaGreen      = "\"#2E8B57\""
00141     SeaShell      = "\"#FFF5EE\""
00142     Sienna      = "\"#A0522D\""
00143     Silver      = "\"#C0C0C0\""
00144     SkyBlue      = "\"#87CEEB\""
00145     SlateBlue      = "\"#6A5ACD\""
00146     SlateGray      = "\"#708090\""
00147     Snow      = "\"#FFFAFA\""
00148     SpringGreen      = "\"#00FF7F\""
00149     SteelBlue      = "\"#4682B4\""
00150     Tan      = "\"#D2B48C\""
00151     Teal      = "\"#008080\""
00152     Thistle      = "\"#D8BFD8\""
00153     Tomato      = "\"#FF6347\""
00154     Turquoise      = "\"#40E0D0\""
00155     Violet      = "\"#EE82EE\""
00156     Wheat      = "\"#F5DEB3\""
00157     White      = "\"#FFFFFF\""
00158     WhiteSmoke      = "\"#F5F5F5\""
00159     Yellow      = "\"#FFFF00\""
00160     YellowGreen      = "\"#9ACD32\""

Author(s): Matignon Martin
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 17:59:08