Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright 2018 The Abseil Authors.
00002 //
00003 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00004 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00005 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
00006 //
00007 //
00008 //
00009 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00010 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00011 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00012 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00013 // limitations under the License.
00018 #include <algorithm>
00019 #include <unordered_set>
00020 #include <vector>
00022 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
00023 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
00024 #include "absl/container/internal/hash_generator_testing.h"
00025 #include "absl/container/internal/hash_policy_testing.h"
00026 #include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
00028 namespace absl {
00029 namespace container_internal {
00031 template <class UnordMap>
00032 class ConstructorTest : public ::testing::Test {};
00034 TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(ConstructorTest);
00036 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, NoArgs) {
00037   TypeParam m;
00038   EXPECT_TRUE(m.empty());
00039   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre());
00040 }
00042 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, BucketCount) {
00043   TypeParam m(123);
00044   EXPECT_TRUE(m.empty());
00045   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre());
00046   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00047 }
00049 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, BucketCountHash) {
00050   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00051   H hasher;
00052   TypeParam m(123, hasher);
00053   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), hasher);
00054   EXPECT_TRUE(m.empty());
00055   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre());
00056   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00057 }
00059 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, BucketCountHashEqual) {
00060   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00061   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00062   H hasher;
00063   E equal;
00064   TypeParam m(123, hasher, equal);
00065   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), hasher);
00066   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), equal);
00067   EXPECT_TRUE(m.empty());
00068   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre());
00069   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00070 }
00072 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, BucketCountHashEqualAlloc) {
00073   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00074   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00075   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00076   H hasher;
00077   E equal;
00078   A alloc(0);
00079   TypeParam m(123, hasher, equal, alloc);
00080   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), hasher);
00081   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), equal);
00082   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00083   EXPECT_TRUE(m.empty());
00084   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre());
00085   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00087   const auto& cm = m;
00088   EXPECT_EQ(cm.hash_function(), hasher);
00089   EXPECT_EQ(cm.key_eq(), equal);
00090   EXPECT_EQ(cm.get_allocator(), alloc);
00091   EXPECT_TRUE(cm.empty());
00092   EXPECT_THAT(keys(cm), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre());
00093   EXPECT_GE(cm.bucket_count(), 123);
00094 }
00096 template <typename T>
00097 struct is_std_unordered_set : std::false_type {};
00099 template <typename... T>
00100 struct is_std_unordered_set<std::unordered_set<T...>> : std::true_type {};
00102 #if defined(UNORDERED_SET_CXX14) || defined(UNORDERED_SET_CXX17)
00103 using has_cxx14_std_apis = std::true_type;
00104 #else
00105 using has_cxx14_std_apis = std::false_type;
00106 #endif
00108 template <typename T>
00109 using expect_cxx14_apis =
00110     absl::disjunction<absl::negation<is_std_unordered_set<T>>,
00111                       has_cxx14_std_apis>;
00113 template <typename TypeParam>
00114 void BucketCountAllocTest(std::false_type) {}
00116 template <typename TypeParam>
00117 void BucketCountAllocTest(std::true_type) {
00118   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00119   A alloc(0);
00120   TypeParam m(123, alloc);
00121   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00122   EXPECT_TRUE(m.empty());
00123   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre());
00124   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00125 }
00127 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, BucketCountAlloc) {
00128   BucketCountAllocTest<TypeParam>(expect_cxx14_apis<TypeParam>());
00129 }
00131 template <typename TypeParam>
00132 void BucketCountHashAllocTest(std::false_type) {}
00134 template <typename TypeParam>
00135 void BucketCountHashAllocTest(std::true_type) {
00136   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00137   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00138   H hasher;
00139   A alloc(0);
00140   TypeParam m(123, hasher, alloc);
00141   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), hasher);
00142   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00143   EXPECT_TRUE(m.empty());
00144   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre());
00145   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00146 }
00148 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, BucketCountHashAlloc) {
00149   BucketCountHashAllocTest<TypeParam>(expect_cxx14_apis<TypeParam>());
00150 }
00153 using has_alloc_std_constructors = std::true_type;
00154 #else
00155 using has_alloc_std_constructors = std::false_type;
00156 #endif
00158 template <typename T>
00159 using expect_alloc_constructors =
00160     absl::disjunction<absl::negation<is_std_unordered_set<T>>,
00161                       has_alloc_std_constructors>;
00163 template <typename TypeParam>
00164 void AllocTest(std::false_type) {}
00166 template <typename TypeParam>
00167 void AllocTest(std::true_type) {
00168   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00169   A alloc(0);
00170   TypeParam m(alloc);
00171   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00172   EXPECT_TRUE(m.empty());
00173   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre());
00174 }
00176 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, Alloc) {
00177   AllocTest<TypeParam>(expect_alloc_constructors<TypeParam>());
00178 }
00180 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, InputIteratorBucketHashEqualAlloc) {
00181   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00182   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00183   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00184   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00185   H hasher;
00186   E equal;
00187   A alloc(0);
00188   std::vector<T> values;
00189   for (size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
00190     values.push_back(hash_internal::Generator<T>()());
00191   TypeParam m(values.begin(), values.end(), 123, hasher, equal, alloc);
00192   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), hasher);
00193   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), equal);
00194   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00195   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(values));
00196   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00197 }
00199 template <typename TypeParam>
00200 void InputIteratorBucketAllocTest(std::false_type) {}
00202 template <typename TypeParam>
00203 void InputIteratorBucketAllocTest(std::true_type) {
00204   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00205   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00206   A alloc(0);
00207   std::vector<T> values;
00208   for (size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
00209     values.push_back(hash_internal::Generator<T>()());
00210   TypeParam m(values.begin(), values.end(), 123, alloc);
00211   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00212   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(values));
00213   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00214 }
00216 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, InputIteratorBucketAlloc) {
00217   InputIteratorBucketAllocTest<TypeParam>(expect_cxx14_apis<TypeParam>());
00218 }
00220 template <typename TypeParam>
00221 void InputIteratorBucketHashAllocTest(std::false_type) {}
00223 template <typename TypeParam>
00224 void InputIteratorBucketHashAllocTest(std::true_type) {
00225   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00226   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00227   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00228   H hasher;
00229   A alloc(0);
00230   std::vector<T> values;
00231   for (size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
00232     values.push_back(hash_internal::Generator<T>()());
00233   TypeParam m(values.begin(), values.end(), 123, hasher, alloc);
00234   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), hasher);
00235   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00236   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(values));
00237   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00238 }
00240 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, InputIteratorBucketHashAlloc) {
00241   InputIteratorBucketHashAllocTest<TypeParam>(expect_cxx14_apis<TypeParam>());
00242 }
00244 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, CopyConstructor) {
00245   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00246   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00247   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00248   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00249   H hasher;
00250   E equal;
00251   A alloc(0);
00252   TypeParam m(123, hasher, equal, alloc);
00253   for (size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i) m.insert(hash_internal::Generator<T>()());
00254   TypeParam n(m);
00255   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), n.hash_function());
00256   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), n.key_eq());
00257   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), n.get_allocator());
00258   EXPECT_EQ(m, n);
00259   EXPECT_NE(TypeParam(0, hasher, equal, alloc), n);
00260 }
00262 template <typename TypeParam>
00263 void CopyConstructorAllocTest(std::false_type) {}
00265 template <typename TypeParam>
00266 void CopyConstructorAllocTest(std::true_type) {
00267   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00268   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00269   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00270   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00271   H hasher;
00272   E equal;
00273   A alloc(0);
00274   TypeParam m(123, hasher, equal, alloc);
00275   for (size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i) m.insert(hash_internal::Generator<T>()());
00276   TypeParam n(m, A(11));
00277   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), n.hash_function());
00278   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), n.key_eq());
00279   EXPECT_NE(m.get_allocator(), n.get_allocator());
00280   EXPECT_EQ(m, n);
00281 }
00283 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, CopyConstructorAlloc) {
00284   CopyConstructorAllocTest<TypeParam>(expect_alloc_constructors<TypeParam>());
00285 }
00287 // TODO(alkis): Test non-propagating allocators on copy constructors.
00289 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, MoveConstructor) {
00290   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00291   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00292   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00293   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00294   H hasher;
00295   E equal;
00296   A alloc(0);
00297   TypeParam m(123, hasher, equal, alloc);
00298   for (size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i) m.insert(hash_internal::Generator<T>()());
00299   TypeParam t(m);
00300   TypeParam n(std::move(t));
00301   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), n.hash_function());
00302   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), n.key_eq());
00303   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), n.get_allocator());
00304   EXPECT_EQ(m, n);
00305 }
00307 template <typename TypeParam>
00308 void MoveConstructorAllocTest(std::false_type) {}
00310 template <typename TypeParam>
00311 void MoveConstructorAllocTest(std::true_type) {
00312   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00313   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00314   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00315   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00316   H hasher;
00317   E equal;
00318   A alloc(0);
00319   TypeParam m(123, hasher, equal, alloc);
00320   for (size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i) m.insert(hash_internal::Generator<T>()());
00321   TypeParam t(m);
00322   TypeParam n(std::move(t), A(1));
00323   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), n.hash_function());
00324   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), n.key_eq());
00325   EXPECT_NE(m.get_allocator(), n.get_allocator());
00326   EXPECT_EQ(m, n);
00327 }
00329 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, MoveConstructorAlloc) {
00330   MoveConstructorAllocTest<TypeParam>(expect_alloc_constructors<TypeParam>());
00331 }
00333 // TODO(alkis): Test non-propagating allocators on move constructors.
00335 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, InitializerListBucketHashEqualAlloc) {
00336   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00337   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00338   std::initializer_list<T> values = {gen(), gen(), gen(), gen(), gen()};
00339   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00340   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00341   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00342   H hasher;
00343   E equal;
00344   A alloc(0);
00345   TypeParam m(values, 123, hasher, equal, alloc);
00346   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), hasher);
00347   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), equal);
00348   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00349   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(values));
00350   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00351 }
00353 template <typename TypeParam>
00354 void InitializerListBucketAllocTest(std::false_type) {}
00356 template <typename TypeParam>
00357 void InitializerListBucketAllocTest(std::true_type) {
00358   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00359   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00360   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00361   std::initializer_list<T> values = {gen(), gen(), gen(), gen(), gen()};
00362   A alloc(0);
00363   TypeParam m(values, 123, alloc);
00364   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00365   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(values));
00366   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00367 }
00369 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, InitializerListBucketAlloc) {
00370   InitializerListBucketAllocTest<TypeParam>(expect_cxx14_apis<TypeParam>());
00371 }
00373 template <typename TypeParam>
00374 void InitializerListBucketHashAllocTest(std::false_type) {}
00376 template <typename TypeParam>
00377 void InitializerListBucketHashAllocTest(std::true_type) {
00378   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00379   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00380   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00381   H hasher;
00382   A alloc(0);
00383   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00384   std::initializer_list<T> values = {gen(), gen(), gen(), gen(), gen()};
00385   TypeParam m(values, 123, hasher, alloc);
00386   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), hasher);
00387   EXPECT_EQ(m.get_allocator(), alloc);
00388   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(values));
00389   EXPECT_GE(m.bucket_count(), 123);
00390 }
00392 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, InitializerListBucketHashAlloc) {
00393   InitializerListBucketHashAllocTest<TypeParam>(expect_cxx14_apis<TypeParam>());
00394 }
00396 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, CopyAssignment) {
00397   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00398   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00399   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00400   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00401   H hasher;
00402   E equal;
00403   A alloc(0);
00404   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00405   TypeParam m({gen(), gen(), gen()}, 123, hasher, equal, alloc);
00406   TypeParam n;
00407   n = m;
00408   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), n.hash_function());
00409   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), n.key_eq());
00410   EXPECT_EQ(m, n);
00411 }
00413 // TODO(alkis): Test [non-]propagating allocators on move/copy assignments
00414 // (it depends on traits).
00416 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, MoveAssignment) {
00417   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00418   using H = typename TypeParam::hasher;
00419   using E = typename TypeParam::key_equal;
00420   using A = typename TypeParam::allocator_type;
00421   H hasher;
00422   E equal;
00423   A alloc(0);
00424   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00425   TypeParam m({gen(), gen(), gen()}, 123, hasher, equal, alloc);
00426   TypeParam t(m);
00427   TypeParam n;
00428   n = std::move(t);
00429   EXPECT_EQ(m.hash_function(), n.hash_function());
00430   EXPECT_EQ(m.key_eq(), n.key_eq());
00431   EXPECT_EQ(m, n);
00432 }
00434 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, AssignmentFromInitializerList) {
00435   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00436   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00437   std::initializer_list<T> values = {gen(), gen(), gen(), gen(), gen()};
00438   TypeParam m;
00439   m = values;
00440   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(values));
00441 }
00443 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, AssignmentOverwritesExisting) {
00444   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00445   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00446   TypeParam m({gen(), gen(), gen()});
00447   TypeParam n({gen()});
00448   n = m;
00449   EXPECT_EQ(m, n);
00450 }
00452 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, MoveAssignmentOverwritesExisting) {
00453   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00454   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00455   TypeParam m({gen(), gen(), gen()});
00456   TypeParam t(m);
00457   TypeParam n({gen()});
00458   n = std::move(t);
00459   EXPECT_EQ(m, n);
00460 }
00462 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, AssignmentFromInitializerListOverwritesExisting) {
00463   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00464   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00465   std::initializer_list<T> values = {gen(), gen(), gen(), gen(), gen()};
00466   TypeParam m;
00467   m = values;
00468   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(values));
00469 }
00471 TYPED_TEST_P(ConstructorTest, AssignmentOnSelf) {
00472   using T = hash_internal::GeneratedType<TypeParam>;
00473   hash_internal::Generator<T> gen;
00474   std::initializer_list<T> values = {gen(), gen(), gen(), gen(), gen()};
00475   TypeParam m(values);
00476   m = *&m;  // Avoid -Wself-assign.
00477   EXPECT_THAT(keys(m), ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(values));
00478 }
00481     ConstructorTest, NoArgs, BucketCount, BucketCountHash, BucketCountHashEqual,
00482     BucketCountHashEqualAlloc, BucketCountAlloc, BucketCountHashAlloc, Alloc,
00483     InputIteratorBucketHashEqualAlloc, InputIteratorBucketAlloc,
00484     InputIteratorBucketHashAlloc, CopyConstructor, CopyConstructorAlloc,
00485     MoveConstructor, MoveConstructorAlloc, InitializerListBucketHashEqualAlloc,
00486     InitializerListBucketAlloc, InitializerListBucketHashAlloc, CopyAssignment,
00487     MoveAssignment, AssignmentFromInitializerList, AssignmentOverwritesExisting,
00488     MoveAssignmentOverwritesExisting,
00489     AssignmentFromInitializerListOverwritesExisting, AssignmentOnSelf);
00491 }  // namespace container_internal
00492 }  // namespace absl

autogenerated on Wed Jun 19 2019 19:42:16