Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
00002 //
00003 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00004 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00005 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
00006 //
00007 //      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00008 //
00009 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00010 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00011 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00012 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00013 // limitations under the License.
00014 //
00015 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00016 // optional.h
00017 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00018 //
00019 // This header file defines the `absl::optional` type for holding a value which
00020 // may or may not be present. This type is useful for providing value semantics
00021 // for operations that may either wish to return or hold "something-or-nothing".
00022 //
00023 // Example:
00024 //
00025 //   // A common way to signal operation failure is to provide an output
00026 //   // parameter and a bool return type:
00027 //   bool AcquireResource(const Input&, Resource * out);
00028 //
00029 //   // Providing an absl::optional return type provides a cleaner API:
00030 //   absl::optional<Resource> AcquireResource(const Input&);
00031 //
00032 // `absl::optional` is a C++11 compatible version of the C++17 `std::optional`
00033 // abstraction and is designed to be a drop-in replacement for code compliant
00034 // with C++17.
00035 #ifndef ABSL_TYPES_OPTIONAL_H_
00036 #define ABSL_TYPES_OPTIONAL_H_
00038 #include "absl/base/config.h"   // TODO(calabrese) IWYU removal?
00039 #include "absl/utility/utility.h"
00043 #include <optional>  // IWYU pragma: export
00045 namespace absl {
00046 using std::bad_optional_access;
00047 using std::optional;
00048 using std::make_optional;
00049 using std::nullopt_t;
00050 using std::nullopt;
00051 }  // namespace absl
00053 #else  // ABSL_HAVE_STD_OPTIONAL
00055 #include <cassert>
00056 #include <functional>
00057 #include <initializer_list>
00058 #include <type_traits>
00059 #include <utility>
00061 #include "absl/base/attributes.h"
00062 #include "absl/base/internal/inline_variable.h"
00063 #include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
00064 #include "absl/types/bad_optional_access.h"
00065 #include "absl/types/internal/optional.h"
00067 namespace absl {
00069 // nullopt_t
00070 //
00071 // Class type for `absl::nullopt` used to indicate an `absl::optional<T>` type
00072 // that does not contain a value.
00073 struct nullopt_t {
00074   // It must not be default-constructible to avoid ambiguity for opt = {}.
00075   explicit constexpr nullopt_t(optional_internal::init_t) noexcept {}
00076 };
00078 // nullopt
00079 //
00080 // A tag constant of type `absl::nullopt_t` used to indicate an empty
00081 // `absl::optional` in certain functions, such as construction or assignment.
00082 ABSL_INTERNAL_INLINE_CONSTEXPR(nullopt_t, nullopt,
00083                                nullopt_t(optional_internal::init_t()));
00085 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00086 // absl::optional
00087 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00088 //
00089 // A value of type `absl::optional<T>` holds either a value of `T` or an
00090 // "empty" value.  When it holds a value of `T`, it stores it as a direct
00091 // sub-object, so `sizeof(optional<T>)` is approximately
00092 // `sizeof(T) + sizeof(bool)`.
00093 //
00094 // This implementation is based on the specification in the latest draft of the
00095 // C++17 `std::optional` specification as of May 2017, section 20.6.
00096 //
00097 // Differences between `absl::optional<T>` and `std::optional<T>` include:
00098 //
00099 //    * `constexpr` is not used for non-const member functions.
00100 //      (dependency on some differences between C++11 and C++14.)
00101 //    * `absl::nullopt` and `absl::in_place` are not declared `constexpr`. We
00102 //      need the inline variable support in C++17 for external linkage.
00103 //    * Throws `absl::bad_optional_access` instead of
00104 //      `std::bad_optional_access`.
00105 //    * `make_optional()` cannot be declared `constexpr` due to the absence of
00106 //      guaranteed copy elision.
00107 //    * The move constructor's `noexcept` specification is stronger, i.e. if the
00108 //      default allocator is non-throwing (via setting
00109 //      `ABSL_ALLOCATOR_NOTHROW`), it evaluates to `noexcept(true)`, because
00110 //      we assume
00111 //       a) move constructors should only throw due to allocation failure and
00112 //       b) if T's move constructor allocates, it uses the same allocation
00113 //          function as the default allocator.
00114 //
00115 template <typename T>
00116 class optional : private optional_internal::optional_data<T>,
00117                  private optional_internal::optional_ctor_base<
00118                      optional_internal::ctor_copy_traits<T>::traits>,
00119                  private optional_internal::optional_assign_base<
00120                      optional_internal::assign_copy_traits<T>::traits> {
00121   using data_base = optional_internal::optional_data<T>;
00123  public:
00124   typedef T value_type;
00126   // Constructors
00128   // Constructs an `optional` holding an empty value, NOT a default constructed
00129   // `T`.
00130   constexpr optional() noexcept {}
00132   // Constructs an `optional` initialized with `nullopt` to hold an empty value.
00133   constexpr optional(nullopt_t) noexcept {}  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
00135   // Copy constructor, standard semantics
00136   optional(const optional& src) = default;
00138   // Move constructor, standard semantics
00139   optional(optional&& src) = default;
00141   // Constructs a non-empty `optional` direct-initialized value of type `T` from
00142   // the arguments `std::forward<Args>(args)...`  within the `optional`.
00143   // (The `in_place_t` is a tag used to indicate that the contained object
00144   // should be constructed in-place.)
00145   template <typename InPlaceT, typename... Args,
00146             absl::enable_if_t<absl::conjunction<
00147                 std::is_same<InPlaceT, in_place_t>,
00148                 std::is_constructible<T, Args&&...> >::value>* = nullptr>
00149   constexpr explicit optional(InPlaceT, Args&&... args)
00150       : data_base(in_place_t(), absl::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
00152   // Constructs a non-empty `optional` direct-initialized value of type `T` from
00153   // the arguments of an initializer_list and `std::forward<Args>(args)...`.
00154   // (The `in_place_t` is a tag used to indicate that the contained object
00155   // should be constructed in-place.)
00156   template <typename U, typename... Args,
00157             typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<
00158                 T, std::initializer_list<U>&, Args&&...>::value>::type>
00159   constexpr explicit optional(in_place_t, std::initializer_list<U> il,
00160                               Args&&... args)
00161       : data_base(in_place_t(), il, absl::forward<Args>(args)...) {
00162   }
00164   // Value constructor (implicit)
00165   template <
00166       typename U = T,
00167       typename std::enable_if<
00168           absl::conjunction<absl::negation<std::is_same<
00169                                 in_place_t, typename std::decay<U>::type> >,
00170                             absl::negation<std::is_same<
00171                                 optional<T>, typename std::decay<U>::type> >,
00172                             std::is_convertible<U&&, T>,
00173                             std::is_constructible<T, U&&> >::value,
00174           bool>::type = false>
00175   constexpr optional(U&& v) : data_base(in_place_t(), absl::forward<U>(v)) {}
00177   // Value constructor (explicit)
00178   template <
00179       typename U = T,
00180       typename std::enable_if<
00181           absl::conjunction<absl::negation<std::is_same<
00182                                 in_place_t, typename std::decay<U>::type>>,
00183                             absl::negation<std::is_same<
00184                                 optional<T>, typename std::decay<U>::type>>,
00185                             absl::negation<std::is_convertible<U&&, T>>,
00186                             std::is_constructible<T, U&&>>::value,
00187           bool>::type = false>
00188   explicit constexpr optional(U&& v)
00189       : data_base(in_place_t(), absl::forward<U>(v)) {}
00191   // Converting copy constructor (implicit)
00192   template <typename U,
00193             typename std::enable_if<
00194                 absl::conjunction<
00195                     absl::negation<std::is_same<T, U> >,
00196                     std::is_constructible<T, const U&>,
00197                     absl::negation<
00198                         optional_internal::
00199                             is_constructible_convertible_from_optional<T, U> >,
00200                     std::is_convertible<const U&, T> >::value,
00201                 bool>::type = false>
00202   optional(const optional<U>& rhs) {
00203     if (rhs) {
00204       this->construct(*rhs);
00205     }
00206   }
00208   // Converting copy constructor (explicit)
00209   template <typename U,
00210             typename std::enable_if<
00211                 absl::conjunction<
00212                     absl::negation<std::is_same<T, U>>,
00213                     std::is_constructible<T, const U&>,
00214                     absl::negation<
00215                         optional_internal::
00216                             is_constructible_convertible_from_optional<T, U>>,
00217                     absl::negation<std::is_convertible<const U&, T>>>::value,
00218                 bool>::type = false>
00219   explicit optional(const optional<U>& rhs) {
00220     if (rhs) {
00221       this->construct(*rhs);
00222     }
00223   }
00225   // Converting move constructor (implicit)
00226   template <typename U,
00227             typename std::enable_if<
00228                 absl::conjunction<
00229                     absl::negation<std::is_same<T, U> >,
00230                     std::is_constructible<T, U&&>,
00231                     absl::negation<
00232                         optional_internal::
00233                             is_constructible_convertible_from_optional<T, U> >,
00234                     std::is_convertible<U&&, T> >::value,
00235                 bool>::type = false>
00236   optional(optional<U>&& rhs) {
00237     if (rhs) {
00238       this->construct(std::move(*rhs));
00239     }
00240   }
00242   // Converting move constructor (explicit)
00243   template <
00244       typename U,
00245       typename std::enable_if<
00246           absl::conjunction<
00247               absl::negation<std::is_same<T, U>>, std::is_constructible<T, U&&>,
00248               absl::negation<
00249                   optional_internal::is_constructible_convertible_from_optional<
00250                       T, U>>,
00251               absl::negation<std::is_convertible<U&&, T>>>::value,
00252           bool>::type = false>
00253   explicit optional(optional<U>&& rhs) {
00254     if (rhs) {
00255       this->construct(std::move(*rhs));
00256     }
00257   }
00259   // Destructor. Trivial if `T` is trivially destructible.
00260   ~optional() = default;
00262   // Assignment Operators
00264   // Assignment from `nullopt`
00265   //
00266   // Example:
00267   //
00268   //   struct S { int value; };
00269   //   optional<S> opt = absl::nullopt;  // Could also use opt = { };
00270   optional& operator=(nullopt_t) noexcept {
00271     this->destruct();
00272     return *this;
00273   }
00275   // Copy assignment operator, standard semantics
00276   optional& operator=(const optional& src) = default;
00278   // Move assignment operator, standard semantics
00279   optional& operator=(optional&& src) = default;
00281   // Value assignment operators
00282   template <
00283       typename U = T,
00284       typename = typename std::enable_if<absl::conjunction<
00285           absl::negation<
00286               std::is_same<optional<T>, typename std::decay<U>::type>>,
00287           absl::negation<
00288               absl::conjunction<std::is_scalar<T>,
00289                                 std::is_same<T, typename std::decay<U>::type>>>,
00290           std::is_constructible<T, U>, std::is_assignable<T&, U>>::value>::type>
00291   optional& operator=(U&& v) {
00292     this->assign(std::forward<U>(v));
00293     return *this;
00294   }
00296   template <
00297       typename U,
00298       typename = typename std::enable_if<absl::conjunction<
00299           absl::negation<std::is_same<T, U>>,
00300           std::is_constructible<T, const U&>, std::is_assignable<T&, const U&>,
00301           absl::negation<
00302               optional_internal::
00303                   is_constructible_convertible_assignable_from_optional<
00304                       T, U>>>::value>::type>
00305   optional& operator=(const optional<U>& rhs) {
00306     if (rhs) {
00307       this->assign(*rhs);
00308     } else {
00309       this->destruct();
00310     }
00311     return *this;
00312   }
00314   template <typename U,
00315             typename = typename std::enable_if<absl::conjunction<
00316                 absl::negation<std::is_same<T, U>>, std::is_constructible<T, U>,
00317                 std::is_assignable<T&, U>,
00318                 absl::negation<
00319                     optional_internal::
00320                         is_constructible_convertible_assignable_from_optional<
00321                             T, U>>>::value>::type>
00322   optional& operator=(optional<U>&& rhs) {
00323     if (rhs) {
00324       this->assign(std::move(*rhs));
00325     } else {
00326       this->destruct();
00327     }
00328     return *this;
00329   }
00331   // Modifiers
00333   // optional::reset()
00334   //
00335   // Destroys the inner `T` value of an `absl::optional` if one is present.
00336   ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_REINITIALIZES void reset() noexcept { this->destruct(); }
00338   // optional::emplace()
00339   //
00340   // (Re)constructs the underlying `T` in-place with the given forwarded
00341   // arguments.
00342   //
00343   // Example:
00344   //
00345   //   optional<Foo> opt;
00346   //   opt.emplace(arg1,arg2,arg3);  // Constructs Foo(arg1,arg2,arg3)
00347   //
00348   // If the optional is non-empty, and the `args` refer to subobjects of the
00349   // current object, then behaviour is undefined, because the current object
00350   // will be destructed before the new object is constructed with `args`.
00351   template <typename... Args,
00352             typename = typename std::enable_if<
00353                 std::is_constructible<T, Args&&...>::value>::type>
00354   T& emplace(Args&&... args) {
00355     this->destruct();
00356     this->construct(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
00357     return reference();
00358   }
00360   // Emplace reconstruction overload for an initializer list and the given
00361   // forwarded arguments.
00362   //
00363   // Example:
00364   //
00365   //   struct Foo {
00366   //     Foo(std::initializer_list<int>);
00367   //   };
00368   //
00369   //   optional<Foo> opt;
00370   //   opt.emplace({1,2,3});  // Constructs Foo({1,2,3})
00371   template <typename U, typename... Args,
00372             typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<
00373                 T, std::initializer_list<U>&, Args&&...>::value>::type>
00374   T& emplace(std::initializer_list<U> il, Args&&... args) {
00375     this->destruct();
00376     this->construct(il, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
00377     return reference();
00378   }
00380   // Swaps
00382   // Swap, standard semantics
00383   void swap(optional& rhs) noexcept(
00384       std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value&&
00385           type_traits_internal::IsNothrowSwappable<T>::value) {
00386     if (*this) {
00387       if (rhs) {
00388         type_traits_internal::Swap(**this, *rhs);
00389       } else {
00390         rhs.construct(std::move(**this));
00391         this->destruct();
00392       }
00393     } else {
00394       if (rhs) {
00395         this->construct(std::move(*rhs));
00396         rhs.destruct();
00397       } else {
00398         // No effect (swap(disengaged, disengaged)).
00399       }
00400     }
00401   }
00403   // Observers
00405   // optional::operator->()
00406   //
00407   // Accesses the underlying `T` value's member `m` of an `optional`. If the
00408   // `optional` is empty, behavior is undefined.
00409   //
00410   // If you need myOpt->foo in constexpr, use (*myOpt).foo instead.
00411   const T* operator->() const {
00412     assert(this->engaged_);
00413     return std::addressof(this->data_);
00414   }
00415   T* operator->() {
00416     assert(this->engaged_);
00417     return std::addressof(this->data_);
00418   }
00420   // optional::operator*()
00421   //
00422   // Accesses the underlying `T` value of an `optional`. If the `optional` is
00423   // empty, behavior is undefined.
00424   constexpr const T& operator*() const& {
00425     return ABSL_ASSERT(this->engaged_), reference();
00426   }
00427   T& operator*() & {
00428     assert(this->engaged_);
00429     return reference();
00430   }
00431   constexpr const T&& operator*() const && {
00432     return absl::move(reference());
00433   }
00434   T&& operator*() && {
00435     assert(this->engaged_);
00436     return std::move(reference());
00437   }
00439   // optional::operator bool()
00440   //
00441   // Returns false if and only if the `optional` is empty.
00442   //
00443   //   if (opt) {
00444   //     // do something with opt.value();
00445   //   } else {
00446   //     // opt is empty.
00447   //   }
00448   //
00449   constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return this->engaged_; }
00451   // optional::has_value()
00452   //
00453   // Determines whether the `optional` contains a value. Returns `false` if and
00454   // only if `*this` is empty.
00455   constexpr bool has_value() const noexcept { return this->engaged_; }
00457 // Suppress bogus warning on MSVC: MSVC complains call to reference() after
00458 // throw_bad_optional_access() is unreachable.
00459 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00460 #pragma warning(push)
00461 #pragma warning(disable : 4702)
00462 #endif  // _MSC_VER
00463   // optional::value()
00464   //
00465   // Returns a reference to an `optional`s underlying value. The constness
00466   // and lvalue/rvalue-ness of the `optional` is preserved to the view of
00467   // the `T` sub-object. Throws `absl::bad_optional_access` when the `optional`
00468   // is empty.
00469   constexpr const T& value() const & {
00470     return static_cast<bool>(*this)
00471                ? reference()
00472                : (optional_internal::throw_bad_optional_access(), reference());
00473   }
00474   T& value() & {
00475     return static_cast<bool>(*this)
00476                ? reference()
00477                : (optional_internal::throw_bad_optional_access(), reference());
00478   }
00479   T&& value() && {  // NOLINT(build/c++11)
00480     return std::move(
00481         static_cast<bool>(*this)
00482             ? reference()
00483             : (optional_internal::throw_bad_optional_access(), reference()));
00484   }
00485   constexpr const T&& value() const && {  // NOLINT(build/c++11)
00486     return absl::move(
00487         static_cast<bool>(*this)
00488             ? reference()
00489             : (optional_internal::throw_bad_optional_access(), reference()));
00490   }
00491 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00492 #pragma warning(pop)
00493 #endif  // _MSC_VER
00495   // optional::value_or()
00496   //
00497   // Returns either the value of `T` or a passed default `v` if the `optional`
00498   // is empty.
00499   template <typename U>
00500   constexpr T value_or(U&& v) const& {
00501     static_assert(std::is_copy_constructible<value_type>::value,
00502                   "optional<T>::value_or: T must by copy constructible");
00503     static_assert(std::is_convertible<U&&, value_type>::value,
00504                   "optional<T>::value_or: U must be convertible to T");
00505     return static_cast<bool>(*this)
00506                ? **this
00507                : static_cast<T>(absl::forward<U>(v));
00508   }
00509   template <typename U>
00510   T value_or(U&& v) && {  // NOLINT(build/c++11)
00511     static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<value_type>::value,
00512                   "optional<T>::value_or: T must by move constructible");
00513     static_assert(std::is_convertible<U&&, value_type>::value,
00514                   "optional<T>::value_or: U must be convertible to T");
00515     return static_cast<bool>(*this) ? std::move(**this)
00516                                     : static_cast<T>(std::forward<U>(v));
00517   }
00519  private:
00520   // Private accessors for internal storage viewed as reference to T.
00521   constexpr const T& reference() const { return this->data_; }
00522   T& reference() { return this->data_; }
00524   // T constraint checks.  You can't have an optional of nullopt_t, in_place_t
00525   // or a reference.
00526   static_assert(
00527       !std::is_same<nullopt_t, typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>::value,
00528       "optional<nullopt_t> is not allowed.");
00529   static_assert(
00530       !std::is_same<in_place_t, typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>::value,
00531       "optional<in_place_t> is not allowed.");
00532   static_assert(!std::is_reference<T>::value,
00533                 "optional<reference> is not allowed.");
00534 };
00536 // Non-member functions
00538 // swap()
00539 //
00540 // Performs a swap between two `absl::optional` objects, using standard
00541 // semantics.
00542 template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
00543                           std::is_move_constructible<T>::value &&
00544                               type_traits_internal::IsSwappable<T>::value,
00545                           bool>::type = false>
00546 void swap(optional<T>& a, optional<T>& b) noexcept(noexcept(a.swap(b))) {
00547   a.swap(b);
00548 }
00550 // make_optional()
00551 //
00552 // Creates a non-empty `optional<T>` where the type of `T` is deduced. An
00553 // `absl::optional` can also be explicitly instantiated with
00554 // `make_optional<T>(v)`.
00555 //
00556 // Note: `make_optional()` constructions may be declared `constexpr` for
00557 // trivially copyable types `T`. Non-trivial types require copy elision
00558 // support in C++17 for `make_optional` to support `constexpr` on such
00559 // non-trivial types.
00560 //
00561 // Example:
00562 //
00563 //   constexpr absl::optional<int> opt = absl::make_optional(1);
00564 //   static_assert(opt.value() == 1, "");
00565 template <typename T>
00566 constexpr optional<typename std::decay<T>::type> make_optional(T&& v) {
00567   return optional<typename std::decay<T>::type>(absl::forward<T>(v));
00568 }
00570 template <typename T, typename... Args>
00571 constexpr optional<T> make_optional(Args&&... args) {
00572   return optional<T>(in_place_t(), absl::forward<Args>(args)...);
00573 }
00575 template <typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
00576 constexpr optional<T> make_optional(std::initializer_list<U> il,
00577                                     Args&&... args) {
00578   return optional<T>(in_place_t(), il,
00579                      absl::forward<Args>(args)...);
00580 }
00582 // Relational operators [optional.relops]
00584 // Empty optionals are considered equal to each other and less than non-empty
00585 // optionals. Supports relations between optional<T> and optional<U>, between
00586 // optional<T> and U, and between optional<T> and nullopt.
00587 //
00588 // Note: We're careful to support T having non-bool relationals.
00590 // Requires: The expression, e.g. "*x == *y" shall be well-formed and its result
00591 // shall be convertible to bool.
00592 // The C++17 (N4606) "Returns:" statements are translated into
00593 // code in an obvious way here, and the original text retained as function docs.
00594 // Returns: If bool(x) != bool(y), false; otherwise if bool(x) == false, true;
00595 // otherwise *x == *y.
00596 template <typename T, typename U>
00597 constexpr auto operator==(const optional<T>& x, const optional<U>& y)
00598     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x == *y)) {
00599   return static_cast<bool>(x) != static_cast<bool>(y)
00600              ? false
00601              : static_cast<bool>(x) == false ? true
00602                                              : static_cast<bool>(*x == *y);
00603 }
00605 // Returns: If bool(x) != bool(y), true; otherwise, if bool(x) == false, false;
00606 // otherwise *x != *y.
00607 template <typename T, typename U>
00608 constexpr auto operator!=(const optional<T>& x, const optional<U>& y)
00609     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x != *y)) {
00610   return static_cast<bool>(x) != static_cast<bool>(y)
00611              ? true
00612              : static_cast<bool>(x) == false ? false
00613                                              : static_cast<bool>(*x != *y);
00614 }
00615 // Returns: If !y, false; otherwise, if !x, true; otherwise *x < *y.
00616 template <typename T, typename U>
00617 constexpr auto operator<(const optional<T>& x, const optional<U>& y)
00618     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x < *y)) {
00619   return !y ? false : !x ? true : static_cast<bool>(*x < *y);
00620 }
00621 // Returns: If !x, false; otherwise, if !y, true; otherwise *x > *y.
00622 template <typename T, typename U>
00623 constexpr auto operator>(const optional<T>& x, const optional<U>& y)
00624     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x > *y)) {
00625   return !x ? false : !y ? true : static_cast<bool>(*x > *y);
00626 }
00627 // Returns: If !x, true; otherwise, if !y, false; otherwise *x <= *y.
00628 template <typename T, typename U>
00629 constexpr auto operator<=(const optional<T>& x, const optional<U>& y)
00630     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x <= *y)) {
00631   return !x ? true : !y ? false : static_cast<bool>(*x <= *y);
00632 }
00633 // Returns: If !y, true; otherwise, if !x, false; otherwise *x >= *y.
00634 template <typename T, typename U>
00635 constexpr auto operator>=(const optional<T>& x, const optional<U>& y)
00636     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x >= *y)) {
00637   return !y ? true : !x ? false : static_cast<bool>(*x >= *y);
00638 }
00640 // Comparison with nullopt [optional.nullops]
00641 // The C++17 (N4606) "Returns:" statements are used directly here.
00642 template <typename T>
00643 constexpr bool operator==(const optional<T>& x, nullopt_t) noexcept {
00644   return !x;
00645 }
00646 template <typename T>
00647 constexpr bool operator==(nullopt_t, const optional<T>& x) noexcept {
00648   return !x;
00649 }
00650 template <typename T>
00651 constexpr bool operator!=(const optional<T>& x, nullopt_t) noexcept {
00652   return static_cast<bool>(x);
00653 }
00654 template <typename T>
00655 constexpr bool operator!=(nullopt_t, const optional<T>& x) noexcept {
00656   return static_cast<bool>(x);
00657 }
00658 template <typename T>
00659 constexpr bool operator<(const optional<T>&, nullopt_t) noexcept {
00660   return false;
00661 }
00662 template <typename T>
00663 constexpr bool operator<(nullopt_t, const optional<T>& x) noexcept {
00664   return static_cast<bool>(x);
00665 }
00666 template <typename T>
00667 constexpr bool operator<=(const optional<T>& x, nullopt_t) noexcept {
00668   return !x;
00669 }
00670 template <typename T>
00671 constexpr bool operator<=(nullopt_t, const optional<T>&) noexcept {
00672   return true;
00673 }
00674 template <typename T>
00675 constexpr bool operator>(const optional<T>& x, nullopt_t) noexcept {
00676   return static_cast<bool>(x);
00677 }
00678 template <typename T>
00679 constexpr bool operator>(nullopt_t, const optional<T>&) noexcept {
00680   return false;
00681 }
00682 template <typename T>
00683 constexpr bool operator>=(const optional<T>&, nullopt_t) noexcept {
00684   return true;
00685 }
00686 template <typename T>
00687 constexpr bool operator>=(nullopt_t, const optional<T>& x) noexcept {
00688   return !x;
00689 }
00691 // Comparison with T [optional.comp_with_t]
00693 // Requires: The expression, e.g. "*x == v" shall be well-formed and its result
00694 // shall be convertible to bool.
00695 // The C++17 (N4606) "Equivalent to:" statements are used directly here.
00696 template <typename T, typename U>
00697 constexpr auto operator==(const optional<T>& x, const U& v)
00698     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x == v)) {
00699   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(*x == v) : false;
00700 }
00701 template <typename T, typename U>
00702 constexpr auto operator==(const U& v, const optional<T>& x)
00703     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(v == *x)) {
00704   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(v == *x) : false;
00705 }
00706 template <typename T, typename U>
00707 constexpr auto operator!=(const optional<T>& x, const U& v)
00708     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x != v)) {
00709   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(*x != v) : true;
00710 }
00711 template <typename T, typename U>
00712 constexpr auto operator!=(const U& v, const optional<T>& x)
00713     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(v != *x)) {
00714   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(v != *x) : true;
00715 }
00716 template <typename T, typename U>
00717 constexpr auto operator<(const optional<T>& x, const U& v)
00718     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x < v)) {
00719   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(*x < v) : true;
00720 }
00721 template <typename T, typename U>
00722 constexpr auto operator<(const U& v, const optional<T>& x)
00723     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(v < *x)) {
00724   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(v < *x) : false;
00725 }
00726 template <typename T, typename U>
00727 constexpr auto operator<=(const optional<T>& x, const U& v)
00728     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x <= v)) {
00729   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(*x <= v) : true;
00730 }
00731 template <typename T, typename U>
00732 constexpr auto operator<=(const U& v, const optional<T>& x)
00733     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(v <= *x)) {
00734   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(v <= *x) : false;
00735 }
00736 template <typename T, typename U>
00737 constexpr auto operator>(const optional<T>& x, const U& v)
00738     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x > v)) {
00739   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(*x > v) : false;
00740 }
00741 template <typename T, typename U>
00742 constexpr auto operator>(const U& v, const optional<T>& x)
00743     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(v > *x)) {
00744   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(v > *x) : true;
00745 }
00746 template <typename T, typename U>
00747 constexpr auto operator>=(const optional<T>& x, const U& v)
00748     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(*x >= v)) {
00749   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(*x >= v) : false;
00750 }
00751 template <typename T, typename U>
00752 constexpr auto operator>=(const U& v, const optional<T>& x)
00753     -> decltype(optional_internal::convertible_to_bool(v >= *x)) {
00754   return static_cast<bool>(x) ? static_cast<bool>(v >= *x) : true;
00755 }
00757 }  // namespace absl
00759 namespace std {
00761 // std::hash specialization for absl::optional.
00762 template <typename T>
00763 struct hash<absl::optional<T> >
00764     : absl::optional_internal::optional_hash_base<T> {};
00766 }  // namespace std
00770 #endif  // ABSL_HAVE_STD_OPTIONAL
00772 #endif  // ABSL_TYPES_OPTIONAL_H_

autogenerated on Wed Jun 19 2019 19:42:15