Overview ======== Installing rosdep ----------------- rosdep2 is available using pip or easy_install:: sudo pip install -U rosdep or:: sudo easy_install -U rosdep rospkg Setting up rosdep ----------------- rosdep needs to be initialized and updated to use:: sudo rosdep init rosdep update ``sudo rosdep init`` will create a `sources list `_ directory in ``/etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d`` that controls where rosdep gets its data from. ``rosdep update`` reads through this sources list to initialize your local database. Updating rosdep --------------- You can update your rosdep database by running:: rosdep update Installating rosdeps -------------------- rosdep takes in the name of a ROS stack or package that you wish to install the system dependencies for. Common installation workflow:: $ rosdep check ros_comm All system dependencies have been satisfied $ rosdep install geometry If you're worried about ``rosdep install`` bringing in system dependencies you don't want, you can run ``rosdep install -s `` instead to "simulate" the installation. You will be able to see the commands that rosdep would have run. Example:: $ rosdep install -s ros_comm #[apt] Installation commands: sudo apt-get install libapr1-dev sudo apt-get install libaprutil1-dev sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev sudo apt-get install liblog4cxx10-dev sudo apt-get install pkg-config sudo apt-get install python-imaging sudo apt-get install python-numpy sudo apt-get install python-paramiko sudo apt-get install python-yaml You can also query rosdep to find out more information about specific dependencies:: $ rosdep keys roscpp pkg-config $ rosdep resolve pkg-config pkg-config $ rosdep keys geometry eigen apr glut python-sip python-numpy graphviz paramiko cppunit libxext log4cxx pkg-config $ rosdep resolve eigen libeigen3-dev For more information, please see the :ref:`command reference `.