Changelog for package ur5_moveit_config
1.0.2 (2014-03-31)
1.0.1 (2014-03-31)
- Merge branch 'hydro-devel' of into hydro
- changes due to file renaming
- update moveit_configs: include ee_link and handle limited robot
- new moveit_configs for ur5 and ur10
- remove old ur5_moveit_config
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-fxm
- ur5_moveit_cfg: add missing run_depend ind_rob_simulator. Fix #38.
- update moveit_configs to use moveit_simple_controller_manager
- Added config files missed on last commit
- Added launch/configuration files for using real robot. Updated joint limits to velocity limits of the driver (all of which can be configured to make the robot move faster)
- Removed ur5_joint_limited_moveit_config. ur5_moveit_config now has limited joint ranges to plus/minus 180 degrees.
- Added ur5 moveit library. The Kinematics used by the ur5 move it library is unreliable and should be replaced with the ur_kinematics
- Contributors: Jeremy Zoss, Shaun Edwards, gavanderhoorn