Changelog for package stage_ros
1.7.4 (2015-03-04)
- Added missing -ldl flag on newer versions of Ubuntu
- Contributors: William Woodall
1.7.3 (2015-01-26)
- Split up fltk dep into libfltk-dev and fluid, only run_depend'ing on fluid.
- Now supports multiple robots with multiple sensors.
- Fixed a bug on systems that cannot populate FLTK_INCLUDE_DIRS.
- Updated topurg model from "laser" to "ranger".
- Added -u option to use name property of position models as its namespace instead of "robot_0", "robot_1", etc.
- Contributors: Gustavo Velasco Hernández, Gustavo Velasco-Hernández, Pablo Urcola, Wayne Chang, William Woodall
1.7.2 (2013-09-19)
- Changed default GUI window size to 600x400
- Added velocity to ground truth odometry
- Fixed tf (yaw component) for the base_link->camera transform.
- Fixed ground truth pose coordinate system
1.7.1 (2013-08-30)
- Fixing warnings
- Small fixes
- Added RGB+3D-sensor interface (Primesense/Kinect/Xtion).
* Publishes CameraInfo, depth image, RGBA image, tf (takes world-file pantilt paremeter into account)
* Supports the "old" configuration (laser+odom) as well as camera+odom, laser+camera+odom and odom-only.
Fixed laser transform height (previously was hardcoded at 0.15, now it takes robot height into account).
- Introduced changes from with some changes (does not require lasers to be present and works without cameras).
1.7.0 (2013-06-27 18:15:07 -0700)
- Initial move over from old repository:
- Catkinized
- Stage itself is released as a third party package now
- Had to disable velocities in the output odometry as Stage no longer implements it internally.
- Updated rostest
- Updated rviz configurations