Changelog for package schunk_powercube_chain
0.5.4 (2014-03-28)
- Merge branch 'hydro_dev' into hydro_release_candidate
- merge
- added missing dependency
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt, ipa-fxm
0.5.3 (2014-03-27)
- install tags
- merge with ipa320
- merge with ipa320
- some catkin_lint
- Contributors: Felix, ipa-fxm
0.5.2 (2014-03-27)
- add dep to rostest
- Contributors: Florian Weisshardt
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- removed a lot of code related to packages not available in hydro anymore
- add definitions to get rid of some compiler warnings
- fixed linking error of SDH and CAN libraries
- Initial catkinization. Still a linking error in sdh lib.
- Offsets added in PowercubeChain
- merge conficts solved
- Recover function changed (syncmotion deleted)
- untested version that handels offsets inside ROS.
- IMPORTANT changes in init! No offset used anymore. No limits are set to the modules to avoid errors in the PRL-Modules
- Bug in reset during init fixed
- fix compile issue
- fix compile issue on natty
- remove c++0x
- Recover function improved
- remove std=c++0x
- spare includes deleted
- added little comments
- Restsequence in init() changed to avoid problems during 'init all' if there are more chains on one bus.
- changed error on com to debug message
- change to debug message
- -check of return values added in init() -aborting homing because of out of limits limited to only for PW-modules.
- Merge remote branch 'origin-ipa320/master' into automerge
- added effort to joint states message
- communication check for offset writing added
- communication check for setOffsets added.
- Too much output removed. Velocity smoothing reactivated.
- Init procedure improved in the case that 2 chains access the same bus.
- Check of joint position for limits during homing added to avoid fast movement if module is unreferenced.
- merge errors removed
- initalisation of m_position variable with true position from module added
- first draft of diagnostics class
- first draft of diagnostics class
- slightly changes. work in progress.
- Merge remote branch 'origin-ipa320/master' into automerge
- Merge branch 'master' of
- little format changes
- movestep debuggin and adding force_movevel
- remove info output
- Bugfix in moveVel
- ResetAll replaced by resetModule, Diagnositcs output improved, changes in moveVel
- work in progress on limit handling
- Getting out of soft limits improved
- Output for diagnostics improved
- output for diagnostics improved
- selection of module type by encoder added, reading of module type parameter in .yaml removed
- firmware version dependend swichting between moveVelExt and moveStepExt for PRL-Modules
- automatic ModulType check removed, because Encoder Types are not provided. Info output on homing improved.
- improvments on ModuleType investigation
- merge
- Moduletype is read from module, comments added
- Moduletype is read from module
- Fixed stop of all motor on the bus in error case of one. Now only the motors in a kinematic chain are stopped.
- PW-Module homing tested, Rrecovering of only stall modules added, Stop command in global error case added, check for homing flag bevor homing added
- display version number on init added
- Switching of moveVel and moveStep depending on ModuleTypeadded.
- support for homing PRL and PW modules added
- ModuleType added for support of PW and PRL modules
- changed frequency again to avoid CAN bus crashes
- removed debug messages, changed frequency settings
- update stack description
- modified threading in powercube chain, added velocity calculation and fixed moveStep issues
- removed unused files
- add libm5api as source code package
- fill velocities in controller/state message
- fixed position value bug for stable movements
- remove newlines in diagnosticmsgs
- fixed error state bug
- added errorstring to diagnostic messages, has to be tested on real hardware
- added diagnotic topic for initialization states
- modifications for powercubechain to work with tray and torso
- added operation mode interface for general usage of trajectory controller
- fix move step
- using private namespace
- merge to working version of powercube_chain
- using private nodehandle
- moved powercube_chain to schunk repo
- moved to new repo
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Frederik Hegger, abubeck, cob3-5, ipa-cob3-5, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-tif, ipa320, tif