Changelog for package robot_localization
1.2.2 (2015-05-27)
- Fixed handling of IMU data w.r.t. differential mode and relative mode
1.2.1 (2015-05-22)
- Fixed issue with out-of-order measurements and pose resets
- Nodes now assume ENU standard for yaw data
- Removed gps_common dependency
- Adding option to navsat_transform_node that enables the use of the heading from the odometry message instead of an IMU.
- Changed frame_id used in setPoseCallback to be the world_frame
- Optimized Eigen arithmetic for signficiant performance boost
- Code refactoring and reorganization
- Removed roll and pitch from navsat_transform calculations
- Fixed transform for IMU data to better support mounting IMUs in non-standard orientations
- Added feature to navsat_transform_node whereby filtered odometry data can be coverted back into navsat data
- Added a parameter to allow future dating the world_frame->base_link_frame transform.
- Removed deprecated differential setting handler
- Added relative mode
- Updated and improved tests
- Fixing source frame_id in pose data handling
- Added initial covariance parameter
- Fixed bug in covariance copyinh
- Added parameters for topic queue sizes
- Improved motion model's handling of angular velocities when robot has non-zero roll and pitch
- Changed the way differential measurements are handled
- Added diagnostics
1.1.7 (2015-01-05)
- Added some checks to eliminate unnecessary callbacks
- Updated launch file templates
- Added measurement outlier rejection
- Added failure callbacks for tf message filters
- Added optional broadcast of world_frame->utm transform for navsat_transform_node
- Bug fixes for differential mode and handling of Z acceleration in 2D mode
1.1.6 (2014-11-06)
- Added unscented Kalman filter (UKF) localization node
- Fixed map->odom tf calculation
- Acceleration data from IMUs is now used in computing the state estimate
- Added 2D mode
1.1.5 (2014-10-07)
- Changed initial estimate error covariance to be much smaller
- Fixed some debug output
- Added test suite
- Better compliance with REP-105
- Fixed differential measurement handling
- Implemented message filters
- Added navsat_transform_node
1.1.4 (2014-08-22)
- Adding utm_transform_node to install targets
1.1.3 (2014-06-22)
- Some changes to ease GPS integration
- Addition of differential integration of pose data
- Some documentation cleanup
- Added UTM transform node and launch file
- Bug fixes
1.1.2 (2014-04-11)
- Updated covariance correction formulation to "Joseph form" to improve filter stability.
- Implemented new versioning scheme.
1.1.1 (2014-04-11)
- Added cmake_modules dependency for Eigen support, and added include to silence boost::signals warning from tf include