Changelog for package pr2_bringup_tests
1.0.1 (2014-09-16)
- Added install targets to pr2_bringup_tests
- Removed unneceesary packagexml and cmake
- Catkinizes and compiles in hydro if you have the hydro-devel of pr2_apps/pr2_mannequin_mode
- Removed manifest.xml
- Update calibration verify to Groovy.
- Move wg_hardware_test to github.
- Update version of wg_hardware_test to use.
- Update life_test rosinstall for electric install.
- Lock wg_hardware_test to current version before changing dependencies.
- PR2 life test rosinstall file uses special version of camera_calibration
- Calibration check for PR2 production calibration, #4956
- Removing stale calibration items from pr2_bringup_tests. OK by Vijay
- Only using the wge100 camera package for camera FW installation
- Camera drivers trunk to pr2_bringup_tests rosinstall file
- Removing vestigial dependency on compressed_image_transport
- Correcting size of checkerboard used for prosilica calibration
- Adding camera_calibration package to pr2_bringup_tests
- Removing user paths from rosinstall file
- Controllers in pr2_bringup_tests load using pkg/Name syntax. #4534
- Bumping qual pr2_calibration stack to cturtle. Fixing url for relased stacks too
- Life test rosinstall file now works as cturtle overlay
- rosinstall file for pr2_bringup_tests
- Cleanup of pr2_self_test stack before 0.1 release
- Added platform tags for Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04.
- New life_test.rosinstall file with proper locking
- Fixing typos. Adding scatterplots for preburn
- Putting together calibration scripts for pre/post burn-in checks
- No only grabbing pr2_bringup_tests from pr2_self_test for calibration bringup
- Renaming calibration stack local name
- Adding stub for calibration bringup
- Prosilica settings launch files
- Added dash to version tag for pr2_arm_navigation revision
- Adding calibrate_prosilica launch file to pr2_bringup_tests. #4249
- Removing prosilica from pr2_bringup_tests
- Added launch file to calibrate prosilica camera
- Adding rev number for pr2_arm_navigation_tests in life_test rosinstall file. Blocked by release of #4028
- Changing topic of IMU chart
- Forearm cameras will trigger off etherCAT chain
- pr2_bringup_tests depends on image view
- Adding script to check IMU data
- Script to check gripper accelerometers with rxplot
- Using mannequin mode for pr2_bringup_tests
- Gripper LED launch file name change
- ROS install for PR2 during burn in tests
- Moving pr2_bringup_tests package to pr2_self_test
- Contributors: TheDash, ahendrix, gerkey, vpradeep, watts