Changelog for package p2os_urdf
2.0.2 (2015-08-04)
2.0.1 (2015-07-11)
- Forgot a line.
- Working on Pioneer-3dx Gazebo.
- Contributors: Hunter Allen
1.0.13 (2015-05-02)
- Pioneer-3dx circus bug is now fixed. Now to get it to move... We'll see.
- Updated the publisher to include pioneer-3dx frames.
- this fixes issue #30
- removed gedit stuff
- fixed urdf pros publisher
- Removed unnecessary lib install.
The line broke things and did nothing, so... Ya. It's gone now.
- Fixed launch
- Contributors: Guy Burroughes, Hunter Allen, Isura Ranatunga
1.0.12 (2014-06-25)
- Updated to match indigo-devel
- General cleanup and fixing issues with the code
- Contributors: Aris Synodinos, Hunter Allen
1.0.11 (2014-06-25)
1.0.10 (2014-05-28)
- Added meshes directory to CMake install dir.
- Removed unneccessary files
- Contributors: Hunter Allen
1.0.9 (2013-08-18)
- Updated version
- 1.0.7
- Updated changelogs
1.0.7 (2013-08-18)
- Updated to match repository
1.0.5 (2013-07-23)
- Cleaned up for release
- Updated to match
- Updated to repo
1.0.1 (2013-07-22)
- Updating to match repo
- Updated the Pioneer-3dx to work with Gazebo in Hydro
- Changes to wheel collision geometry and Gazebo settings.
- Changes to wheel collision geometry (robot was unable to rotate).
- Added launch file
- Updated the Pioneer-3AT xacro to have colour in Gazebo, and added a launch file.
- URDF of 3AT divided into 2 files.
- Gazebo related changes.
- Small fix in xacro file.
- Renamed URDF executable
- Renamed URDF executable
- Renamed URDF executable
- Removed a line
- Removed xacro dependency
- removed xacro from package.xml
- Updated p2os_urdf to use catkin
- Added the URDF models for the Pioneer-3AT robots.
- Adding inertia for Gazebo simulation
- fixing
- fixing
- Fixing the urdf to work better
- Fixed the p2os_urdf.launch to work correctly
- Took credit for my work...
- cleaned up
- Updated the p2os_urdf package to work properly.