Add the source text files of tutorials on ROS wiki. These are just a backup and not intended to be updated per every change made on ROS wiki. The location of the source of ROS wiki doc needs to be figured out (discussed in
Contributors: Isaac Isao Saito
0.2.10 (2014-02-18)
Use generic name for the robot instance. This enables users on the script commandline (eg. ipython) to run the same commands without asking them to specifically tell what robot they're using (eg. hiro, nxc). This is backward compatible so that users can still keep using nxc. See for hironx.
Install unittests for the first time.
Contributors: Isaac Isao Saito
0.2.9 (2014-02-03)
Fixed installation of missing py files
Contributors: Isao Isaac Saito
0.2.8 (2014-02-03)
Generalize hands DIO variables, and add a method to reassign them in the derived classes.
( Tentative fix to enable to connect to real robot. Needs improvement later to port out embedded robot's info.
Fixed handlight not function (wrong comparison of bool and str)
Add more unittesting. Separate tests for hand since the type of testing for hands I'll write this time will be not necessarily general enough.
Add tentative test file that checks cartesian
(nextage_ros_bridge) Refactoring to separate modules per hand type, to allow more flexible hand tool combination. Not tested yet on a real robot and on simulation it isn't possible to test as of the moment.
Contributors: Isao Isaac Saito
0.2.7 (2014-01-19)
( Adjust initial poses to what the manufacturing company defines as the standard.
( Override pose (to more safer one) and method (to allow this class to choose which RT component to load).