Changelog for package nao_driver
0.4.1 (2014-10-27)
- Fix qi/qitype dependency inconsistency
- Export FindNAOqi.cmake so that other projects can use the same file
- get the accent right in Séverin's name
- Turn odometry tf broadcast on/off
- Update
- Contributors: Jamie Diprose, Vincent Rabaud, jdddog, sambrose
0.4.0 (2014-09-18)
- Add 'queue_size=10' to Publisher, for Indigo's compatability
- Contributors: hris2003
0.3.0 (2014-08-19)
- update maintainers
Armin, thank you for all your work, in ROS, Octomap and NAO.
Good luck out of the university !
- respect PEP008
- mention nao_sensors instead of nao_camera
- Merge pull request #29 from severin-lemaignan/remove_camera
Remove the Python camera driver
- [python] better threading for NaoNode (with ROS shutdown handling)
also do a few import cleanups
- modify nao_driver for naoqi2 compatibility
- use proper Python indentation for several files
- Add a Logger bridge for NAOqi 2.0
- add a way to get the NAOqi version
- Added missing dependency on diagnostics in nao_driver cmake lists.
- Removed hard-coded ports from nao_sensors_cpp and
- Modified nao_tactile node to search for a free port.
- Fixing PR #23 for simulation usage
Use class NaoNode as before for proxy creation
- Fixing PR #24 for NaoQI 1.12
ALRobotPosture is optional, node no longer exits
- make the license explicit as mentioned by @ahornung
- move NaoJointsAnalyzer.cpp from nao_viz
- run nao_diagnostic_updater by default
- Removed the Python camera driver
It has been moved to nao_camera since a few months
- Added erroneous input checks. Altered the action server name.
- Moved the predefined pose support from pose_manager to nao_controller. Action name changed as well
- SpeechWithFeedback.action refined. Erased unneccessary bool flags.
- Double inheritance from NaoNode and ALModule implemented
- Added actionlib interface for speech with feedback
- Added support for changing speech recognition vocabulary via actionlib. Updates the dynamic reconfigure variable as well.
- Extend sim detection in
- Adding service for toggling the arm motion while walking
- Contributors: Armin Hornung, Jon Dybeck, Manos Tsardoulias, Séverin Lemaignan, Vincent Rabaud, jondy276, margueda
- The Python camera driver has moved to nao_camera
0.2.3 (2014-03-27)
- Fix dependency of nao_driver on camera_info_manager_py
- Fix nao_controller for incomplete NAOs
- Get running again
0.2.2 (2013-10-28)
- Replace accented character in package.xml files, seems to cause
problems with bloom
0.2.1 (2013-10-25)
0.2.0 (2013-10-25)
- Adding force_python parameter to nao_driver.launch to switch
between C++ and python nodes for nao_sensors (Issue #11)
Parameter will be passed on from higher-level launch files (nao_bringup).
Default node is C++, unless a simulation launch file is started.
- Removing unnecessary output="screen" from launch files
- Add more nodes to the launch file
This is related to bug #11
- Update rate parameter of nao_sensors (py/C++) is now called ~sensor_rate,
25Hz default rate. Changed to proper rospy.Rate in python version.
- Small cleanup of nao_sensors_cpp / py
- nao_driver.launch defaults to instead of cpp
- Check rosparams as well as cmdline for ip and port
- Nao speech should now work with simulated naoqi
- Install nao_driver's config directory, removed cfg dir
- changes, uses camera_info_manager_py now
- Imported services pause|resume|offset odometry to nao_sensors
This complete the merge of remap_odometry in nao_sensors
- nao_sensors now exports directly std odometry
- nao_sensors now publish std ROS IMU, complete IMU message by also exporting angular velocities
and linear acceleration. Note that these values require naoqi >= 1.14
- Enabled compilation of nao_sensors_cpp (when NaoQI found)
- Removed speech topic from nao_walker
- nao_speech now uses dynamic reconfigure to update parameters.
- Cleaned up python library headers in nao_driver
- Catkinization of nao_driver
- Move nao_driver's node to 'nodes' directory (as per rep-008).
- deleted further obsolete pose scripts (replaced by pose_manager)
- Cleanup: removed scan scripts / callbacks from nao_driver.
Should end up in a different package using a combination of
pose_manager and nao_controller
0.1.0 (2013-08-01)
- nao_controller now uses a lock-free polling implementation when running actionlib tasks
- added foot gait config parameters to walker, plus service to change it at runtime
- Improvements to nao_controller:
* Actions can now be preempted!
* Fixed race conditions when preemption is requested before task starts
* Set aborted and preempted terminal states if required
- Removed topic prefixes from nao_speech
- Improved nao_leds:
* Removed topic prefixes
* Range of std_msgs/ColorRGBA should be between [0, 1]
* Clearer finishing conditions
- Improved nao_behaviors:
* Removed race conditions between preemption and execution
* Added debug information
* Removed topic prefixes
- Improved nao_behaviors:
* Removed race conditions between preemption and execution
* Added debug information
* Removed topic prefixes
- Added node to interface Nao speech recognition and tts
- Added module to control NAO's LEDs
- launch files reorganized
- Patch from Issue #6: added nao_behaviors node, service and actionlib interface to execute behaviors (thx to Miguel S.)
- added a camera node
- Improved compatibility of nao_controller / pose_manager with both H25 and H21 Naos.
New script execute_pose in nao_remote to test.
- added driver launchfile for NaoQI simulation
- Added nao_diagnostic_updater node for diagnostic messages
- nao_common and nao_robot now compatible to REP-120
- nao_driver for using naoqi 1.12
- new footstep control script for NaoQI 1.12
- nao_sensors update: added cpp implementation
- Cleanup of nao_walker: got rid of a few deprecated scripts and MotionCommandBtn
- rename of nao_ctrl => nao_driver