Hydro, bugfixing
0.5.0 (2013-08-29)
- Add new message ControllerInfo for custom PID gain setting of kobuki's wheel controller.
- Migrate changelog from ros wiki to this repo.
- Add bugtracker and repo URLs.
Hydro, unstable
0.4.0 [2013-07-08]
- First Hydro release (no changes).
Groovy, bugfixing
0.3.1 [2013-02-08]
- Catkinization and minor catkin fixes.
0.2.0 [2012-12-21]
- Diverging from fuerte compatibility.
0.1.4 [2012-12-20]
- Cmake fixes due to catkin-rosbuild hangover.
0.1.3 [2012-12-17]
- Auto-docking action added.
Fuerte, deprecated
0.1.6 [2012-12-21]
- Last compatible fuerte release.