Changelog for package jsk_interactive_marker
1.0.24 (2015-09-08)
- add jsk_recognition_msgs to catkin_package(CATKIN_DEPEND)
- add wait for trans to avoid tf nan error
- [jsk_interactive_markers/marker_6dof] Add ~initial_orientation parameter
- publish pose with focused marker name in transformable_interactive_server
- publish name of focused marker
- [jsk_interactive_markers/marker_6dof] Remove axis marker when remove
6dof circle
- [jsk_interactive_marker/marker_6dof] Add ~initial_x,y,z parameters to
specify initial position of the marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker/marker_6dof] Add ~publish_tf parameter to
publish tf frame at the position of interactive marker.
- [jsk_interactive_marker/marker_6dof] Fix indent
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add ~lock_joint_states and ~unlock_joint_states to furutaractive marker
not to move joint angles of the model even if reset_joint_states is called
- [jsk_interactive_marker/footstep_marker] Publish current pose even if the marker is move via topic
- [jsk_interactive_marker/urdf_control_marker] Call dynamic_tf untili success if it failed
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Print error message if dynamic_tf is failed
in urdf_control_marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add hide/show empty service to transformable interactive server
- [jsk_interactive_marker/footstep_marker] Add dynamic reconfirue API to toggle projection to pointcloud
- [jsk_interactive_marker/footstep_marker] Always publish current pose of marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker/footstep_marker] Publish snapped pose even if service and topic API
is used
- [jsk_interactive_marker/footstep_marker] Fix initialization of marker pose
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Use ros::ServiceClient::waitForExistence
instead of ros::service::waitForService in order to wait
dynamic_tf_publisher. Use different API leads potential bugs
- [jsk_interactive_marker/urdf_model_marker] Fix furutaractive when it fails to lookup tf transformation.
1) use JSK_ROS_INFO, JSK_ROS_ERROR to output debug message
2) Fix handling of tf lookup exception not to ignore addChildLinkNames
- [jsk_interactive_marker/urdf_control_marker] Visualize furutaractive marker without clicking urdf_control_marker by
calling dynamic_tf in constructor
- [jsk_interactive_marker/footstep_marker] Set size of footsteps correctly
- [jsk_interactive_marker/footstep_marker] Fix projection of footprint
when service interface is used
- Contributors: JSK Lab Member, Kei Okada, MasakiMurooka, Ryohei Ueda
1.0.23 (2015-07-15)
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Install include directory and library
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
1.0.22 (2015-06-24)
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Install binaries
- [jsk_interactive_marker/footstep_marker] Enable ~footstep_margin parameter again
- always publish pose of transformable model
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Masaki Murooka
1.0.21 (2015-06-11)
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add menu to select rleg or lleg as the first step
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add menu to set heuristic
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add ~always_planning parameter to footstep_marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Fix for terrain task
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add topic interface to footstep_marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Decide footstep margin from robot name
- [jsk_interactive_marker] enable to change mesh marker control size
- [jsk_interactive_marker] add changing focus marker name line
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara
1.0.20 (2015-05-04)
- update furutaructive system. add load-ros-manifest. fix hand model path
- [jsk_interactive_marker/urdf_control_marker] Transform pose respected to fixed_frame_id
when urdf_control_marker is moved by topic interface
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Supress messages while loading urdf mesh
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add look ground menu to footstep_marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Fix timestamp handling in transformable object when ~strict_tf:=false
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda
1.0.19 (2015-04-09)
- [jsk_interactive_marker/transformable_object] Add ~stric_tf parameter to
relax timestamp soundness
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add transformation of lleg and rleg when
projecting goal footstep
- [jsk_interactive_marker/footstep_marker] Add ~use_projection_service to
use other service to project footprint marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Fix projection of marker coordinates onto grid
in footstep_marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Re-project projected coords if error is not
small enough
- [jsk_interative_marker] Use SimpleOccupancyGridArray to project
footprint marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Check tf2 exception in footstep_marker
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Check polygon to be snapped is valid or not
- add topic for control control
- use jsk_recognition_msgs instead of jsk_pcl_ros
- add offset topic for interactive control
- add configure for change control orientation mode
- add_mesh_model_in_transformable_marker
- suppress print in urdf_model_marker
- set radius instead of diameter when primitive shape is cylinder
- fix to set type correctly in getting dimenstions service
- Remove rosbuild files
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Yu Ohara, Yuki Furuta
1.0.17 (2015-01-29)
- [jsk_interactive_markers] Use jsk_recognition_msgs instead of jsk_pcl_ros
- add bounding box cropper example launch
- add bounding box marker version and line version
- revert target-cds-list to prevent ik failure
- modify robot-actions and pass the msg to box movement
- use move-object function in box-movement-callback
- add move base function and tuck arm function
- use base to carry object
- rename robot_actions_test to robot_actions_sample
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Yuto Inagaki
1.0.16 (2015-01-04)
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add bsd license header to marker_6dof.cpp
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Keep pose of the marker even after toggling
rotation circle in marker_6dof
- [jsk_interactive_marker] Add menu to toggle 6dof circle
- add
- add rviz for robot_actions_test.launch
- add test for robot-actions.l
- change to load baxter-moveit instead of baxter-interface
- add moveit param to robot-actions.l
- use null space for aligning orientation
- Merge branch 'master' of into replace-self-to-ri
- replace self to ri in robot-actions.l
- check irtviewer
- Merge branch 'master' into split-ik-controller
- change loading order
- add one click grasp parameter
- devide ik-controller.l into two scripts
- Merge branch 'master' of into refactoring-ik-control
- use apply-joint_state
- refactoring ik controller deleted deprecated functions
- remove hoge from ik-control.l
1.0.15 (2014-12-13)
- use robot-joint-interface in move bounding box
- add service request index to choose box from other program
- added config for show or not show controlls
- added spaces infront and behind equal
- update interactive marker controller for hrp2w
- changed dyn_reconfogure_effect_trigger_to_switch
- add interface to send joint trajectory
- add grasp hand method
- use moveit
- add JointTrajectoryPointWithType.msg
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Yu Ohara, Yuto Inagaki
1.0.14 (2014-12-09)
- added initializer if box_msg is empty
- added subscriber to set point_marker pose
- add show and hide marker method
- update pr2 spacenav sample
- load baxter-interface when using baxter
- refactoring ik-controller (delete functions and meanless comment out)
- add baxter to ik contollers
- Merge branch 'master' into irteus-to-urdf-interactive-marker
- add grasp offset
- fix generate msg
- added codes to pub relative_pose
- move and recognize handle
- Merge branch 'master' into irteus-to-urdf-interactive-marker
- changed marker_type because BUTTON_CLICK was not driven
- update joint state and root
- check ptr is null
- change staro config
- add open door function
- added service to check marker existence. added copy to marker operation.
- added service to get/set color and focus.
- added service function and service files for GetTransformableMarkerPose and SetTransformableMarkerPose
- publish tf of transformable marker in timer callback
- update transformable marker when dimension is set.
- added topic to add pose to transformable mareker with relative coords
- publish marker dimensions as topic. added MarkerDimensions.msg and use this message in service files.
- publish tf of transformable object.
- publish tf at low frequency
- add new msg
- add marker description and publish marker model movement
- add black list to fasten converting ros package file style
- improve speed of creating marker
- fix bag
- fix link when robot mode
- add center marker to urdf control marker
- modified teleop source for hrp2jsknts
- set fixed link
- adding hrp2w interactive markers
- rotate marker in world coorlds
- merge origin/master and fixed conflicts
- added service to set/get marker dimensions
- use msg int value for object shape.
- move msg to jsk_rviz_plugins
- add transformable marker operator panel
- add RequestMarkerOperate
- Merging and update
- integrate files and arrange srv
- disable one click grasp by default
- add reconfigure to transformable server
- use Eigen for transfomation in addPose
- added new srvice for transformable object. added ros service to insert/erase marker dynamically.
- update marker pose when marker menu changed
- display ik controller info
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'tarukosu/hand-marker-for-im-control' into hand-marker-for-im-control
- add scale for urdf marker
- use robot description for hand marker
- update launch file
- add samplerobot yaml
- add samplerobot controller
- add staro hand
- update base pose
- extract hand urdf from all urdf
- do not use robot-offset
- Remove warning message of FootstepMarker
- Supress messages from footstep_marker
- delete old code
- load urdf to visualize hand pose
- move functions to interactive_marker_utils.cpp
- add hand marker for hrp2
- tiny debug to avoid compilation warning
- Contributors: Hiroaki Yaguchi, Kei Okada, Yuto Inagaki, Ryohei Ueda, Masaki Murooka, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Yusuke Furuta, Yu Ohara
1.0.13 (2014-10-10)
- add tabletop launch file
- Solve inverse kinematics with use-torso t
- do not use ik server for pr2
- add staro interactive marker
- add staro launch file
- add parameter to set menu
- add staro
- add arm ik and torso ik
- set frame id
- check having legs
- interactive marker control for hrp2
- add dependency on jsk_rviz_plugins
- Speed up grasp-pose movement
- add parameter
- rename launch file
- publish first handle pose
- add callback to grasp object
- subscribe initial handle pose
- add bounding box marker name and remove description
- refactor launch file
- do not use old ik-server-function
- move to jsk_interactive_marker and modify spacenav rotate
add GetPose.srv
- Does not set the name of interactive marker for bounding box, because
the name is too annoying
- update urdf model with topic
- add launch file to make bounding box interactive marker
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Yusuke Furuta, Yuto Inagaki
1.0.12 (2014-09-23)
- Generate srv files on catkin
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
1.0.11 (2014-09-22)
- jsk_interactive_marker does not depend on geometry
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
1.0.10 (2014-09-13)
- add new executable to control CameraInfo with interactive marker
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda
1.0.9 (2014-09-07)
- add ${PROJECT_NAME}_gencfg to all depends
- Contributors: Kei Okada
1.0.8 (2014-09-04)
- control marker with topic
- reset hand pose
- update catkin.cmake for urdf_control_marker
- root control marker for urdf marker
- rename config file
- use jsk_topic_tools::TimeAccumulator instead of jsk_pcl_ros::TimeAccumulator
- add include for catkin
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta
1.0.7 (2014-08-06)
- add new program: pointcloud_cropper to crop pointcloud with interactive marker
- add config file for interactive point cloud
- update launch for pr2 gripper
- receive handle pose and publish it
- pick and place sample eus
- add reset root pose functions
- add reset marker callback
- rm empty line
- revert README.txt
- move .rviz.default to .rviz when making
- rename .rviz to .rviz.default
- use Eigen::Vector3f in footstep_marker because of the change of the api
of jsk_pcl_ros
- depends on ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS} to wait for message generation
- update footstep_marker to publish snapped pose to the planes
- support resuming the previous footstep on footstep_marker
- toggle 6dof marker via menu of footstep_marker
- toggle visualization of 6dof marker of footstep_marker via ~show_6dof_control parameter
- publish hand marker pose
- publish selected marker index
- snap the goal direction to the planes even with joy stick command
- do not use deprecated functions to convert tf and kdl instances to avoid
compilation warning
- add 'Cancel Walk' menu to footstep marker
- Initialize the position of the marker to the frame if ~initial_reference_frame is specified
- register planDoneCB to the sendGoal function to the planner in footstep_marker
- asynchronously get the result of the footstep planning in footstep_marker
- add interactive_point_cloud.h
- add bounding box
- change paramater with dynamic reconfigure
- publish marker pose
- add interactive point cloud
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta
1.0.6 (2014-07-14)
- add grasp method
- publish root pose when clicked
- launch file for pr2 gripper marker
- display multi marker
- add PR2 gripper xacro and setting file
- set initial joint state
- add class to set urdf marker config
- Contributors: Yusuke Furuta
1.0.5 (2014-06-29)
- add param to designate tf origin
- add new menu to call "estimate occlusion"
- skip planning until release the marker
- automatically snap the footstep marker to the plane if ~use_plane_snap
is set to true
- publish the selected bounding box as BondingBoxArray for visualization
- publish the selected box as well as the index of the box
- add dummy camera launch file
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta, Masaki Murooka
1.0.4 (2014-05-31)
- jsk_interactive_marker: fix for rosbuild, add mk/rosbuild to package.xml
- add "execute the plan" and "force to replan" mouse menu to footstep_marker
- add bounding_box_marker to select jsk_pcl_ros/BoundingBoxArray
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Kei Okada
1.0.3 (2014-05-22)
- update depreceted functions
- add depend to roslib roscpp for ros::package
1.0.2 (2014-05-21)
- add interactive_markers and urdf
1.0.0 (2014-05-17)
0.0.3 (2014-05-15)