315.2.7 (2014-10-15)
- (AutoBalancer, ImpedanceController) : Enable onDeactivated function for ImpedanceController and AutoBalancer
- Added getControllerParams method and modified type of Param (struct -> class)
- Added type check before use conf params
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System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 15)
Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
- (ImpedanceController, AutoBalancer, Stabilizer) : Move to idling mode if stop() and start() are called. This is discussed in https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/issues/215
- print exception when plugin is not found
- add document to change timestep
- (AutoBalancer) : Add time stamp to abc walking data ports and initialize contactStates
- (GaitGenerator, Ratsmatrix) : Remove unused print functions and update print functions to use Eigen IOFormat
- (AutoBalancer, ImpedanceController, RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset, Stabilizer) : Update unstable RTCs documentation
- (hrpsys_config, DataLogger) : Enable to log contactStates as TimedBooleanSeq
- set compile flag -ffloat-store to 32bit system add message for setting collision_loop
- removes input dataport "sensorPose" and uses pose in RangeData
- Connect q and qRef to ThermoEstimator to estimate joint torque from error
- modify OpenHRP-3.1 path due to ROS-fhs layout, see #128
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Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Isaac Saito
315.2.6 (2014-09-30)
- Adds PointCloudLogViewer, encords the number of points in point cloud. compiles PointCloudLogViewer only with PCL >= 1.7.
- (Stabilizer) : Add leg inside margin to IDL
- (KalmanFilter) : Add KalmanFilterParam as struct
- Better error handling
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- fixes linker error on 12.04amd
- Partially reverted to handle Python version < 2.6
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- Add DataLogger logging for servoState port.
- Add playPattern* methods.
- (hrpsys_config.py, SequencePlayer, StateHolder) : Add optional data for seq in https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/issues/190
- Add and connect logger ports for offset force moment and ref force moment
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- Added old style parameter functions to TwoDofController for Stabilizer
- Modified controller arguments from double valiables to struct parameter.
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- Apply doxygen style, somehow needs exclamation mark (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7690220/how-to-document-python-function-parameter-types)
- Doc improved for many components: AverageFilter, ExtractCameraImage, SequencePlayer, HGcontroller, CaptureController, VideoCapture, PCDLoader, SORFilter, RangeNoiseMixer, CaptureController, JpegEncoder, RGB2Gray, PlaneRemover, AverageFilter. AutoBalancer, Stabilizer, KalmanFilter, RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset, ImpedanceController
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Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Isaac IY Saito
315.2.5 (2014-09-02)
- Use force difference control
- Add data port for Stabilizer root pos and rot debugging
- (Stabilizer, hrpsys_config.py) Add debug port for Stabilizer compensation
- Add both foot contact checker and update force z control
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System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 70)
Block quote ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.
- Inhibit debug print in KalmanFilter.h
- Add DEBUG to control printing of KalmanFilter
- KF -> EKF and RPY -> Quaternion
- add graphbiz to install
- add automatic push to gh-pages
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- Enable to use RMFO on robots without imu. Connect RPY port only if it exists.
- move api doc for some methods from downstream.
- enable to set reference frame in get{Reference,Current}{Pose,Position,Rotation,RPY}, see #297
- use CPython as default python and add hrpsys_config.py
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- adds a new component, AverageFilter
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Isaac IY Saito, Yutaka Kondo
315.2.4 (2014-08-10)
- Add data port for acceleration reference which can be used in KalmanFilter.cpp
- Use function and variable names. Use TargetParameter and CurrentParmeter
- Remove duplicate codes for transition_smooth_gain
- Remove unused codes and use is_legged_robot flag
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- Connect accRef from abc instead of seq. Note that connection from seq at previous r
- Use contactStates in Stabilizer to specify single support ph
- Add out data ports for Stabilizer debug
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- (KalmanFilter.cpp) : Use accRef compensation
- (PDcontroller,...) : Add PD controller and examples
- samplerobot:
- Add print message and comments to samples, remove direct writing of getRTCList, and
- Use .in file to specify openhrp3 directory for sample1.wrl model
- Add conf_file setting to samplerobot.launch by copying hrpsys_tools/hrpsys/hrpsys.launch setting
- Add impedancecontroller example
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- Fix transition between MODE_AIR, MODE_IDLE, and MODE_ST. Set MODE_AIR if startStabilizer
- Fix USE_IMU_STATEFEEDBACK to USE_EEFM_STABILIZER for switching stabilizer algorithm and f
- Add LPF for ground contact checking
- Fix transition between st ON mode and st OFF mode
- Rotate robot around COG in rpy control
- Support rotational walking by fixing ref force and ref moment coordinates
- Update calculation of actual and reference values for Stabilizer
- Check legged robot or not
- Add getActualParameters and update to use it
- Update member variables (rename and remove)
- Fix idl to specify zmp delay time constant and auxiliary zmp inp
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- (Sample6dofRobot) : Add sample6dofrobot VRML which has 3 slide joints and 3 rotate joints. Add example f
- rtc/DataLogger/DataLogger.cpp rtc/DataLogger/DataLogger.h: remove needless variable tm from member metho
- (catkin.cmake, CMakeLists, samples/samplerobot*) : Move samplerobot examples to hrpsys-base https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/252
- Contributors: Shunichi Nozawa, Kunio Kojima, Isaac IY Saito