Changelog for package concert_msgs
0.6.0 (2013-08-07 18:58)
- 0.5.2
- remove unused zeroconf_msgs dependency.
- 0.5.1
- 0.5.0
- AppDescription->App
0.5.3 (2013-08-07 19:04)
0.5.2 (2013-07-17)
- remove unused zeroconf_msgs dependency.
- AppDescription->App
0.5.1 (2013-06-10 16:28:55 +0900)
- 0.5.0
- proper dependency exporting for rocon msgs.
0.5.0 (2013-05-27)
- added forced matching parameter.
- min, max added to node parameters.
- splitting human friendly and gateway name identification.
- splitting human friendly and gateway name identification.
- 0.4.0
0.3.0 (2013-02-05)
- fix broken cmake for reshuffled messages.
- update jihoon email
- invitation now handled directly by the app manager.
- concert status -> app manager status, part of first redesign.
- platform info constants -> platform info msg.
- finished testing.
- testing pre-release with qt4 rosdep.
- Merge branch 'groovy-devel' of into groovy-devel
- testing pre-release with qt4 rosdep.
0.2.1 (2013-01-31)
- PlatformInfo msg GetPlatformInfo srv moved from concert to app manager. RemoteGatewayInfo srv typo
- platform info to rocon_app_manager_msgs
- merge zeroconfmsgs bugfix.
- refactoring app->rapp.
- bugfix typo in build_depend as well.
- bugfix typo in rosdep zeroconf_msgs.
- catkinized.
0.2.0 (2012-12-23 14:15:44)
0.1.4 (2012-12-23 14:15:23)
- simplified start solution.
- updates to the idea of implementation.
- ROBOT_ANY constant added.
- Link graph messages.
- concert client configuration updates for orchestration.
- reinstated apps into client information.
- concert clients and minor mod to platform info.
- starting the concert clients.
- Autoinvite no longer needed.
- remove quotes from the strings.
- platform info moved to concert msgs and eclipse project files.
- adding auto invitatin setting service
0.1.3 (2012-12-07)
- updated concert msgs
- conductor msgs
- more srvs
- updated srvs and msgs
0.1.2 (2012-11-22)
- missed a comms->msg update.
- migrate remaining packages from comms->msgs.
0.1.1 (2012-11-21)
0.1.0 (2012-03-29)