Changelog for package cob_phidgets
0.5.3 (2014-03-31)
- install tags
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.5.2 (2014-03-20)
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- use local namespace
- remove launch and yaml configuration. this should be either in cob_robots or on the ROS wiki page
- removed some debug outputs
- fixed crash due to non existing phidget configuration for an attached board
- modified phidget config
- changed template config
- added topic to set digital outputs
- fixed include error
- debug infos
- example config changed
- changed service message description from index to uri
- fix include path for libphidgets
- added license headers
- bugfix
- moved services to boards individual namespace
- removed unused files
- cleaned up code
- new phidget config structure
- params reading fix
- implemented new sensor message layout
- added launch file
- publish on root namespace for all attached boards
- phidget config yaml prototype
- exposed settings to yaml param file
- exposed settings to yaml param file
- new message format + POLLING and EVENT based mode
- changed namespaces
- cleanup
- threading and memory-leak fixes
- correction for gcc4.6
- gcc 4.6 corrections
- new phidget driver
- testing
- fix
- flush input buffer
- renaming phidget labels
- changes
- display device name in list
- added phidget device name setter
- Installation stuff
- cleaned up CMakeLists and added install directives
- further modifications for catkin, now everything is compiling and linking
- compiling but still some linker errors
- Second catkinization push
- First catkinization, still need to update some CMakeLists.txt
- eliminate global variable and fix indentation
- delete launch file, should be in cob_robots
- tray: fix
- tray: outputting correct range msgs + configurable
- renamed cob_tray_sensors to cob_phidgets and removed tray occupied check, now only publishing raw data
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Joshua Hampp, abubeck, ipa-bnm, ipa-fmw, ipa-nhg