Changelog for package cob_interactive_teleop
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- removed compiler warning
- Fixed CMakefiles for teleop stuff.
- merged catkin version
- Initial catkinization.
- Ability to disable 1-DOF and rotation controls
- Ability to change z position of the marker
- move marker higher
- Fix of the teleop when using /map fixed frame in Rviz
- Launch file arguments added
- New launch file to start the teleop
- small fixes for interactive teleop
- Unnecessary files removed
- Revision of the interactive teleop (parameters added, etc.)
- removed blacklist
- update stack
- Removed unnecessary dependencies
- Some minor changes
- Manifest updated
- Manifest updated
- cleanup in interactive teleop
- Include and source directories fixed
- Include and source directory updated
- New COB interactive teleop
- Contributors: abubeck, but-spanel, ipa-fmw