Changelog for package cob_base_velocity_smoother
0.5.3 (2014-03-31)
- install tags
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.5.2 (2014-03-20)
0.5.1 (2014-03-20)
- add definitions to get rid of compiler warning
- cob_undercarriage_ctrl: expose param for watchdog timeout
- cob_base_velocity_smoother: add param to specify minimal rate which is expected for commands. At slower rates, start filling in zeros
- cleaned up CMakeLists and added install directives
- cob_base_velocity_smoother: make robot stop if a zero is commanded
- cob_base_velocity_smoother: stop publishing velocity commands when we don't receive any
- futher include and linkpath modifications
- Second catkinization push
- First catkinization, still need to update some CMakeLists.txt
- bugfix: added missing default value for parameter in velocity smoother
- the cob_base_velocity_smoother now has a loop rate and some additional updates
- cleaned up the code
- some minor modifications on cob_base_velocity_smoother, removed some unnecessary couts
- some minor modifications on cob_base_velocity_smoother
- some minor modifications on cob_base_velocity_smoother
- some further modifications on cob_base_velocity_smoother, to be (parameter-) tested on hw
- some modifications on cob_base_velocity_smoother, to be tested on hw
- some bugfixes on cob_base_velocity_smoother, to be tested on hw. still contains some couts to be removed
- some modifications/bugfixes in cob_base_velocity_smoother.cpp. to be tested, not finished yet
- integration of cob_base_velocity_smoother, moved here from cob_navigation
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Frederik Hegger, abubeck, frm, ipa-frm, ipa-mig