Changelog for package checkerboard_pose_estimation
1.0.21 (2014-10-24)
- Added install dependency from checkerboard_pose to find ros_detect.h
- Contributors: TheDash
1.0.20 (2014-10-24)
1.0.19 (2014-10-24)
- Added set(orocos_kdl_DIR) to get around the fail orocos_kdl package, will not work if orocos is being installed from src since it looks in /opt/ros/hydro/share/orocos_kdl
- Contributors: TheDash
1.0.18 (2014-10-23)
1.0.17 (2014-10-20)
- Fixed the linking bug in checkerboard_pose_est
- Removed set executable output paths
- Contributors: TheDash
1.0.16 (2014-10-20)
1.0.15 (2014-10-20)
1.0.14 (2014-10-17)
- Fixing orocos bug
- Contributors: TheDash
1.0.13 (2014-10-14)
- Removed mainpage.dox
- Contributors: TheDash
1.0.12 (2014-10-10)
1.0.11 (2014-10-10)
1.0.10 (2014-09-18)
- pr2_plugs is now in unstable, compiles
- Contributors: dash
1.0.9 (2014-09-17)
1.0.8 (2014-09-11)
1.0.7 (2014-09-11)
1.0.6 (2014-09-11)
1.0.5 (2014-09-08)
1.0.4 (2014-09-08)
1.0.3 (2014-09-08)
1.0.2 (2014-09-08)
1.0.1 (2014-09-08)
- Added install targets
- Generate changelogs
- Exported libraries
- Added things
- Catkinization and hydro compilation
- Removed makefile
- Removed manifest.xml
- Current updates..
- Added package and cmake for hydro
- use the C++ cv_bridge API (as the C got deprecated)
- copy branch into trunk
- Contributors: TheDash, Vincent Rabaud, wim
- Exported libraries
- Added things
- Catkinization and hydro compilation
- Removed makefile
- Removed manifest.xml
- Current updates..
- Added package and cmake for hydro
- use the C++ cv_bridge API (as the C got deprecated)
- copy branch into trunk
- Contributors: TheDash, Vincent Rabaud, wim