Changelog for package applanix_bridge
0.0.11 (2015-05-27)
- Fixed the way exceptions are raised when bad data is received
- Contributors: Kareem Shehata
0.0.10 (2015-05-04)
- Applanix driver will now set the /gps_origin parameter if not set at startup with the origin used for fixes
- Contributors: Kareem Shehata
0.0.9 (2015-04-10)
- Added a parameter for setting the origin in If not set, and zero_start is set then the first GPS fix is used. Otherwise, default is UTM.
- Contributors: Kareem Shehata
0.0.8 (2015-03-10)
- Renaming example launch for more general use.
- Parameterizing the applanix_bridge launch file
- Contributors: Kareem Shehata
0.0.7 (2015-02-28)
- Adding launch file for publishing Odometry and TF.
Useful for adding Odometry and TF's when using bag files that don't include them
- Fixed orientation mapping when publishing Odometry and converting from NED to ENU
- Contributors: Kareem Shehata
0.0.6 (2014-12-10)
- Gams param max_heading_error_rms has to be assigned to 3.0 degrees default and cannot be zero.
- Contributors: Vaibhav Kumar Mehta
0.0.5 (2014-12-09)
- Typo in the imu angular velocity z component is fixed. All the required NED (/reference or /vehicle for Applanix) to ENU (/base_footprint or /base_link in ROS) frame conversions are applied to get correct Pose and twist data.
- gams params, dmi params and some geometry params added to be configured correctly. some sample values are provided in the example.launch also added in this commit
- launch file updated as auxiliary gnss to reference frame lever is not neeeded.
- updated the launch file with correct installation parameters for applanix
- Origin now includes the z dimension or altitude so that the odometry msgs are w.r.t. the current surface and not the sea level. quaternion assignment in tf broadcaster had a bug which is fixed now.
- Fixing typo in, we Transfrom != Transform
- Contributors: Vaibhav Kumar Mehta
0.0.4 (2014-09-18)
- Removing diagnostic_msgs from find_package because it isn't needed at build, it's handled by the run_depends, and it makes the build servers cry.
- Contributors: Kareem Shehata
0.0.2 (2014-09-16)
- Increased queue size to 5 since data smoke test fails otherwise
- Added queue sizes on Publishers to make Indigo complain less
- Added dependency on geodesy
- Merged applanix_msgs with applanix_srvs and adapted the
script to generate all of the required elements. Updated the
CMakeLists.txt for applanix_msgs to generate services and AllMsgs.
Updated applanix_bridge for the changes.
- Contributors: Kareem Shehata
0.0.1 (2014-09-04)
0.0.0 (2014-09-04)
- Adding install targets
- Replaced the with a call to geodesy.utm. Should work, but not
well tested.
- Cleaned up the dependencies from applanix_bridge
- Changing maintainer of the applanix modules to be me
- Fixed package names in launch file
- Removed a bunch of the chunky comments from the CMakeLists.txt for all
of the sub projects.
- Moved the smoke test into the applanix_bridge package.
It seems to work. At the very least it passes, though it does spit out a
bunch of warnings.
- Moved back to applanix_msgs because it's needed by
applanix_bridge and it makes more sense for it to be there. Also updated
applanix_bridge to use the new applanix_srvs package.
- Updated applanix_msgs to generate messages so that applanix_bridge can
use them.
- Making applanix_bridge into a proper rospy package that you can run. Can
now run things, though they fail because of the missing applanix_msgs.
Also note that I've removed a bunch of the dependencies until I can
figure out how to do those properly.
- First stage of catkinizing: catkin metapackage, and consolidate the
python stuff into applanix_bridge. Have yet to update the CMakeLists.txt
for the applanix_bridge package to work properly. Also need a
- Fixed translator for use in Hydro. Seems to work in testing on the Tango
Tasmania platform.
- Switch the translator to use separate genpy package.
- Adding capture file and basic smoke test to driver.
- Moving gps_utm file to correct package.
- Added some minimal documentation to the manifests, moved publisher to its own package.
- Adding code headers to everything.
- Now publishing the origin of our UTM coordinates wrt. the UTM zone zero point
- Small cleanup of unnecessary shebangs, etc.
- Adding option to autoset a UTM origin
- Added params for base gnss setup.
- Adding COM port configuration
- Adding translation node to convert Applanix messages into standard ROS messages
- Stomped on merge changes. 'master' should now match 'work'.
- Merge branch 'work'
- rename applanix_ctl to applanix_generated_msgs
- Auto-subscribe now working.
- Add nav_mode messages every 5s to keep connection alive.
- Working COM port params.
- Initial support for services.
- Last commit before refactoring to separate thread class per socket.
- Add remaining groups, change the array serialization strategy.
- First commit.
- Contributors: Administrator, Alex Bencz, Kareem Shehata, Mike Purvis, Ryan Gariepy