Go to the documentation of this file.
00010 // Define the firmware revision
00011 #define UM6_FIRMWARE_REVISION           (('U' << 24) | ('M' << 16) | ('2' << 8) | 'B')
00013 // CONFIG_ARRAY_SIZE and DATA_ARRAY_SIZE specify the number of 32 bit configuration and data registers used by the firmware
00014 // (Note: The term "register" is used loosely here.  These "registers" are not actually registers in the same sense of a 
00015 // microcontroller register.  They are simply index locations into arrays stored in global memory.  Data and configuration
00016 // parameters are stored in arrays because it allows a common communication protocol to be used to access all data and
00017 // configuration.  The software communicating with the sensor needs only specify the register address, and the communication
00018 // software running on the sensor knows exactly where to find it - it needn't know what the data is.  The software communicatin
00019 // with the sensor, on the other hand, needs to know what it is asking for (naturally...)
00020 // This setup makes it easy to make more data immediately available when needed - simply increase the array size, add code in
00021 // the firmware that writes data to the new array location, and then make updates to the firmware definition on the PC side.
00022 #define CONFIG_ARRAY_SIZE               59
00023 #define DATA_ARRAY_SIZE                 48
00024 #define COMMAND_COUNT                   10
00026 // 
00027 #define CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS             0
00028 #define DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS          85
00029 #define COMMAND_START_ADDRESS           170
00031 // These preprocessor definitions make it easier to access specific configuration parameters in code
00032 // They specify array locations associated with each register name.  Note that in the comments below, many of the values are
00033 // said to be 32-bit IEEE floating point.  Obviously this isn't directly the case, since the arrays are actually 32-bit unsigned 
00034 // integer arrays.  Bit for bit, the data does correspond to the correct floating point value.  Since you can't cast ints as floats,
00035 // special conversion has to happen to copy the float data to and from the array.
00036 // Starting with configuration register locations...
00037 #define UM6_COMMUNICATION                               CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS                                // Stores settings in individual bits
00038 #define UM6_MISC_CONFIG                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 1)          // Stores settings in individual bits
00039 #define UM6_MAG_REF_X                                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 2)          // Mag reference values are stored as 32-bit IEEE floating point values (these reflect data AFTER scale factors and compensation are applied)
00040 #define UM6_MAG_REF_Y                                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 3)
00041 #define UM6_MAG_REF_Z                                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 4)
00042 #define UM6_ACCEL_REF_X                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 5)          // Accel reference values are stored as 32-bit IEEE floating point values (these reflect data AFTER scale factors and compensation are applied)
00043 #define UM6_ACCEL_REF_Y                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 6)
00044 #define UM6_ACCEL_REF_Z                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 7)
00045 #define UM6_EKF_MAG_VARIANCE                    (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 8)          // Variances are stored as 32-bit IEEE floating point values.
00046 #define UM6_EKF_ACCEL_VARIANCE               (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 9)
00047 #define UM6_EKF_PROCESS_VARIANCE                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 10)
00048 #define UM6_GYRO_BIAS_XY                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 11)         // Gyro biases are stored as 16-bit signed integers.  Bias correction is applied BEFORE scale factors are applied
00049 #define UM6_GYRO_BIAS_Z                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 12)
00050 #define UM6_ACCEL_BIAS_XY                               (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 13)         // Accel biases are stored as 16-bit signed integers.  Bias correction is applied BEFORE scale factors are applied
00051 #define UM6_ACCEL_BIAS_Z                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 14)         
00052 #define UM6_MAG_BIAS_XY                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 15)         // Mag biases are stored as 16-bit signed integers.  Bias correction is applied BEFORE magnetometer adjustment
00053 #define UM6_MAG_BIAS_Z                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 16)         
00054 #define UM6_ACCEL_CAL_00                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 17)         // The accelerometer alignment matrix is a 3x3 matrix with 32-bit IEEE floating point entries
00055 #define UM6_ACCEL_CAL_01                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 18)
00056 #define UM6_ACCEL_CAL_02                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 19)
00057 #define UM6_ACCEL_CAL_10                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 20)
00058 #define UM6_ACCEL_CAL_11                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 21)
00059 #define UM6_ACCEL_CAL_12                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 22)
00060 #define UM6_ACCEL_CAL_20                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 23)
00061 #define UM6_ACCEL_CAL_21                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 24)
00062 #define UM6_ACCEL_CAL_22                                (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 25)
00063 #define UM6_GYRO_CAL_00                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 26)         // The gyro alignment matrix is a 3x3 matrix with 32-bit IEEE floating point entries
00064 #define UM6_GYRO_CAL_01                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 27)
00065 #define UM6_GYRO_CAL_02                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 28)
00066 #define UM6_GYRO_CAL_10                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 29)
00067 #define UM6_GYRO_CAL_11                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 30)
00068 #define UM6_GYRO_CAL_12                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 31)
00069 #define UM6_GYRO_CAL_20                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 32)
00070 #define UM6_GYRO_CAL_21                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 33)
00071 #define UM6_GYRO_CAL_22                         (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 34)
00072 #define UM6_MAG_CAL_00                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 35)         // The magnetometer calibration matrix is a 3x3 matrix with 32-bit IEEE floating point entries
00073 #define UM6_MAG_CAL_01                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 36)
00074 #define UM6_MAG_CAL_02                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 37)
00075 #define UM6_MAG_CAL_10                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 38)
00076 #define UM6_MAG_CAL_11                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 39)
00077 #define UM6_MAG_CAL_12                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 40)
00078 #define UM6_MAG_CAL_20                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 41)
00079 #define UM6_MAG_CAL_21                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 42)
00080 #define UM6_MAG_CAL_22                                  (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 43)
00082 #define   UM6_GYROX_BIAS_0                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 44)         // Terms used for gyro temperature compensation.  Each item is a floating point number, to be
00083 #define   UM6_GYROX_BIAS_1                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 45)         // applied to the raw data directly.
00084 #define   UM6_GYROX_BIAS_2                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 46)
00085 #define   UM6_GYROX_BIAS_3                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 47)
00086 #define   UM6_GYROY_BIAS_0                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 48)
00087 #define   UM6_GYROY_BIAS_1                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 49)
00088 #define   UM6_GYROY_BIAS_2                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 50)
00089 #define   UM6_GYROY_BIAS_3                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 51)
00090 #define   UM6_GYROZ_BIAS_0                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 52)
00091 #define   UM6_GYROZ_BIAS_1                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 53)
00092 #define   UM6_GYROZ_BIAS_2                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 54)
00093 #define   UM6_GYROZ_BIAS_3                   (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 55)
00094 #define UM6_GPS_HOME_LAT                        (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 56)
00095 #define UM6_GPS_HOME_LONG                       (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 57)
00096 #define UM6_GPS_HOME_ALTITUDE           (CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS + 58)
00098 // Now for data register locations.
00099 // In the communication protocol, data registers are labeled with number ranging from 128 to 255.  The value of 128 will be subtracted from these numbers
00100 // to produce the actual array index labeled below
00101 #define UM6_STATUS                              DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS                          // Status register defines error codes with individual bits
00102 #define UM6_GYRO_RAW_XY                 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 1)            // Raw gyro data is stored in 16-bit signed integers
00103 #define UM6_GYRO_RAW_Z                  (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 2)
00104 #define UM6_ACCEL_RAW_XY                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 3)            // Raw accel data is stored in 16-bit signed integers
00105 #define UM6_ACCEL_RAW_Z                 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 4)
00106 #define UM6_MAG_RAW_XY                  (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 5)            // Raw mag data is stored in 16-bit signed integers
00107 #define UM6_MAG_RAW_Z                   (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 6)
00108 #define UM6_GYRO_PROC_XY                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 7)            // Processed gyro data has scale factors applied and alignment correction performed.  Data is 16-bit signed integer.
00109 #define UM6_GYRO_PROC_Z                 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 8)
00110 #define UM6_ACCEL_PROC_XY               (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 9)            // Processed accel data has scale factors applied and alignment correction performed.  Data is 16-bit signed integer.
00111 #define UM6_ACCEL_PROC_Z                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 10)
00112 #define UM6_MAG_PROC_XY                 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 11)           // Processed mag data has scale factors applied and alignment correction performed.  Data is 16-bit signed integer.
00113 #define UM6_MAG_PROC_Z                  (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 12)
00114 #define UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA         (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 13)               // Euler angles are 32-bit IEEE floating point
00115 #define UM6_EULER_PSI                   (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 14)
00116 #define UM6_QUAT_AB                             (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 15)           // Quaternions are 16-bit signed integers.
00117 #define UM6_QUAT_CD                             (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 16)
00118 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_00                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 17)           // Error covariance is a 4x4 matrix of 32-bit IEEE floating point values
00119 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_01                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 18)
00120 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_02                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 19)
00121 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_03                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 20)
00122 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_10                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 21)
00123 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_11                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 22)
00124 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_12                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 23)
00125 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_13                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 24)
00126 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_20                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 25)
00127 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_21                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 26)
00128 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_22                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 27)
00129 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_23                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 28)
00130 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_30                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 29)
00131 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_31                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 30)
00132 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_32                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 31)
00133 #define UM6_ERROR_COV_33                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 32)
00134 #define UM6_TEMPERATURE         (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 33)           // Temperature measured by onboard temperature sensors
00135 #define UM6_GPS_LONGITUDE               (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 34)           // GPS longitude
00136 #define UM6_GPS_LATITUDE                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 35)           // GPS latitude
00137 #define UM6_GPS_ALTITUDE                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 36)           // GPS altitude
00138 #define UM6_GPS_POSITION_N              (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 37)           // GPS position (meters north of home position)
00139 #define UM6_GPS_POSITION_E              (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 38)           // GPS position (meters east of home position)
00140 #define UM6_GPS_POSITION_H              (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 39)           // GPS position (meters east of home position)
00141 #define UM6_GPS_COURSE_SPEED    (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 40)           // GPS course over ground in degrees and speed in m/s
00142 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_SUMMARY             (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 41)           // Summarizes GPS satellite data (mode, satellite count, HDOP, and VDOP)
00143 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_1_2                 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 42)           // ID and SNR for satellites being tracked
00144 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_3_4                 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 43)           // ID and SNR for satellites being tracked
00145 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_5_6                 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 44)           // ID and SNR for satellites being tracked
00146 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_7_8                 (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 45)           // ID and SNR for satellites being tracked
00147 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_9_10                (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 46)           // ID and SNR for satellites being tracked
00148 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_11_12               (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 47)           // ID and SNR for satellites being tracked
00150 // Define some stuff to organize the contents of the UM6_GPS_SAT_SUMMARY register
00151 #define UM6_GPS_MODE_START_BIT  30
00152 #define UM6_GPS_MODE_MASK               0x03            // 2 bits
00154 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_COUNT_START_BIT     26
00155 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_COUNT_MASK          0x0F    // 4 bits
00157 #define UM6_GPS_HDOP_START_BIT          16
00158 #define UM6_GPS_HDOP_MASK                       0x03FF  // 10 bits
00160 #define UM6_GPS_VDOP_START_BIT          6
00161 #define UM6_GPS_VDOP_MASK                       0x03FF  // 10 bits
00163 // Finally, define some non-register registers... sometimes commands must be sent to the sensor - commands that don't involve the transmission of any data.
00164 // Like, for example, a command to zero rate gyros.  Or whatever.  These commands are given "register" addresses so that they can be sent using the same
00165 // communication framework used to set and read registers.  The only difference is that when a command is received and no data is attached, the communication
00166 // code doesn't set any registers.
00167 //
00168 // The communication code will do two things for every packet received:
00169 // 1. Copy data to the relevant register if data was provided in the packet
00170 // 2. Call a "dispatch packet" function that performs additional functions if the packet requires it.
00171 // Step 2 is what handles commands and causes status packets to be returned.
00172 #define UM6_GET_FW_VERSION           COMMAND_START_ADDRESS                      // Causes the UM6 to report the firmware revision
00173 #define UM6_FLASH_COMMIT                (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 1)     // Causes the UM6 to write all configuration values to FLASH
00174 #define UM6_ZERO_GYROS                  (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 2)     // Causes the UM6 to start a zero gyros command
00175 #define UM6_RESET_EKF                   (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 3)     // Causes the UM6 to reset the EKF
00176 #define UM6_GET_DATA                    (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 4)     // Causes the UM6 to transmit a data packet containing data from all enabled channels
00177 #define UM6_SET_ACCEL_REF               (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 5)     // Causes the UM6 to set the current measured accel data to the reference vector
00178 #define UM6_SET_MAG_REF                 (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 6)     // Causes the UM6 to set the current measured magnetometer data to the reference vector
00179 #define UM6_RESET_TO_FACTORY    (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 7)     // Causes the UM6 to load default factory settings
00181 #define UM6_SAVE_FACTORY                (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 8)     // Causes the UM6 to save the current settings to the factory flash location
00183 #define UM6_SET_HOME_POSITION   (COMMAND_START_ADDRESS + 9)     // Causes the UM6 to save the current GPS position as the "home" position (used to compute relative position)
00185 #define UM6_USE_CONFIG_ADDRESS          0
00186 #define UM6_USE_FACTORY_ADDRESS         1
00188 #define UM6_BAD_CHECKSUM                        253                                                             // Sent if the UM6 receives a packet with a bad checksum
00189 #define UM6_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS             254                                                             // Sent if the UM6 receives a packet with an unknown address
00190 #define UM6_INVALID_BATCH_SIZE  255                                                             // Sent if a requested batch read or write operation would go beyond the bounds of the config or data array
00192 // Now make even more definitions for writing data to specific registers
00193 // Start with the UM6_COMMUNICATION register.  These definitions specify what individual bits in the regist mean
00194 #define UM6_BROADCAST_ENABLED           (1 << 30)       // Enable serial data transmission
00195 #define UM6_GYROS_RAW_ENABLED           (1 << 29)       // Enable transmission of raw gyro data
00196 #define UM6_ACCELS_RAW_ENABLED          (1 << 28)       // Enable transmission of raw accelerometer data
00197 #define UM6_MAG_RAW_ENABLED                     (1 << 27)       // Enable transmission of raw magnetometer data
00198 #define UM6_GYROS_PROC_ENABLED          (1 << 26)       // Enable transmission of processed gyro data (biases removed, scale factor applied, rotation correction applied)
00199 #define UM6_ACCELS_PROC_ENABLED         (1 << 25)       // Enable transmission of processed accel data (biases removed, scale factor applied, rotation correction applied)
00200 #define UM6_MAG_PROC_ENABLED            (1 << 24)       //      Enable transmission of processed mag data (biases removed, scale factor applied, rotation correction applied)
00201 #define UM6_QUAT_ENABLED                        (1 << 23)       // Enable transmission of quaternion data
00202 #define UM6_EULER_ENABLED                       (1 << 22)       // Enable transmission of euler angle data
00203 #define UM6_COV_ENABLED                         (1 << 21)       // Enable transmission of state covariance data
00204 #define UM6_TEMPERATURE_ENABLED     (1 << 20) // Enable transmission of gyro temperature readings     
00205 #define UM6_GPS_POSITION_ENABLED        (1 << 19)       // Enable transmission of latitude and longitude data
00206 #define UM6_GPS_REL_POSITION_ENABLED    (1 << 18)       // Enable transmission of computed North and East position (with respect to home position)
00207 #define UM6_GPS_COURSE_SPEED_ENABLED (1 << 17)  // Enable transmission of computed GPS course and speed
00208 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_SUMMARY_ENABLED     (1 << 16)       // Enable transmission of satellite summary data (count, HDOP, VDP, mode)
00209 #define UM6_GPS_SAT_DATA_ENABLED        (1 << 15)       // Enable transmission of satellite data (ID and SNR of each satellite)
00211 #define UM6_GPS_BAUD_RATE_MASK          (0x07)
00212 #define UM6_GPS_BAUD_START_BIT          11
00214 #define UM6_BAUD_RATE_MASK                      (0x07)          // Mask specifying the number of bits used to set the serial baud rate
00215 #define UM6_BAUD_START_BIT                      8                               // Specifies the start location of the baud rate bits
00217 #define UM6_SERIAL_RATE_MASK            (0x000FF)       // Mask specifying which bits in this register are used to indicate the broadcast frequency
00219 // MISC Configuration register
00220 #define UM6_MAG_UPDATE_ENABLED          (1 << 31)       // Enable magnetometer-based updates in the EKF
00221 #define UM6_ACCEL_UPDATE_ENABLED        (1 << 30)       // Enable accelerometer-based updates in the EKF
00222 #define UM6_GYRO_STARTUP_CAL            (1 << 29)       // Enable automatic gyro calibration on startup
00223 #define UM6_QUAT_ESTIMATE_ENABLED       (1 << 28)       // Enable quaternion-based state estimation
00225 // UM6 Status Register
00226 #define UM6_MAG_INIT_FAILED                     (1 << 31)       // Indicates magnetometer initialization failed
00227 #define UM6_ACCEL_INIT_FAILED           (1 << 30)       // Indicates accelerometer initialization failed
00228 #define UM6_GYRO_INIT_FAILED                    (1 << 29)       // Indicates gyro initialization failed
00229 #define UM6_GYRO_ST_FAILED_X                    (1 << 28)       // Indicates that the x-axis gyro self test failed
00230 #define UM6_GYRO_ST_FAILED_Y                    (1 << 27)       // Indicates that the y-axis gyro self test failed
00231 #define UM6_GYRO_ST_FAILED_Z                    (1 << 26)       //      Indicates that the z-axis gyro self test failed
00232 #define UM6_ACCEL_ST_FAILED_X           (1 << 25)       // Indicates that the x-axis accel self test failed
00233 #define UM6_ACCEL_ST_FAILED_Y           (1 << 24)       // Indicates that the y-axis accel self test failed
00234 #define UM6_ACCEL_ST_FAILED_Z           (1 << 23)       //      Indicates that the z-axis accel self test failed
00235 #define UM6_MAG_ST_FAILED_X                     (1 << 22)       // Indicates that the x-axis mag self test failed
00236 #define UM6_MAG_ST_FAILED_Y                     (1 << 21)       // Indicates that the y-axis mag self test failed
00237 #define UM6_MAG_ST_FAILED_Z                     (1 << 20)       //      Indicates that the z-axis mag self test failed
00238 #define UM6_I2C_GYRO_BUS_ERROR          (1 << 19)       // Indicates that there was an i2c bus error while communicating with the rate gyros
00239 #define UM6_I2C_ACCEL_BUS_ERROR         (1 << 18)       // Indicates that there was an i2c bus error while communicating with the accelerometers
00240 #define UM6_I2C_MAG_BUS_ERROR           (1 << 17)       // Indicates that there was an i2c bus error while communicating with the magnetometer
00241 #define UM6_EKF_DIVERGENT                               (1 << 16)       // Indicates that the EKF estimate failed and had to be restarted
00242 #define UM6_GYRO_UNRESPONSIVE           (1 << 15)       // Inidicates that the rate gyros failed to signal new data for longer than expected
00243 #define UM6_ACCEL_UNRESPONSIVE          (1 << 14)       // Indicates that the accelerometer failed to signal new data for longer than expected
00244 #define UM6_MAG_UNRESPONSIVE                    (1 << 13)       // Indicates that the magnetometer failed to signal new data for longer than expected
00245 #define UM6_FLASH_WRITE_FAILED          (1 << 12)       // Indicates that a write to flash command failed to complete properly
00247 #define UM6_SELF_TEST_COMPLETE          (1 << 0)                // Indicates that a self-test was completed

Author(s): Mike Purvis
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 15:31:34