The camera model simulates a camera
API: Stg::ModelCamera
Worldfile properties
- Summary and default values
# laser properties
resolution [ 32 32 ]
range [ 0.2 8.0 ]
fov [ 70.0 40.0 ]
pantilt [ 0.0 0.0 ]
# model properties
size [ 0.1 0.07 0.05 ]
color "black"
watts 100.0 # TODO find watts for sony pan-tilt camera
- Details
- resolution [ width:<int> height:<int> ]
the resolution of the pixel samples
- range [ min:<float> max:<float> ]
the range reported by the camera, in meters. Objects closer than `min', or farther than `max' will not be displayed. The smaller the `min' number, the less persision in depth - don't set this value too close to 0.
- fov [ horizontal: <float> vertical: <float> ]
angle, in degrees, for the horizontal and vertical field of view.
- pantilt [ pan:<float> tilt:<float> ] angle, in degrees, where the camera is looking. pan is the left-right positioning, and tilt is the up-down positioning.