Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 # -*- Python -*-
00003 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00005 '''rtshell
00007 Copyright (C) 2009-2014
00008     Geoffrey Biggs
00009     RT-Synthesis Research Group
00010     Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
00011     National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),
00012     Japan
00013     All rights reserved.
00014 Licensed under the Eclipse Public License -v 1.0 (EPL)
00015 http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.txt
00017 rtresurrect library.
00019 '''
00022 import optparse
00023 import os
00024 import os.path
00025 import rtctree.path
00026 import rtctree.tree
00027 import rtsprofile.rts_profile
00028 import sys
00029 import traceback
00031 import actions
00032 import option_store
00033 import rtshell
00036 def check_required_component_actions(rtsprofile):
00037     checks = []
00038     # First perform a sanity check of the system.
00039     # All required components must be present
00040     for comp in [c for c in rtsprofile.components if c.is_required]:
00041         checks.append(actions.CheckForRequiredCompAct('/' + comp.path_uri,
00042             comp.id, comp.instance_name,
00043             callbacks=[actions.RequiredActionCB()]))
00044     return checks
00047 def get_data_conn_props(conn):
00048     return {'dataport.dataflow_type': str(conn.data_flow_type),
00049             'dataport.interface_type': str(conn.interface_type),
00050             'dataport.subscription_type': str(conn.subscription_type),
00051             'dataport.data_type': str(conn.data_type)}
00054 def clean_props(props):
00055     '''Clean properties of dangerous values and wrong data types.
00057     Make sure the properties don't have IORs or similar in them, because
00058     they will confuse the notify_connect calls.
00060     Make sure that all keys are not unicode.
00062     '''
00063     new_props = {}
00064     for p in props:
00065         if p == 'dataport.corba_cdr.inport_ior':
00066             continue
00067         if p == 'dataport.corba_cdr.inport_ref':
00068             continue
00069         if p == 'dataport.corba_cdr.outport_ior':
00070             continue
00071         if p == 'dataport.corba_cdr.outport_ref':
00072             continue
00073         new_props[str(p)] = str(props[p])
00074     return new_props
00077 def data_connection_actions(rtsprofile):
00078     # The ports on those components in any required connections must also be
00079     # present.
00080     checks = []
00081     make_connections = []
00082     for conn in rtsprofile.required_data_connections():
00083         source_comp = rtsprofile.find_comp_by_target(conn.source_data_port)
00084         source_path = '/' + source_comp.path_uri
00085         source_port = conn.source_data_port.port_name
00086         prefix = source_comp.instance_name + '.'
00087         if source_port.startswith(prefix):
00088             source_port = source_port[len(prefix):]
00089         dest_comp = rtsprofile.find_comp_by_target(conn.target_data_port)
00090         dest_path = '/' + dest_comp.path_uri
00091         dest_port = conn.target_data_port.port_name
00092         prefix = dest_comp.instance_name + '.'
00093         if dest_port.startswith(prefix):
00094             dest_port = dest_port[len(prefix):]
00095         checks.append(actions.CheckForPortAct(source_path, source_port,
00096             callbacks=[actions.RequiredActionCB()]))
00097         checks.append(actions.CheckForPortAct(dest_path, dest_port,
00098             callbacks=[actions.RequiredActionCB()]))
00099         props = get_data_conn_props(conn)
00100         props.update(conn.properties)
00101         props = clean_props(props)
00102         make_connections.append(actions.ConnectPortsAct(source_path,
00103             source_port, dest_path, dest_port, str(conn.name),
00104             str(conn.connector_id), props,
00105             callbacks=[actions.RequiredActionCB()]))
00107     # Add the other connections to the list
00108     for conn in rtsprofile.optional_data_connections():
00109         source_comp = rtsprofile.find_comp_by_target(conn.source_data_port)
00110         source_path = '/' + source_comp.path_uri
00111         source_port = conn.source_data_port.port_name
00112         prefix = source_comp.instance_name + '.'
00113         if source_port.startswith(prefix):
00114             source_port = source_port[len(prefix):]
00115         dest_comp = rtsprofile.find_comp_by_target(conn.target_data_port)
00116         dest_path = '/' + dest_comp.path_uri
00117         dest_port = conn.target_data_port.port_name
00118         prefix = dest_comp.instance_name + '.'
00119         if dest_port.startswith(prefix):
00120             dest_port = dest_port[len(prefix):]
00121         props = get_data_conn_props(conn)
00122         props.update(conn.properties)
00123         props = clean_props(props)
00124         make_connections.append(actions.ConnectPortsAct(source_path,
00125             source_port, dest_path, dest_port, str(conn.name),
00126             str(conn.connector_id), props))
00128     return checks, make_connections
00131 def service_connection_actions(rtsprofile):
00132     # The ports on those components in any required connections must also be
00133     # present.
00134     checks = []
00135     make_connections = []
00136     for conn in rtsprofile.required_service_connections():
00137         source_comp = rtsprofile.find_comp_by_target(conn.source_service_port)
00138         source_path = '/' + source_comp.path_uri
00139         source_port = conn.source_service_port.port_name
00140         prefix = source_comp.instance_name + '.'
00141         if source_port.startswith(prefix):
00142             source_port = source_port[len(prefix):]
00143         dest_comp = rtsprofile.find_comp_by_target(conn.target_service_port)
00144         dest_path = '/' + dest_comp.path_uri
00145         dest_port =conn.target_service_port.port_name 
00146         prefix = dest_comp.instance_name + '.'
00147         if dest_port.startswith(prefix):
00148             dest_port = dest_port[len(prefix):]
00149         checks.append(actions.CheckForPortAct(source_path, source_port,
00150             callbacks=[actions.RequiredActionCB()]))
00151         checks.append(actions.CheckForPortAct(dest_path, dest_port,
00152             callbacks=[actions.RequiredActionCB()]))
00153         make_connections.append(actions.ConnectPortsAct(source_path,
00154             source_port, dest_path, dest_port, str(conn.name),
00155             str(conn.connector_id), {},
00156             callbacks=[actions.RequiredActionCB()]))
00158     # Add the other connections to the list
00159     for conn in rtsprofile.optional_service_connections():
00160         source_comp = rtsprofile.find_comp_by_target(conn.source_service_port)
00161         source_path = '/' + source_comp.path_uri
00162         source_port = conn.source_service_port.port_name
00163         prefix = source_comp.instance_name + '.'
00164         if source_port.startswith(prefix):
00165             source_port = source_port[len(prefix):]
00166         dest_comp = rtsprofile.find_comp_by_target(conn.target_service_port)
00167         dest_path = '/' + dest_comp.path_uri
00168         dest_port =conn.target_service_port.port_name 
00169         prefix = dest_comp.instance_name + '.'
00170         if dest_port.startswith(prefix):
00171             dest_port = dest_port[len(prefix):]
00172         make_connections.append(actions.ConnectPortsAct(source_path,
00173             source_port, dest_path, dest_port, str(conn.name),
00174             str(conn.connector_id), {}))
00176     return checks, make_connections
00179 def config_set_actions(rtsprofile):
00180     set_active = []
00181     # For each component, if there is an active set, add an action for it
00182     for comp in rtsprofile.components:
00183         if comp.active_configuration_set:
00184             set_active.append(actions.SetActiveConfigSetAct(
00185                 '/' + comp.path_uri, comp.active_configuration_set))
00187     set_values = []
00188     for comp in rtsprofile.components:
00189         for cs in comp.configuration_sets:
00190             for p in cs.configuration_data:
00191                 set_values.append(actions.SetConfigParamValueAct(
00192                     '/' + comp.path_uri, cs.id, p.name, p.data))
00194     return set_values + set_active
00197 def rebuild_system_actions(rtsprofile):
00198     checks = check_required_component_actions(rtsprofile)
00199     data_conn_checks, data_connections = data_connection_actions(rtsprofile)
00200     svc_conn_checks, svc_connections = service_connection_actions(rtsprofile)
00201     config_actions = config_set_actions(rtsprofile)
00203     return checks + data_conn_checks + svc_conn_checks + data_connections + \
00204             svc_connections + config_actions
00207 def resurrect(profile=None, xml=True, dry_run=False, tree=None):
00208     # Load the profile
00209     if profile:
00210         # Read from a file
00211         with open(profile) as f:
00212             if xml:
00213                 rtsp = rtsprofile.rts_profile.RtsProfile(xml_spec=f)
00214             else:
00215                 rtsp = rtsprofile.rts_profile.RtsProfile(yaml_spec=f)
00216     else:
00217         # Read from standard input
00218         lines = sys.stdin.read()
00219         if xml:
00220             rtsp = rtsprofile.rts_profile.RtsProfile(xml_spec=lines)
00221         else:
00222             rtsp = rtsprofile.rts_profile.RtsProfile(yaml_spec=lines)
00224     # Build a list of actions to perform that will reconstruct the system
00225     actions = rebuild_system_actions(rtsp)
00226     if dry_run:
00227         for a in actions:
00228             print a
00229     else:
00230         if not tree:
00231             # Load the RTC Tree, using the paths from the profile
00232             tree = rtctree.tree.RTCTree(paths=[rtctree.path.parse_path(
00233                 '/' + c.path_uri)[0] for c in rtsp.components])
00234         for a in actions:
00235             a(tree)
00238 def main(argv=None, tree=None):
00239     usage = '''Usage: %prog [options] <RTSProfile file>
00240 Recreate an RT system using an RTSProfile.'''
00241     parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=rtshell.RTSH_VERSION)
00242     parser.add_option('--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true',
00243             default=False, help="Print what will be done but don't actually "
00244             "do anything.  [Default: %default]")
00245     parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
00246             default=False,
00247             help='Output verbose information. [Default: %default]')
00248     parser.add_option('-x', '--xml', dest='xml', action='store_true',
00249             default=True, help='Use XML input format. [Default: True]')
00250     parser.add_option('-y', '--yaml', dest='xml', action='store_false',
00251             help='Use YAML input format. [Default: False]')
00253     if argv:
00254         sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + argv
00255     try:
00256         options, args = parser.parse_args()
00257     except optparse.OptionError, e:
00258         print >>sys.stderr, 'OptionError: ', e
00259         return 1
00260     option_store.OptionStore().verbose = options.verbose
00262     if not args:
00263         profile = None
00264     elif len(args) == 1:
00265         profile = args[0]
00266     else:
00267         print >>sys.stderr, usage
00268         return 1
00270     try:
00271         resurrect(profile=profile, xml=options.xml, dry_run=options.dry_run,
00272                 tree=tree)
00273     except Exception, e:
00274         if options.verbose:
00275             traceback.print_exc()
00276         print >>sys.stderr, '{0}: {1}'.format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), e)
00277         return 1
00278     return 0
00280 # vim: tw=79

Author(s): Geoffrey Biggs
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 12:55:12