Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
00003  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
00004  * distributed with this work for additional information
00005  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
00006  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
00007  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
00008  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009  *
00010  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00011  *
00012  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
00013  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
00015  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
00016  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
00017  * under the License.    
00018  */
00019 package org.apache.xmlrpc.metadata;
00021 import java.io.Serializable;
00022 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
00023 import java.util.ArrayList;
00024 import java.util.Calendar;
00025 import java.util.Date;
00026 import java.util.List;
00027 import java.util.Map;
00029 import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
00030 import org.w3c.dom.Node;
00036 public class Util {
00041         private static final Class jaxbElementClass;
00042         static {
00043                 Class c;
00044                 try {
00045                         c = Class.forName("javax.xml.bind.Element");
00046                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
00047                         c = null;
00048                 }
00049                 jaxbElementClass = c;
00050         }
00058         public static String getSignatureType(Class pType) {
00059                 if (pType == Integer.TYPE || pType == Integer.class)
00060                         return "int";
00061                 if (pType == Double.TYPE || pType == Double.class)
00062                         return "double";
00063                 if (pType == Boolean.TYPE || pType == Boolean.class)
00064                         return "boolean";
00065                 if (pType == String.class)
00066                         return "string";
00067                 if (Object[].class.isAssignableFrom(pType)
00068                         ||  List.class.isAssignableFrom(pType))
00069                         return "array";
00070                 if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(pType))
00071                         return "struct";
00072                 if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(pType)
00073                         ||  Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(pType))
00074                         return "dateTime.iso8601";
00075                 if (pType == byte[].class)
00076                         return "base64";
00078                 // extension types
00079                 if (pType == void.class)
00080                         return "ex:nil";
00081                 if (pType == Byte.TYPE || pType == Byte.class)
00082                         return "ex:i1";
00083                 if (pType == Short.TYPE || pType == Short.class)
00084                         return "ex:i2";
00085                 if (pType == Long.TYPE || pType == Long.class)
00086                         return "ex:i8";
00087                 if (pType == Float.TYPE || pType == Float.class)
00088                         return "ex:float";
00089                 if (Node.class.isAssignableFrom(pType))
00090                         return "ex:node";
00091                 if (jaxbElementClass != null
00092                         &&  jaxbElementClass.isAssignableFrom(pType)) {
00093                         return "ex:jaxbElement";
00094                 }
00095                 if (Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(pType))
00096                         return "base64";
00098                 // give up
00099                 return null;
00100         }
00108         public static String[][] getSignature(Method[] pMethods) {
00109         final List result = new ArrayList();
00110         for (int i = 0;  i < pMethods.length;  i++) {
00111             String[] sig = getSignature(pMethods[i]);
00112             if (sig != null) {
00113                 result.add(sig);
00114             }
00115         }
00116         return (String[][]) result.toArray(new String[result.size()][]);
00117     }
00125     public static String[] getSignature(Method pMethod) {    
00126                 Class[] paramClasses = pMethod.getParameterTypes();
00127                 String[] sig = new String[paramClasses.length + 1];
00128                 String s = getSignatureType(pMethod.getReturnType());
00129                 if (s == null) {
00130                         return null;
00131                 }
00132                 sig[0] = s;
00133                 for (int i = 0;  i < paramClasses.length;  i++) {
00134                         s = getSignatureType(paramClasses[i]);
00135                         if (s == null) {
00136                                 return null;
00137                         }
00138                         sig[i+1] = s;
00139                 }
00140                 return sig;
00141         }
00146     public static String getMethodHelp(Class pClass, Method[] pMethods) {
00147         final List result = new ArrayList();
00148         for (int i = 0;  i < pMethods.length;  i++) {
00149             String help = getMethodHelp(pClass, pMethods[i]);
00150             if (help != null) {
00151                 result.add(help);
00152             }
00153         }
00154         switch (result.size()) {
00155             case 0:
00156                 return null;
00157             case 1:
00158                 return (String) result.get(0);
00159             default:
00160                 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
00161                 for (int i = 0;  i < result.size();  i++) {
00162                     sb.append(i+1);
00163                     sb.append(": ");
00164                     sb.append(result.get(i));
00165                     sb.append("\n");
00166                 }
00167                 return sb.toString();
00168         }
00169     }
00174         public static String getMethodHelp(Class pClass, Method pMethod) {
00175                 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
00176                 sb.append("Invokes the method ");
00177                 sb.append(pClass.getName());
00178                 sb.append(".");
00179                 sb.append(pMethod.getName());
00180                 sb.append("(");
00181                 Class[] paramClasses = pMethod.getParameterTypes();
00182                 for (int i = 0;  i < paramClasses.length;  i++) {
00183                         if (i > 0) {
00184                                 sb.append(", ");
00185                         }
00186                         sb.append(paramClasses[i].getName());
00187                 }
00188                 sb.append(").");
00189                 return sb.toString();
00190         }
00195     public static String getSignature(Object[] args) {
00196         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
00197         for (int i = 0;  i < args.length;  i++) {
00198             if (i > 0) {
00199                 sb.append(", ");
00200             }
00201             if (args[i] == null) {
00202                 sb.append("null");
00203             } else {
00204                 sb.append(args[i].getClass().getName());
00205             }
00206         }
00207         return sb.toString();
00208     }
00213     public static Object newInstance(Class pClass) throws XmlRpcException {
00214         try {
00215             return pClass.newInstance();
00216         } catch (InstantiationException e) {
00217             throw new XmlRpcException("Failed to instantiate class " + pClass.getName(), e);
00218         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
00219             throw new XmlRpcException("Illegal access when instantiating class " + pClass.getName(), e);
00220         }
00221     }
00222 }

autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 16:06:49