Package rocon_utilities :: Module ros_utilities :: Class SubscriberProxy
[frames] | no frames]

Class SubscriberProxy

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Works like a service proxy, but using a subscriber instead.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, topic, msg_type) source code
__call__(self, timeout=None)
Returns immediately with the latest data or waits for incoming data.
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wait_for_next(self, timeout=None)
Makes sure any current data is cleared and waits for new data.
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Blocks until publishers are seen.
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Method Details

__init__(self, topic, msg_type)

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  • topic - the topic name to subscriber to @type str
  • msg_type - any ros message type (typical arg for the subscriber) @type msg
  • timeout - timeout on the wait operation (None = /infty) @type rospy.Duration() @return msg type data or None

__call__(self, timeout=None)
(Call operator)

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Returns immediately with the latest data or waits for incoming data.

  • timeout - time to wait for data, polling at 10Hz. @type rospy.Duration @return latest data or None


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Blocks until publishers are seen.

@raise rospy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException if we are in shutdown.