Package rocon_utilities :: Module ros_utilities
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Source Code for Module rocon_utilities.ros_utilities

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  2  # 
  3  # License: BSD 
  4  # 
  5  # 
  7  ############################################################################## 
  8  # Imports 
  9  ############################################################################## 
 11  import rospy 
 12  import rospkg 
 13  import roslib 
 15  ############################################################################## 
 16  # Resources 
 17  ############################################################################## 
20 -def find_resource(package, resource):
21 ''' 22 Convenience wrapper around roslib to find a resource (file) inside 23 a package. It checks the output, and provides the appropriate 24 error if there is one. 25 26 @param package : ros package 27 @param resource : some file inside the specified package 28 @return str : absolute path to the file 29 30 @raise IOError : raised if there is nothing found or multiple objects found. 31 ''' 32 try: 33 resolved = roslib.packages.find_resource(package, resource) 34 if not resolved: 35 raise IOError("cannot locate [%s] in package [%s]" % (resource, package)) 36 elif len(resolved) == 1: 37 return resolved[0] 38 elif len(resolved) > 1: 39 raise IOError("multiple resources named [%s] in package [%s]:%s\nPlease specify full path instead" % (resource, package, ''.join(['\n- %s' % r for r in resolved]))) 40 except rospkg.ResourceNotFound: 41 raise IOError("[%s] is not a package or launch file name" % package) 42 return None
43 44
45 -def is_absolute_name(name):
46 ''' 47 Checks if the name begins with a leading slash which validates it 48 either as an absolute or relative name in the ros world. 49 ''' 50 return name[:1] == '/'
51 52 ############################################################################## 53 # Subscriber Proxy 54 ############################################################################## 55 56
57 -class SubscriberProxy():
58 ''' 59 Works like a service proxy, but using a subscriber instead. 60 '''
61 - def __init__(self, topic, msg_type):
62 ''' 63 @param topic : the topic name to subscriber to 64 @type str 65 @param msg_type : any ros message type (typical arg for the subscriber) 66 @type msg 67 @param timeout : timeout on the wait operation (None = /infty) 68 @type rospy.Duration() 69 @return msg type data or None 70 ''' 71 self._subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(topic, msg_type, self._callback) 72 self._data = None
74 - def __call__(self, timeout=None):
75 ''' 76 Returns immediately with the latest data or waits for 77 incoming data. 78 79 @param timeout : time to wait for data, polling at 10Hz. 80 @type rospy.Duration 81 @return latest data or None 82 ''' 83 r = rospy.Rate(10) 84 start_time = 85 while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self._data == None: 86 r.sleep() 87 if timeout: 88 if - start_time > timeout: 89 return None 90 return self._data
92 - def wait_for_next(self, timeout=None):
93 ''' 94 Makes sure any current data is cleared and waits for new data. 95 ''' 96 self._data = None 97 return self.__call__(timeout)
99 - def wait_for_publishers(self):
100 ''' 101 Blocks until publishers are seen. 102 103 @raise rospy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException if we are in shutdown. 104 ''' 105 r = rospy.Rate(10) 106 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): 107 if self._subscriber.get_num_connections() != 0: 108 return 109 else: 110 r.sleep() 111 # we are shutting down 112 raise rospy.exceptions.ROSInterruptException
114 - def _callback(self, data):
115 self._data = data