Package rocon_utilities :: Module launch'
[frames] | no frames]

Source Code for Module rocon_utilities.launch'

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  2  # 
  3  # License: BSD 
  4  # 
  5  # 
  7  ############################################################################## 
  8  # Imports 
  9  ############################################################################## 
 11  import os 
 12  import argparse 
 13  import subprocess 
 14  import signal 
 15  import sys 
 16  from time import sleep 
 17  import roslaunch 
 18  import tempfile 
 20  # Local imports 
 21  from .system import which, wait_pid 
 22  import rocon_utilities.console as console 
 23  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree 
 24  import ros_utilities 
 26  ############################################################################## 
 27  # Global variables 
 28  ############################################################################## 
 30  processes = [] 
 31  roslaunch_pids = [] 
 33  ############################################################################## 
 34  # Methods 
 35  ############################################################################## 
38 -def preexec():
39 ''' 40 Don't forward signals. 41 42 43 ''' 44 os.setpgrp() # setpgid(0,0)
45 46
47 -def get_roslaunch_pid(parent_pid):
48 ''' 49 Get the pid of the roslaunch process running in the terminal 50 specified by the parent pid. 51 ''' 52 ps_command = subprocess.Popen("ps -o pid -o comm --ppid %d --noheaders" % parent_pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) 53 ps_output = 54 retcode = ps_command.wait() 55 pids = [] 56 if retcode == 0: 57 for pair in ps_output.split("\n")[:-1]: 58 [pid, command] = pair.lstrip(' ').split(" ") 59 if command == 'roslaunch': 60 pids.append(int(pid)) 61 else: 62 # Presume this roslaunch was killed by ctrl-c or terminated already. 63 # Am not worrying about classifying between the above presumption and real errors for now 64 pass 65 return pids
66 67
68 -def signal_handler(sig, frame):
69 global processes 70 global roslaunch_pids 71 for p in processes: 72 roslaunch_pids.extend(get_roslaunch_pid( 73 # kill roslaunch's 74 for pid in roslaunch_pids: 75 try: 76 os.kill(pid, signal.SIGHUP) 77 except OSError: 78 continue 79 for pid in roslaunch_pids: 80 console.pretty_println("Terminating roslaunch [pid: %d]" % pid, console.bold) 81 wait_pid(pid) 82 #console.pretty_println("Terminated roslaunch [pid: %d]" % pid, console.bold) 83 sleep(1) 84 # now kill konsoles 85 for p in processes: 86 p.terminate()
87 88
89 -def parse_rocon_launcher(rocon_launcher, default_roslaunch_options):
90 ''' 91 Parses an rocon multi-launcher (xml file). 92 93 @param rocon_launcher : xml file in rocon_launch format 94 @param default_roslaunch_options : options to pass to roslaunch (usually "--screen") 95 @return launchers : list with launcher parameters as dictionary elements of the list. 96 97 @raise IOError : if it can't find any of the individual launchers on the filesystem. 98 ''' 99 tree = ElementTree.parse(rocon_launcher) 100 root = tree.getroot() 101 # should check for root concert tag 102 launchers = [] 103 ports = [] 104 default_port = 11311 105 for launch in root.findall('launch'): 106 parameters = {} 107 parameters['options'] = default_roslaunch_options 108 parameters['package'] = launch.get('package') 109 parameters['name'] = launch.get('name') 110 parameters['path'] = ros_utilities.find_resource(parameters['package'], parameters['name']) # raises an IO error if there is a problem. 111 parameters['port'] = launch.get('port', str(default_port)) 112 if parameters['port'] == str(default_port): 113 default_port += 1 114 if parameters['port'] in ports: 115 parameters['options'] = parameters['options'] + " " + "--wait" 116 else: 117 ports.append(parameters['port']) 118 launchers.append(parameters) 119 return launchers
120 121
122 -def parse_arguments():
123 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Rocon's multiple master launcher.") 124 terminal_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() 125 terminal_group.add_argument('-k', '--konsole', default=False, action='store_true', help='spawn individual ros systems via multiple konsole terminals') 126 terminal_group.add_argument('-g', '--gnome', default=False, action='store_true', help='spawn individual ros systems via multiple gnome terminals') 127 parser.add_argument('--screen', action='store_true', help='run each roslaunch with the --screen option') 128 parser.add_argument('--no-terminals', action='store_true', help='do not spawn terminals for each roslaunch') 129 # Force package, launcher pairs, I like this better than roslaunch style which is a bit vague 130 parser.add_argument('package', nargs='?', default='', help='name of the package in which to find the concert launcher') 131 parser.add_argument('launcher', nargs=1, help='name of the concert launch configuration (xml) file') 132 #parser.add_argument('launchers', nargs='+', help='package and concert launch configuration (xml) file configurations, roslaunch style') 133 args = parser.parse_args() 134 return args
135 136
137 -def choose_terminal(gnome_flag, konsole_flag):
138 ''' 139 Use ubuntu's x-terminal-emulator to choose the shell, or over-ride if it there is a flag. 140 ''' 141 if konsole_flag: 142 if not which('konsole'): 143 console.error("Cannot find 'konsole' [hint: try --gnome for gnome-terminal instead]") 144 sys.exit(1) 145 return 'konsole' 146 elif gnome_flag: 147 if not which('gnome-terminal'): 148 console.error("Cannot find 'gnome' [hint: try --konsole for konsole instead]") 149 sys.exit(1) 150 return 'gnome-terminal' 151 else: 152 if not which('x-terminal-emulator'): 153 console.error("Cannot find 'x-terminal-emulator' [hint: try --gnome or --konsole instead]") 154 sys.exit(1) 155 p = subprocess.Popen([which('update-alternatives'), '--query', 'x-terminal-emulator'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) 156 terminal = None 157 for line in p.stdout: 158 if line.startswith("Value:"): 159 terminal = os.path.basename(line.split()[1]) 160 break 161 if terminal not in ["gnome-terminal", "gnome-terminal.wrapper", "konsole"]: 162 console.warning("You are using an esoteric unsupported terminal [%s]" % terminal) 163 if which('konsole'): 164 terminal = 'konsole' 165 console.warning(" --> falling back to 'konsole'") 166 elif which('gnome-terminal'): 167 console.warning(" --> falling back to 'gnome-terminal'") 168 terminal = 'gnome-terminal' 169 else: 170 console.error("Unsupported terminal set for 'x-terminal-emulator' [%s][hint: try --gnome or --konsole instead]" % terminal) 171 sys.exit(1) 172 return terminal
173 174
175 -def main():
176 global processes 177 global roslaunch_pids 178 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) 179 args = parse_arguments() 180 terminal = None 181 if not args.no_terminals: 182 if not which('konsole') and not which('gnome-terminal')and not which('x-terminal-emulator'): 183 console.error("Cannot find a suitable terminal [x-terminal-emulator, konsole, gnome-termional]") 184 sys.exit(1) 185 terminal = choose_terminal(args.gnome, args.konsole) 186 187 if args.package == '': 188 rocon_launcher = roslaunch.rlutil.resolve_launch_arguments(args.launcher)[0] 189 else: 190 rocon_launcher = roslaunch.rlutil.resolve_launch_arguments([args.package] + args.launcher)[0] 191 if args.screen: 192 roslaunch_options = "--screen" 193 else: 194 roslaunch_options = "" 195 launchers = parse_rocon_launcher(rocon_launcher, roslaunch_options) 196 temporary_launchers = [] 197 for launcher in launchers: 198 console.pretty_println("Launching [%s, %s] on port %s" % (launcher['package'], launcher['name'], launcher['port']), console.bold) 199 ########################## 200 # Customise the launcher 201 ########################## 202 temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', delete=False) 203 print("Launching %s" % 204 launcher_filename = ros_utilities.find_resource(launcher['package'], launcher['name']) 205 launch_text = '<launch>\n <include file="%s"/>\n' % launcher_filename 206 if args.screen: 207 launch_text += ' <param name="rocon/screen" value="true"/>\n' 208 else: 209 launch_text += ' <param name="rocon/screen" value="false"/>\n' 210 launch_text += '</launch>\n' 211 temp.write(launch_text) 212 temp.close() # unlink it later 213 temporary_launchers.append(temp) 214 ########################## 215 # Start the terminal 216 ########################## 217 if terminal == 'konsole': 218 p = subprocess.Popen([terminal, '--nofork', '--hold', '-e', "/bin/bash", "-c", "roslaunch %s --port %s %s" % 219 (launcher['options'], launcher['port'],], preexec_fn=preexec) 220 elif terminal == 'gnome-terminal.wrapper' or terminal == 'gnome-terminal': 221 # --disable-factory inherits the current environment, bit wierd. 222 p = subprocess.Popen(['gnome-terminal', '--disable-factory', '-e', "/bin/bash", "-e", "roslaunch %s --port %s %s" % 223 (launcher['options'], launcher['port'],], preexec_fn=preexec) 224 else: 225 cmd = ["roslaunch"] 226 if launcher['options']: 227 cmd.append(launcher['options']) 228 cmd.extend(["--port", launcher['port'],]) 229 p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, preexec_fn=preexec) 230 processes.append(p) 231 signal.pause() 232 # Have to unlink them here rather than in the for loop above, because the whole gnome-terminal 233 # subprocess takes a while to kick in (in the background) and the unlinking may occur before 234 # it actually runs the roslaunch that needs the file. 235 for temporary_launcher in temporary_launchers: 236 os.unlink(