Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!c:/python26/python.exe
00002 import sys,rp
00003 rule=['init sqs_ranges=[] ',
00004       'init sqs_locate="" ',
00005       'sqs  ::=  ranges? parms  fileid   @sqs_fileid="$fileid" ',
00006       'ranges::=  "(" range+ ")"  ',
00007           '       |   range ',
00008       '# for ranges, we appended two other types',
00009       '# and columns start at 1 (not 0), that explains the $n-1 ', 
00010       'range::=  n "-" "*"              @sqs_ranges.append([$n-1,999]) ',
00011       '      |   n "-" m                @sqs_ranges.append([$n-1,$m]) ',
00012       '      |   n "." m                @sqs_ranges.append([$n-1,($m+$n-1)]) ',
00013       '      |   n "-"                  @sqs_ranges.append([$n-1,999]) ',
00014           'n    ::=  r"[0-9]"*  ',
00015           'm    ::=  r"[0-9]"* ',         
00016       'parms::=  sep car* sep           @sqs_locate="$car"',
00017           'sep  ::=  r"\S" ',
00018           'car  ::=  r"." ^sep ',
00019           'fileid::= r"\S"* ']
00020 parms=' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
00022 cmp=rp.match(rule,parms)
00023 if cmp==None:
00024         print "Error in parsing:"
00025 else:
00026     id=None
00027     try:
00028         #
00029         #Opening...
00030         id=open(cmp.sqs_fileid)
00031         for l in id.readlines():
00032             #
00033             #if no ranges defined, then all the record
00034             if len(cmp.sqs_ranges)==0:
00035                 data=l
00036             else:
00037                 data=''
00038             #
00039             #Now, for each range, create the record
00040             for n,m in cmp.sqs_ranges:
00041                 data+=l[n:m]
00042             if data.find(cmp.sqs_locate)>-1:
00043                    print l[:-1]
00044     except Exception,e:
00045            print e
00046     else:
00047            if id!=None: id.close()

Author(s): LParis
autogenerated on Fri May 2 2014 10:35:48