Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | imu_node |
Functions | |
def | imu_node.reconfig_callback |
Variables | |
float | imu_node.accel_factor = 9.806 |
tuple | imu_node.accel_x_max = rospy.get_param('~accel_x_max', 250.0) |
tuple | imu_node.accel_x_min = rospy.get_param('~accel_x_min', -250.0) |
tuple | imu_node.accel_y_max = rospy.get_param('~accel_y_max', 250.0) |
tuple | imu_node.accel_y_min = rospy.get_param('~accel_y_min', -250.0) |
tuple | imu_node.accel_z_max = rospy.get_param('~accel_z_max', 250.0) |
tuple | imu_node.accel_z_min = rospy.get_param('~accel_z_min', -250.0) |
tuple | imu_node.calib_data = ser.readlines() |
string | imu_node.calib_data_print = "Printing set calibration values:\r\n" |
tuple | imu_node.calibration_magn_use_extended = rospy.get_param('~calibration_magn_use_extended', False) |
string | imu_node.default_port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' |
float | imu_node.degrees2rad = 180.0 |
tuple | imu_node.diag_arr = DiagnosticArray() |
tuple | imu_node.diag_msg = DiagnosticStatus() |
tuple | imu_node.diag_pub = rospy.Publisher('diagnostics', DiagnosticArray, queue_size=1) |
tuple | imu_node.diag_pub_time = rospy.get_time() |
tuple | imu_node.discard = ser.readlines() |
configure board ### stop datastream | |
tuple | imu_node.gyro_average_offset_x = rospy.get_param('~gyro_average_offset_x', 0.0) |
tuple | imu_node.gyro_average_offset_y = rospy.get_param('~gyro_average_offset_y', 0.0) |
tuple | imu_node.gyro_average_offset_z = rospy.get_param('~gyro_average_offset_z', 0.0) |
float | imu_node.imu_yaw_calibration = 0.0 |
tuple | imu_node.imuMsg = Imu() |
tuple | imu_node.line = ser.readline() |
tuple | imu_node.magn_ellipsoid_center = rospy.get_param('~magn_ellipsoid_center', [0, 0, 0]) |
tuple | imu_node.magn_ellipsoid_transform = rospy.get_param('~magn_ellipsoid_transform', [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) |
tuple | imu_node.magn_x_max = rospy.get_param('~magn_x_max', 600.0) |
tuple | imu_node.magn_x_min = rospy.get_param('~magn_x_min', -600.0) |
tuple | imu_node.magn_y_max = rospy.get_param('~magn_y_max', 600.0) |
tuple | imu_node.magn_y_min = rospy.get_param('~magn_y_min', -600.0) |
tuple | imu_node.magn_z_max = rospy.get_param('~magn_z_max', 600.0) |
tuple | imu_node.magn_z_min = rospy.get_param('~magn_z_min', -600.0) |
int | imu_node.pitch = 0 |
tuple | imu_node.port = rospy.get_param('~port', default_port) |
tuple | imu_node.pub = rospy.Publisher('imu', Imu, queue_size=1) |
tuple | imu_node.q = quaternion_from_euler(roll,pitch,yaw) |
int | imu_node.roll = 0 |
int | imu_node.seq = 0 |
tuple | imu_node.ser = serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=57600, timeout=1) |
tuple | imu_node.srv = Server(imuConfig, reconfig_callback) |
tuple | imu_node.words = string.split(line,",") |
int | imu_node.yaw = 0 |
tuple | imu_node.yaw_deg = -float(words[0]) |