Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 /*****************************************************************************
00010 ** Includes
00011 *****************************************************************************/
00013 #include <ros/ros.h>
00014 #include <ros/network.h>
00015 #include <string>
00016 #include <std_msgs/String.h>
00017 #include <sstream>
00018 #include "../include/%(package)s/qnode.hpp"
00020 /*****************************************************************************
00021 ** Namespaces
00022 *****************************************************************************/
00024 namespace %(package)s {
00026 /*****************************************************************************
00027 ** Implementation
00028 *****************************************************************************/
00030 QNode::QNode(int argc, char** argv ) :
00031         init_argc(argc),
00032         init_argv(argv)
00033         {}
00035 QNode::~QNode() {
00036     if(ros::isStarted()) {
00037       ros::shutdown(); // explicitly needed since we use ros::start();
00038       ros::waitForShutdown();
00039     }
00040         wait();
00041 }
00043 bool QNode::init() {
00044         ros::init(init_argc,init_argv,"%(package)s");
00045         if ( ! ros::master::check() ) {
00046                 return false;
00047         }
00048         ros::start(); // explicitly needed since our nodehandle is going out of scope.
00049         ros::NodeHandle n;
00050         // Add your ros communications here.
00051         chatter_publisher = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000);
00052         start();
00053         return true;
00054 }
00056 bool QNode::init(const std::string &master_url, const std::string &host_url) {
00057         std::map<std::string,std::string> remappings;
00058         remappings["__master"] = master_url;
00059         remappings["__hostname"] = host_url;
00060         ros::init(remappings,"%(package)s");
00061         if ( ! ros::master::check() ) {
00062                 return false;
00063         }
00064         ros::start(); // explicitly needed since our nodehandle is going out of scope.
00065         ros::NodeHandle n;
00066         // Add your ros communications here.
00067         chatter_publisher = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000);
00068         start();
00069         return true;
00070 }
00072 void QNode::run() {
00073         ros::Rate loop_rate(1);
00074         int count = 0;
00075         while ( ros::ok() ) {
00077                 std_msgs::String msg;
00078                 std::stringstream ss;
00079                 ss << "hello world " << count;
00080                 msg.data = ss.str();
00081                 chatter_publisher.publish(msg);
00082                 log(Info,std::string("I sent: ")+msg.data);
00083                 ros::spinOnce();
00084                 loop_rate.sleep();
00085                 ++count;
00086         }
00087         std::cout << "Ros shutdown, proceeding to close the gui." << std::endl;
00088         Q_EMIT rosShutdown(); // used to signal the gui for a shutdown (useful to roslaunch)
00089 }
00092 void QNode::log( const LogLevel &level, const std::string &msg) {
00093         logging_model.insertRows(logging_model.rowCount(),1);
00094         std::stringstream logging_model_msg;
00095         switch ( level ) {
00096                 case(Debug) : {
00097                                 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(msg);
00098                                 logging_model_msg << "[DEBUG] [" << ros::Time::now() << "]: " << msg;
00099                                 break;
00100                 }
00101                 case(Info) : {
00102                                 ROS_INFO_STREAM(msg);
00103                                 logging_model_msg << "[INFO] [" << ros::Time::now() << "]: " << msg;
00104                                 break;
00105                 }
00106                 case(Warn) : {
00107                                 ROS_WARN_STREAM(msg);
00108                                 logging_model_msg << "[INFO] [" << ros::Time::now() << "]: " << msg;
00109                                 break;
00110                 }
00111                 case(Error) : {
00112                                 ROS_ERROR_STREAM(msg);
00113                                 logging_model_msg << "[ERROR] [" << ros::Time::now() << "]: " << msg;
00114                                 break;
00115                 }
00116                 case(Fatal) : {
00117                                 ROS_FATAL_STREAM(msg);
00118                                 logging_model_msg << "[FATAL] [" << ros::Time::now() << "]: " << msg;
00119                                 break;
00120                 }
00121         }
00122         QVariant new_row(QString(logging_model_msg.str().c_str()));
00123         logging_model.setData(logging_model.index(logging_model.rowCount()-1),new_row);
00124         Q_EMIT loggingUpdated(); // used to readjust the scrollbar
00125 }
00127 }  // namespace %(package)s

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 12:16:18