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namespace  PhidgetMotor


def PhidgetMotor.checkEncoders
def PhidgetMotor.diagnosticsCallback
def PhidgetMotor.encoderBoardPositionChange
def PhidgetMotor.initMotorAndEncoderBoards
def PhidgetMotor.left_move
def PhidgetMotor.leftEncoderUpdated
def PhidgetMotor.mcAttached
def PhidgetMotor.mcError
def PhidgetMotor.mcVelocityChanged
def PhidgetMotor.move
def PhidgetMotor.right_move
def PhidgetMotor.rightEncoderUpdated
def PhidgetMotor.sendEncoderPosition
def PhidgetMotor.setupMoveService
def PhidgetMotor.stop


string PhidgetMotor::__author__ = 'Bill Mania <>'
string PhidgetMotor.__version__ = '1'
int PhidgetMotor.diagnosticPub = 0
string PhidgetMotor.encoderBoardDisconnected = "Phidgets Encoder board disconnected - Please make sure it is connected, try to disconnect and reconnect it, or restart"
int PhidgetMotor.encoders = 0
 PhidgetMotor.encoders_inverted = False
int PhidgetMotor.encodersError = 0
string PhidgetMotor.encoderValueError = "Cannot get encoder value - Please make sure the encoder board and encoders are connected"
int PhidgetMotor.leftEncoderPosition = 0
int PhidgetMotor.leftEncoderPub = 0
int PhidgetMotor.leftPosition = 0
int PhidgetMotor.leftSpeed = 0
int PhidgetMotor.leftWheels = 0
int PhidgetMotor.maxAcceleration = 0
int PhidgetMotor.maxSpeed = 100
int PhidgetMotor.minAcceleration = 0
int PhidgetMotor.minSpeed = 100
int PhidgetMotor.motorControl = 0
string PhidgetMotor.motorControllerDisconnected = "Phidgets Motor controller disconnected - Please make sure it is connected, try to disconnect and reconnect it, or restart"
int PhidgetMotor.motorControlRight = 0
 PhidgetMotor.motors_inverted = False
int PhidgetMotor.motorsError = 0
string PhidgetMotor.motorSpeedError = "Cannot Set Motor Speed - Make sure the Phidget Motor controller board has not been disconnected and the speed is within the range"
float PhidgetMotor.pastCurrentLeft = 0.0
float PhidgetMotor.pastCurrentRight = 0.0
 PhidgetMotor.phidget1065 = False
int PhidgetMotor.posdataPub = 0
int PhidgetMotor.rightEncoderPosition = 1
int PhidgetMotor.rightEncoderPub = 0
int PhidgetMotor.rightPosition = 0
int PhidgetMotor.rightSpeed = 0
int PhidgetMotor.rightWheels = 1
 PhidgetMotor.stop_when_obstacle = False
int PhidgetMotor.timer = 0

Author(s): Bill Mania/, Morgan Cormier/
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 11:09:55