Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 #include <pcl/common/common.h>
00005 #include <pcl/common/eigen.h>
00006 #include <pcl/common/transforms.h>
00007 #include <pcl/tracking/boost.h>
00008 #include <pcl/tracking/particle_filter.h>
00010 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> bool
00011 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::initCompute ()
00012 {
00013   if (!Tracker<PointInT, StateT>::initCompute ())
00014   {
00015     PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::initCompute] Init failed.\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
00016     return (false);
00017   }
00019   if (transed_reference_vector_.empty ())
00020   {
00021     // only one time allocation
00022     transed_reference_vector_.resize (particle_num_);
00023     for (int i = 0; i < particle_num_; i++)
00024     {
00025       transed_reference_vector_[i] = PointCloudInPtr (new PointCloudIn ());
00026     }
00027   }
00029   coherence_->setTargetCloud (input_);
00031   if (!change_detector_)
00032     change_detector_ = boost::shared_ptr<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloudChangeDetector<PointInT> >(new pcl::octree::OctreePointCloudChangeDetector<PointInT> (change_detector_resolution_));
00034   if (!particles_ || particles_->points.empty ())
00035     initParticles (true);
00036   return (true);
00037 }
00039 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> int
00040 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::sampleWithReplacement
00041 (const std::vector<int>& a, const std::vector<double>& q)
00042 {
00043   using namespace boost;
00044   static mt19937 gen (static_cast<unsigned int>(time (0)));
00045   uniform_real<> dst (0.0, 1.0);
00046   variate_generator<mt19937&, uniform_real<> > rand (gen, dst);
00047   double rU = rand () * static_cast<double> (particles_->points.size ());
00048   int k = static_cast<int> (rU);
00049   rU -= k;    /* rU - [rU] */
00050   if ( rU < q[k] )
00051     return k;
00052   else
00053     return a[k];
00054 }
00056 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00057 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::genAliasTable (std::vector<int> &a, std::vector<double> &q,
00058                                                                        const PointCloudStateConstPtr &particles)
00059 {
00060   /* generate an alias table, a and q */
00061   std::vector<int> HL (particles->points.size ());
00062   std::vector<int>::iterator H = HL.begin ();
00063   std::vector<int>::iterator L = HL.end () - 1;
00064   size_t num = particles->points.size ();
00065   for ( size_t i = 0; i < num; i++ )
00066     q[i] = particles->points[i].weight * static_cast<float> (num);
00067   for ( size_t i = 0; i < num; i++ )
00068     a[i] = static_cast<int> (i);
00069   // setup H and L
00070   for ( size_t i = 0; i < num; i++ )
00071     if ( q[i] >= 1.0 )
00072       *H++ = static_cast<int> (i);
00073     else
00074       *L-- = static_cast<int> (i);
00076   while ( H != HL.begin() && L != HL.end() - 1 )
00077   {
00078     int j = *(L + 1);
00079     int k = *(H - 1);
00080     a[j] = k;
00081     q[k] += q[j] - 1;
00082     L++;
00083     if ( q[k] < 1.0 )
00084     {
00085       *L-- = k;
00086       --H;
00087     }
00088   }
00089 }
00091 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00092 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::initParticles (bool reset)
00093 {
00094   particles_.reset (new PointCloudState ());
00095   std::vector<double> initial_noise_mean;
00096   if (reset)
00097   {
00098 ();
00099     StateT offset = StateT::toState (trans_);
00100     representative_state_ = offset;
00101     representative_state_.weight = 1.0f / static_cast<float> (particle_num_);
00102   }
00104   // sampling...
00105   for ( int i = 0; i < particle_num_; i++ )
00106   {
00107     StateT p;
00108 ();
00109     p.sample (initial_noise_mean_, initial_noise_covariance_);
00110     p = p + representative_state_;
00111     p.weight = 1.0f / static_cast<float> (particle_num_);
00112     particles_->points.push_back (p); // update
00113   }
00114 }
00116 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00117 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::normalizeWeight ()
00118 {
00119     // apply exponential function
00120     double w_min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max ();
00121     double w_max = - std::numeric_limits<double>::max ();
00122     for ( size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++ )
00123     {
00124       double weight = particles_->points[i].weight;
00125       if (w_min > weight)
00126         w_min = weight;
00127       if (weight != 0.0 && w_max < weight)
00128         w_max = weight;
00129     }
00131     fit_ratio_ = w_min;
00132     if (w_max != w_min)
00133     {
00134       for ( size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++ )
00135       {
00136         if (particles_->points[i].weight != 0.0)
00137         {
00138           particles_->points[i].weight = static_cast<float> (normalizeParticleWeight (particles_->points[i].weight, w_min, w_max));
00139         }
00140       }
00141     }
00142     else
00143     {
00144       for ( size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++ )
00145         particles_->points[i].weight = 1.0f / static_cast<float> (particles_->points.size ());
00146     }
00148     double sum = 0.0;
00149     for ( size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++ )
00150     {
00151         sum += particles_->points[i].weight;
00152     }
00154     if (sum != 0.0)
00155     {
00156       for ( size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++ )
00157         particles_->points[i].weight =  particles_->points[i].weight / static_cast<float> (sum);
00158     }
00159     else
00160     {
00161       for ( size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++ )
00162         particles_->points[i].weight = 1.0f / static_cast<float> (particles_->points.size ());
00163     }
00164 }
00167 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00168 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::cropInputPointCloud (
00169     const PointCloudInConstPtr &, PointCloudIn &output)
00170 {
00171   double x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max;
00172   calcBoundingBox (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max);
00173   pass_x_.setFilterLimits (float (x_min), float (x_max));
00174   pass_y_.setFilterLimits (float (y_min), float (y_max));
00175   pass_z_.setFilterLimits (float (z_min), float (z_max));
00177   // x
00178   PointCloudInPtr xcloud (new PointCloudIn);
00179   pass_x_.setInputCloud (input_);
00180   pass_x_.filter (*xcloud);
00181   // y
00182   PointCloudInPtr ycloud (new PointCloudIn);
00183   pass_y_.setInputCloud (xcloud);
00184   pass_y_.filter (*ycloud);
00185   // z
00186   pass_z_.setInputCloud (ycloud);
00187   pass_z_.filter (output);
00188 }
00191 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00192 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::calcBoundingBox (
00193     double &x_min, double &x_max, double &y_min, double &y_max, double &z_min, double &z_max)
00194 {
00195   x_min = y_min = z_min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max ();
00196   x_max = y_max = z_max = - std::numeric_limits<double>::max ();
00198   for (size_t i = 0; i < transed_reference_vector_.size (); i++)
00199   {
00200     PointCloudInPtr target = transed_reference_vector_[i];
00201     PointInT Pmin, Pmax;
00202     pcl::getMinMax3D (*target, Pmin, Pmax);
00203     if (x_min > Pmin.x)
00204       x_min = Pmin.x;
00205     if (x_max < Pmax.x)
00206       x_max = Pmax.x;
00207     if (y_min > Pmin.y)
00208       y_min = Pmin.y;
00209     if (y_max < Pmax.y)
00210       y_max = Pmax.y;
00211     if (z_min > Pmin.z)
00212       z_min = Pmin.z;
00213     if (z_max < Pmax.z)
00214       z_max = Pmax.z;
00215   }
00216 }
00218 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> bool
00219 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::testChangeDetection
00220 (const PointCloudInConstPtr &input)
00221 {
00222   change_detector_->setInputCloud (input);
00223   change_detector_->addPointsFromInputCloud ();
00224   std::vector<int> newPointIdxVector;
00225   change_detector_->getPointIndicesFromNewVoxels (newPointIdxVector, change_detector_filter_);
00226   change_detector_->switchBuffers ();
00227   return newPointIdxVector.size () > 0;
00228 }
00230 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00231 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::weight ()
00232 {
00233   if (!use_normal_)
00234   {
00235     for (size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++)
00236     {
00237       computeTransformedPointCloudWithoutNormal (particles_->points[i], *transed_reference_vector_[i]);
00238     }
00240     PointCloudInPtr coherence_input (new PointCloudIn);
00241     cropInputPointCloud (input_, *coherence_input);
00243     coherence_->setTargetCloud (coherence_input);
00244     coherence_->initCompute ();
00245     for (size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++)
00246     {
00247       IndicesPtr indices;
00248       coherence_->compute (transed_reference_vector_[i], indices, particles_->points[i].weight);
00249     }
00250   }
00251   else
00252   {
00253     for (size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++)
00254     {
00255       IndicesPtr indices (new std::vector<int>);
00256       computeTransformedPointCloudWithNormal (particles_->points[i], *indices, *transed_reference_vector_[i]);
00257     }
00259     PointCloudInPtr coherence_input (new PointCloudIn);
00260     cropInputPointCloud (input_, *coherence_input);
00262     coherence_->setTargetCloud (coherence_input);
00263     coherence_->initCompute ();
00264     for (size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++)
00265     {
00266       IndicesPtr indices (new std::vector<int>);
00267       coherence_->compute (transed_reference_vector_[i], indices, particles_->points[i].weight);
00268     }
00269   }
00271   normalizeWeight ();
00272 }
00274 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00275 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::computeTransformedPointCloud
00276 (const StateT& hypothesis, std::vector<int>& indices, PointCloudIn &cloud)
00277 {
00278   if (use_normal_)
00279     computeTransformedPointCloudWithNormal (hypothesis, indices, cloud);
00280   else
00281     computeTransformedPointCloudWithoutNormal (hypothesis, cloud);
00282 }
00284 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00285 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::computeTransformedPointCloudWithoutNormal
00286 (const StateT& hypothesis, PointCloudIn &cloud)
00287 {
00288   const Eigen::Affine3f trans = toEigenMatrix (hypothesis);
00289   // destructively assigns to cloud
00290   pcl::transformPointCloud<PointInT> (*ref_, cloud, trans);
00291 }
00294 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00295 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::computeTransformedPointCloudWithNormal (
00297     const StateT& hypothesis, std::vector<int>& indices, PointCloudIn &cloud)
00298 #else
00299     const StateT&, std::vector<int>&, PointCloudIn &)
00300 #endif
00301 {
00303   const Eigen::Affine3f trans = toEigenMatrix (hypothesis);
00304   // destructively assigns to cloud
00305   pcl::transformPointCloudWithNormals<PointInT> (*ref_, cloud, trans);
00306   for ( size_t i = 0; i < cloud.points.size (); i++ )
00307   {
00308     PointInT input_point = cloud.points[i];
00310     if (!pcl_isfinite(input_point.x) || !pcl_isfinite(input_point.y) || !pcl_isfinite(input_point.z))
00311       continue;
00312     // take occlusion into account
00313     Eigen::Vector4f p = input_point.getVector4fMap ();
00314     Eigen::Vector4f n = input_point.getNormalVector4fMap ();
00315     double theta = pcl::getAngle3D (p, n);
00316     if ( theta > occlusion_angle_thr_ )
00317       indices.push_back (i);
00318   }
00319 #else
00320   PCL_WARN ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformedPointCloudWithoutNormal] use_normal_ == true is not supported in this Point Type.",
00321             getClassName ().c_str ());
00322 #endif
00323 }
00325 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00326 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::resample ()
00327 {
00328   resampleWithReplacement ();
00329 }
00331 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00332 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::resampleWithReplacement ()
00333 {
00334   std::vector<int> a (particles_->points.size ());
00335   std::vector<double> q (particles_->points.size ());
00336   genAliasTable (a, q, particles_);
00338   const std::vector<double> zero_mean (StateT::stateDimension (), 0.0);
00339   // memoize the original list of particles
00340   PointCloudStatePtr origparticles = particles_;
00341   particles_->points.clear ();
00342   // the first particle, it is a just copy of the maximum result
00343   StateT p = representative_state_;
00344   particles_->points.push_back (p);
00346   // with motion
00347   int motion_num = static_cast<int> (particles_->points.size ()) * static_cast<int> (motion_ratio_);
00348   for ( int i = 1; i < motion_num; i++ )
00349   {
00350     int target_particle_index = sampleWithReplacement (a, q);
00351     StateT p = origparticles->points[target_particle_index];
00352     // add noise using gaussian
00353     p.sample (zero_mean, step_noise_covariance_);
00354     p = p + motion_;
00355     particles_->points.push_back (p);
00356   }
00358   // no motion
00359   for ( int i = motion_num; i < particle_num_; i++ )
00360   {
00361     int target_particle_index = sampleWithReplacement (a, q);
00362     StateT p = origparticles->points[target_particle_index];
00363     // add noise using gaussian
00364     p.sample (zero_mean, step_noise_covariance_);
00365     particles_->points.push_back (p);
00366   }
00367 }
00369 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00370 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::update ()
00371 {
00373   StateT orig_representative = representative_state_;
00374 ();
00375   representative_state_.weight = 0.0;
00376   for ( size_t i = 0; i < particles_->points.size (); i++)
00377   {
00378     StateT p = particles_->points[i];
00379     representative_state_ = representative_state_ + p * p.weight;
00380   }
00381   representative_state_.weight = 1.0f / static_cast<float> (particles_->points.size ());
00382   motion_ = representative_state_ - orig_representative;
00383 }
00385 template <typename PointInT, typename StateT> void
00386 pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<PointInT, StateT>::computeTracking ()
00387 {
00389   for (int i = 0; i < iteration_num_; i++)
00390   {
00391     if (changed_)
00392     {
00393       resample ();
00394     }
00396     weight (); // likelihood is called in it
00398     if (changed_)
00399     {
00400       update ();
00401     }
00402   }
00404   // if ( getResult ().weight < resample_likelihood_thr_ )
00405   // {
00406   //   PCL_WARN ("too small likelihood, re-initializing...\n");
00407   //   initParticles (false);
00408   // }
00409 }
00411 #define PCL_INSTANTIATE_ParticleFilterTracker(T,ST) template class PCL_EXPORTS pcl::tracking::ParticleFilterTracker<T,ST>;
00413 #endif 

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:38