Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00018 //
00019 //   defines ON_Viewport
00020 //
00023 #if !defined(OPENNURBS_VIEWPORT_INC_)
00027 // Class  ON_Viewport
00028 //
00029 //      This object represents a viewing frustum
00031 class ON_CLASS ON_Viewport : public ON_Geometry 
00032 {
00033         ON_OBJECT_DECLARE( ON_Viewport );
00034 public:
00036   // Default z=up perspective camera direction
00037   static const ON_3dVector Default3dCameraDirection;
00039   // Construction
00040         ON_Viewport();
00041   ~ON_Viewport();
00042         ON_Viewport& operator=( const ON_Viewport& );
00044   bool IsValidCamera() const;
00045   bool IsValidFrustum() const;
00047   // ON_Object overrides //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00048   //
00050   /*
00051   Description:
00052     Test for a valid camera, frustum, and screen port.
00053   Parameters:
00054     text_log - [in] if the object is not valid and text_log
00055         is not NULL, then a brief englis description of the
00056         reason the object is not valid is appened to the log.
00057         The information appended to text_log is suitable for 
00058         low-level debugging purposes by programmers and is 
00059         not intended to be useful as a high level user 
00060         interface tool.
00061   Returns:
00062     @untitled table
00063     true     camera, frustum, and screen port are valid.
00064     false    camera, frustum, or screen port is invalid.
00065   Remarks:
00066     Overrides virtual ON_Object::IsValid
00067   See Also:
00068     IsValidCamera, IsValidFrustum
00069   */
00070   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00072   // Description:
00073   //   Dumps debugging text description to a text log.
00074   //
00075   // Parameters:
00076   //   dump_target - [in] text log
00077   //
00078   // Remarks:
00079   //   This overrides the virtual ON_Object::Dump() function.
00080   void Dump( 
00081     ON_TextLog& // dump_target
00082     ) const;
00084   // Description:
00085   //   Writes ON_Viewport defintion from a binary archive.
00086   //
00087   // Parameters:
00088   //   binary_archive - [in] open binary archive
00089   //
00090   // Returns:
00091   //   true if successful.
00092   //
00093   // Remarks:
00094   //   This overrides the virtual ON_Object::Write() function.
00095   ON_BOOL32 Write(
00096          ON_BinaryArchive&  // binary_archive
00097        ) const;
00100   // Description:
00101   //   Reads ON_Viewport defintion from a binary archive.
00102   //
00103   // Parameters:
00104   //   binary_archive - [in] open binary archive
00105   //
00106   // Returns:
00107   //   true if successful.
00108   //
00109   // Remarks:
00110   //   This overrides the virtual ON_Object::Read() function.
00111   ON_BOOL32 Read(
00112          ON_BinaryArchive&  // binary_archive
00113        );
00116   // ON_Geometry overrides //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00117   //
00119   // Description:
00120   //   The dimension of a camera view frustum is 3.
00121   //
00122   // Returns:
00123   //   3
00124   //
00125   // Remarks:
00126   //   This is virtual ON_Geometry function.
00127   int Dimension() const;
00129   // Description:
00130   //   Gets bounding box of viewing frustum.
00131   //
00132   // Parameters:
00133   //   boxmin - [in/out] array of Dimension() doubles
00134   //   boxmax - [in/out] array of Dimension() doubles
00135   //   bGrowBox - [in] (default=false) 
00136   //     If true, then the union of the input bbox and the 
00137   //     object's bounding box is returned in bbox.  
00138   //     If false, the object's bounding box is returned in bbox.
00139   //
00140   // Returns:
00141   //   @untitled table
00142   //   true     Valid frustum and bounding box returned.
00143   //   false    Invalid camera or frustum. No bounding box returned.
00144   //
00145   // Remarks:
00146   //   This overrides the virtual ON_Geometry::GetBBox() function.
00147   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox( // returns true if successful
00148          double*, // boxmin
00149          double*, // boxmax
00150          ON_BOOL32 = false // bGrowBox
00151          ) const;
00153   // Description:
00154   //   Transforms the view camera location, direction, and up.
00155   //
00156   // Parameters:
00157   //   xform - [in] transformation to apply to camera.
00158   //
00159   // Returns:
00160   //   @untitled table
00161   //   true     Valid camera was transformed.
00162   //   false    Invalid camera, frustum, or transformation.
00163   //
00164   // Remarks:
00165   //   This overrides the virtual ON_Geometry::Transform() function.
00166   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
00167          const ON_Xform& // xform
00168          );
00170   // Interface /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00171   //
00172   void Initialize();
00174   ON::view_projection Projection() const;
00176   /*
00177   Description:
00178     Unconditionally set the projection.
00179   Parameters:
00180     projection - [in]
00181   See Also:
00182     ON_Viewport::SetParallelProjection
00183     ON_Viewport::SetPerpectiveProjection
00184     ON_Viewport::SetTwoPointPerspectiveProjection    
00185   */
00186   bool SetProjection( ON::view_projection projection );
00188   /*
00189   Description:
00190     Use this function to change projections of valid viewports
00191     from persective to parallel.  It will make common additional
00192     adjustments to the frustum so the resulting views are similar.
00193     The camera location and direction will not be changed.
00194   Parameters:
00195     bSymmetricFrustum - [in]
00196       True if you want the resulting frustum to be symmetric.
00197   Remarks:
00198     If the current projection is parallel and bSymmetricFrustum,
00199     FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric() and FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric()
00200     are all equal, then no changes are made and true is returned.
00201   */
00202   bool ChangeToParallelProjection( bool bSymmetricFrustum );
00204   /*
00205   Description:
00206     Use this function to change projections of valid viewports
00207     from parallel to perspective.  It will make common additional
00208     adjustments to the frustum and camera location so the resulting
00209     views are similar.  The camera direction and target point are
00210     not be changed.
00211   Parameters:
00212     target_distance - [in]
00213       If ON_UNSET_VALUE this parameter is ignored.  Otherwise
00214       it must be > 0 and indicates which plane in the current 
00215       view frustum should be perserved.
00216     bSymmetricFrustum - [in]
00217       True if you want the resulting frustum to be symmetric.
00218     lens_length - [in] (pass 50.0 when in doubt)
00219       35 mm lens length to use when changing from parallel
00220       to perspective projections. If the current projection
00221       is perspective or lens_length is <= 0.0,
00222       then this parameter is ignored.
00223   Remarks:
00224     If the current projection is perspective and bSymmetricFrustum,
00225     FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric() and FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric()
00226     are all equal, then no changes are made and true is returned.
00227   */
00228   bool ChangeToPerspectiveProjection( 
00229           double target_distance,
00230           bool bSymmetricFrustum,
00231           double lens_length
00232           );
00234   /*
00235   Description:
00236     Use this function to change projections of valid viewports
00237     to a two point perspective.  It will make common additional
00238     adjustments to the frustum and camera location and direction
00239     so the resulting views are similar.
00240   Parameters:
00241     target_distance - [in]
00242       If ON_UNSET_VALUE this parameter is ignored.  Otherwise
00243       it must be > 0 and indicates which plane in the current 
00244       view frustum should be perserved.
00245     up - [in]
00246       This direction will be the locked up direction.  Pass 
00247       ON_3dVector::ZeroVector if you want to use the world axis
00248       direction that is closest to the current up direction.
00249       Pass CameraY() if you want to preserve the current up direction.
00250     lens_length - [in] (pass 50.0 when in doubt)
00251       35 mm lens length to use when changing from parallel
00252       to perspective projections. If the current projection
00253       is perspective or lens_length is <= 0.0,
00254       then this parameter is ignored.
00255   Remarks:
00256     If the current projection is perspective and 
00257     FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric() is true and
00258     FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric() is false, then no changes are
00259     made and true is returned.
00260   */
00261   bool ChangeToTwoPointPerspectiveProjection( 
00262           double target_distance,
00263           ON_3dVector up,
00264           double lens_length
00265           );
00267   /*
00268   Returns:
00269     True if the projection is ON::perspective_view.
00270   */
00271   bool IsPerspectiveProjection() const;
00273   /*
00274   Returns
00275     IsPerspectiveProjection() 
00276     && CameraUpIsLocked()
00277     && FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric
00278     && !FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric
00279   */
00280   bool IsTwoPointPerspectiveProjection() const;
00282   /*
00283   Returns:
00284     True if the projection is ON::parallel_view.
00285   */
00286   bool IsParallelProjection() const;
00288   // These return true if the current direction and up are not zero and not
00289   // parallel so the camera position is well defined.
00290   bool SetCameraLocation( const ON_3dPoint& );
00291   bool SetCameraDirection( const ON_3dVector& );
00292   bool SetCameraUp( const ON_3dVector& );
00294   ON_3dPoint CameraLocation() const;
00295   ON_3dVector CameraDirection() const;
00296   ON_3dVector CameraUp() const;
00298   bool CameraLocationIsLocked() const;
00299   bool CameraDirectionIsLocked() const;
00300   bool CameraUpIsLocked() const;
00301   bool FrustumIsLeftRightSymmetric() const;
00302   bool FrustumIsTopBottomSymmetric() const;
00304   void SetCameraLocationLock( bool bLockCameraLocation );
00305   void SetCameraDirectionLock( bool bLockCameraDirection ) ;
00306   void SetCameraUpLock( bool bLockCameraUp );
00307   void SetFrustumLeftRightSymmetry( bool bForceLeftRightSymmetry );
00308   void SetFrustumTopBottomSymmetry( bool bForceTopBottomSymmetry );
00309   void UnlockCamera(); // sets all camera locks to false
00310   void UnlockFrustumSymmetry(); // sets all frustum symmetry locks to false
00312   // returns true if current camera orientation is valid
00313   bool GetCameraFrame(
00314       double*, // CameraLocation[3]
00315       double*, // CameraX[3]
00316       double*, // CameraY[3]
00317       double*  // CameraZ[3]
00318       ) const;
00320   // these do not check for a valid camera orientation
00321   ON_3dVector CameraX() const; // unit to right vector
00322   ON_3dVector CameraY() const; // unit up vector
00323   ON_3dVector CameraZ() const; // unit vector in -CameraDirection
00326   bool IsCameraFrameWorldPlan( 
00327       // Returns true if the camera direction = some world axis.
00328       // The indices report which axes are used.  For a "twisted"
00329       // plan view it is possible to have zero x and y indices.
00330       // This function returns true if and only if the "z" index
00331       // is non-zero.
00332       //
00333       // Indices are +/-1 = world +/-x, +/-2 = world +/-y, +/-3 = world +/-z,
00334       int*, // if true and plan is axis aligned, view x index, else 0
00335       int*, // if true and plan is axis aligned, view y index, else 0
00336       int*  // if true, view z index, else 0
00337       );
00339   bool GetCameraExtents( 
00340       // returns bounding box in camera coordinates - this is useful information
00341       // for setting view frustrums to include the point list
00342       int,           // count = number of 3d points
00343       int,           // stride = number of doubles to skip between points (>=3)
00344       const double*, // 3d points in world coordinates
00345       ON_BoundingBox& cambbox, // bounding box in camera coordinates
00346       int bGrowBox = false   // set to true if you want to enlarge an existing camera coordinate box
00347       ) const;
00349   bool GetCameraExtents( 
00350       // returns bounding box in camera coordinates - this is useful information
00351       // for setting view frustrums to include the point list
00352       const ON_BoundingBox&, // world coordinate bounding box
00353       ON_BoundingBox& cambbox, // bounding box in camera coordinates
00354       int bGrowBox = false   // set to true if you want to enlarge an existing camera coordinate box
00355       ) const;
00357   bool GetCameraExtents( 
00358       // returns bounding box in camera coordinates - this is useful information
00359       // for setting view frustrums to include the point list
00360       ON_3dPoint&,     // world coordinate bounding sphere center
00361       double,          // world coordinate bounding sphere radius
00362       ON_BoundingBox& cambox, // bounding box in camera coordinates
00363       int bGrowBox = false     // set to true if you want to enlarge an existing camera coordinate box
00364       ) const;
00366   /*
00367   Description:
00368     Set the view frustum.  If FrustumSymmetryIsLocked() is true
00369     and left != -right or bottom != -top, then they will be
00370     adjusted so the resulting frustum is symmetric.
00371   */
00372   bool SetFrustum(
00373         double left,   // 
00374         double right,  //   ( left < right )
00375         double bottom, // 
00376         double top,    //   ( bottom < top )
00377         double near_dist,   // 
00378         double far_dist     //   ( 0 < near_dist < far_dist ) // ignored by Rhino version 1.0
00379         );
00380   bool GetFrustum(
00381         double* left,        // 
00382         double* right,       // (left < right)
00383         double* bottom,      // 
00384         double* top,         // (bottom < top)
00385         double* near_dist = NULL, // 
00386         double* far_dist = NULL   // (0 < near_dist < far_dist)
00387         ) const;
00389   // SetFrustumAspect() changes the larger of the frustum's widht/height
00390   // so that the resulting value of width/height matches the requested
00391   // aspect.  The camera angle is not changed.  If you change the shape
00392   // of the view port with a call SetScreenPort(), then you generally 
00393   // want to call SetFrustumAspect() with the value returned by 
00394   // GetScreenPortAspect().
00395   bool SetFrustumAspect( double );
00397   // Returns frustum's width/height
00398   bool GetFrustumAspect( double& ) const;
00400   // Returns world coordinates of frustum's center
00401   bool GetFrustumCenter( double* ) const;
00403   // The near clipping plane stored in the Rhino 1.0 file is frequently very
00404   // small and useless for high quality z-buffer based rendering.  The far
00405   // clipping value is not stored in the file.  Use these functions to set
00406   // the frustum's near and far clipping planes to appropriate values.
00407   double FrustumLeft() const;
00408   double FrustumRight() const;
00409   double FrustumBottom() const;
00410   double FrustumTop() const;
00411   double FrustumNear() const;
00412   double FrustumFar() const;
00414   /*
00415   Returns:
00416     frustum right - frustum left
00417   */
00418   double FrustumWidth() const; // right - left
00420   /*
00421   Returns:
00422     frustum right - frustum left
00423   */
00424   double FrustumHeight() const; // top - bottom
00426   /*
00427   Returns:
00428     Minimum of fabs(FrustumWidth()) and fabs(FrustumHeight())
00429   */
00430   double FrustumMinimumDiameter() const;
00432   /*
00433   Returns:
00434     Maximum of fabs(FrustumWidth()) and fabs(FrustumHeight())
00435   */
00436   double FrustumMaximumDiameter() const;
00439   bool SetFrustumNearFar(       
00440          const double* bboxmin,  // 3d bounding box min
00441          const double* bboxmax   // 3d bounding box max
00442          );
00443   bool SetFrustumNearFar( 
00444          const double* center,  // 3d bounding sphere center
00445          double radius         // 3d bounding sphere radius
00446          );
00447   bool SetFrustumNearFar( 
00448          double near_dist, // ( > 0 )
00449          double far_dist   // 
00450          );
00452   /*
00453   Description:
00454     If needed, adjust the current frustum so it has the 
00455     specified symmetries and adjust the camera location
00456     so the target plane remains visible.
00457   Parameters:
00458     bLeftRightSymmetric - [in]
00459       If true, the frustum will be adjusted so left = -right.
00460     bTopBottomSymmetric - [in]
00461       If true, the frustum will be adjusted so top = -bottom.
00462     target_distance - [in]
00463       If projection is not perspective or target_distance 
00464       is ON_UNSET_VALUE, this this parameter is ignored. 
00465       If the projection is perspective and target_distance 
00466       is not ON_UNSET_VALUE, then it must be > 0.0 and
00467       it is used to determine which plane in the old
00468       frustum will appear unchanged in the new frustum.
00469   bool
00470     Returns true if the returned viewport has a frustum
00471     with the specified symmetries.
00472   */
00473   bool ChangeToSymmetricFrustum( 
00474     bool bLeftRightSymmetric, 
00475     bool bTopBottomSymmetric,
00476     double target_distance
00477     );
00479   /*
00480   Description:
00481     Get near and far clipping distances of a point
00482   Parameters:
00483     point - [in] 
00484     near_dist - [out] 
00485       near distance of the point (can be < 0)
00486     far_dist - [out] 
00487       far distance of the point (can be equal to near_dist)
00488     bGrowNearFar - [in]
00489       If true and input values of near_dist and far_dist
00490       are not ON_UNSET_VALUE, the near_dist and far_dist
00491       are enlarged to include bbox.
00492   Returns:
00493     True if the point is ing the view frustum and
00494     near_dist/far_dist were set.
00495     False if the bounding box does not intesect the
00496     view frustum.
00497   */
00498   bool GetPointDepth(       
00499          ON_3dPoint point,
00500          double* near_dist,
00501          double* far_dist,
00502          bool bGrowNearFar=false
00503          ) const;
00505   /*
00506   Description:
00507     Get the view plane depth of a point
00508   Parameters:
00509     point - [in] 
00510     view_plane_depth - [out] 
00511       positive values are in front of the camera and negative
00512       values are behind the camera.
00513       If 0 <= point_depth < FrustumNear(), the point's view
00514       plane is between the camera and the frustum's near plane.
00515       If point_depth > FrustumFar(), the point's view
00516       plane is farther from the camera and the frustum's far plane.
00517   Returns:
00518     True if the point is ing the view frustum and
00519     near_dist/far_dist were set.
00520     False if the bounding box does not intesect the
00521     view frustum.
00522   */
00523   bool GetPointDepth(       
00524        ON_3dPoint point,
00525        double* view_plane_depth
00526        ) const;
00528   /*
00529   Description:
00530     Get near and far clipping distances of a bounding box.
00531   Parameters:
00532     bbox - [in] 
00533       bounding box
00534     near_dist - [out] 
00535       near distance of the box
00536       This value can be zero or negative when the camera
00537       location is inside bbox.
00538     far_dist - [out] 
00539       far distance of the box
00540       This value can be equal to near_dist, zero or negative 
00541       when the camera location is in front of the bounding box.
00542     bGrowNearFar - [in]
00543       If true and input values of near_dist and far_dist
00544       are not ON_UNSET_VALUE, the near_dist and far_dist
00545       are enlarged to include bbox.
00546   Returns:
00547     True if the bounding box intersects the view frustum and
00548     near_dist/far_dist were set.
00549     False if the bounding box does not intesect the view frustum.
00550   Remarks:
00551     This function ignores the current value of the viewport's 
00552     near and far settings. If the viewport is a perspective
00553     projection, the it intersects the semi infinite frustum
00554     volume with the bounding box and returns the near and far
00555     distances of the intersection.  If the viewport is a parallel
00556     projection, it instersects the infinte view region with the
00557     bounding box and returns the near and far distances of the
00558     projection.
00559   */
00560   bool GetBoundingBoxDepth(       
00561          ON_BoundingBox bbox,
00562          double* near_dist,
00563          double* far_dist,
00564          bool bGrowNearFar=false
00565          ) const;
00567   /*
00568   Description:
00569     Get near and far clipping distances of a bounding sphere.
00570   Parameters:
00571     sphere - [in] 
00572       bounding sphere
00573     near_dist - [out] 
00574       near distance of the sphere (can be < 0)
00575     far_dist - [out] 
00576       far distance of the sphere (can be equal to near_dist)
00577     bGrowNearFar - [in]
00578       If true and input values of near_dist and far_dist
00579       are not ON_UNSET_VALUE, the near_dist and far_dist
00580       are enlarged to include bbox.
00581   Returns:
00582     True if the sphere intersects the view frustum and
00583     near_dist/far_dist were set.
00584     False if the sphere does not intesect the view frustum.
00585   */
00586   bool GetSphereDepth( 
00587          ON_Sphere sphere,
00588          double* near_dist,
00589          double* far_dist,
00590          bool bGrowNearFar=false
00591          ) const;
00593   /*
00594   Description:
00595     Set near and far clipping distance subject to constraints.
00596   Parameters:
00597     near_dist - [in] (>0) desired near clipping distance
00598     far_dist - [in] (>near_dist) desired near clipping distance
00599     min_near_dist - [in] 
00600       If min_near_dist <= 0.0, it is ignored.
00601       If min_near_dist > 0 and near_dist < min_near_dist, 
00602       then the frustum's near_dist will be increased to 
00603       min_near_dist.
00604     min_near_over_far - [in] 
00605       If min_near_over_far <= 0.0, it is ignored.
00606       If near_dist < far_dist*min_near_over_far, then
00607       near_dist is increased and/or far_dist is decreased
00608       so that near_dist = far_dist*min_near_over_far.
00609       If near_dist < target_dist < far_dist, then near_dist
00610       near_dist is increased and far_dist is decreased so that
00611       projection precision will be good at target_dist.
00612       Otherwise, near_dist is simply set to 
00613       far_dist*min_near_over_far.
00614     target_dist - [in]  
00615       If target_dist <= 0.0, it is ignored.
00616       If target_dist > 0, it is used as described in the
00617       description of the min_near_over_far parameter.
00618     relative_depth_bias - [in]
00619       If relative_depth_bias <= 0.0, it is ignored.
00620       If relative_depth_bias > 0, it is assumed that
00621       the requested near_dist and far_dist were calculated
00622       assuming no depth bias and the values will be
00623       appropriately adjusted to ensure the frustum's 
00624       near and far clipping planes will not clip biased
00625       objects.
00626   */
00627   bool SetFrustumNearFar( 
00628          double near_dist,
00629          double far_dist,
00630          double min_near_dist,
00631          double min_near_over_far,
00632          double target_dist
00633          );
00635   bool SetFrustumNearFar( 
00636          double near_dist,
00637          double far_dist,
00638          double min_near_dist,
00639          double min_near_over_far,
00640          double target_dist,
00641          double relative_depth_bias
00642          );
00644   // Description:
00645   //   Get near clipping plane.
00646   //
00647   //  near_plane - [out] near clipping plane if camera and frustum
00648   //      are valid.  The plane's frame is the same as the camera's
00649   //      frame.  The origin is located at the intersection of the
00650   //      camera direction ray and the near clipping plane. The plane's
00651   //      normal points out of the frustum towards the camera
00652   //      location.
00653   //
00654   // Returns:
00655   //   true if camera and frustum are valid.
00656   bool GetNearPlane( 
00657     ON_Plane& near_plane 
00658     ) const;
00660   bool GetNearPlaneEquation( 
00661     ON_PlaneEquation& near_plane_equation 
00662     ) const;
00664   // Description:
00665   //   Get far clipping plane.
00666   //
00667   //  far_plane - [out] far clipping plane if camera and frustum
00668   //      are valid.  The plane's frame is the same as the camera's
00669   //      frame.  The origin is located at the intersection of the
00670   //      camera direction ray and the far clipping plane. The plane's
00671   //      normal points into the frustum towards the camera location.
00672   //
00673   // Returns:
00674   //   true if camera and frustum are valid.
00675   bool GetFarPlane( 
00676     ON_Plane& far_plane 
00677     ) const;
00679   bool GetFarPlaneEquation( 
00680     ON_PlaneEquation& far_plane_equation 
00681     ) const;
00683   /*
00684   Description:
00685     Get the plane that is a specified distance from the camera.
00686     This plane is parallel to the frustum's near and far planes.
00687   Parameters:
00688     view_plane_depth - [in]
00689       The distance from the camera location to the view plane. 
00690       Positive distances are in front of the camera and
00691       negative distances are behind the camera.
00692       A value of FrustumNear() will return the frustum's
00693       near plane and a valud of FrustumFar() will return
00694       the frustum's far plane.
00695     view_plane - [out]
00696       View plane
00697     view_plane_equation - [out]
00698       Equation of the view plane.
00699   Returns:
00700     True if the camera and frustum are valid and view_plane
00701     was calculated.  False otherwise.
00702   */
00703   bool GetViewPlane( 
00704     double view_plane_depth,
00705     ON_Plane& view_plane 
00706     ) const;
00708   bool GetViewPlaneEquation( 
00709     double view_plane_depth,
00710     ON_PlaneEquation& view_plane_equation 
00711     ) const;
00713   /*
00714   Description:
00715   Get left world frustum clipping plane.
00716   Parameters:
00717     left_plane - [out] 
00718       frustum left side clipping plane.  The normal points
00719       into the visible region of the frustum.  If the projection
00720       is perspective, the origin is at the camera location,
00721       otherwise the origin isthe point on the plane that is
00722       closest to the camera location.
00723   Returns:
00724     True if camera and frustum are valid and plane was set.
00725   */
00726   bool GetFrustumLeftPlane( 
00727     ON_Plane& left_plane 
00728     ) const;
00730   bool GetFrustumLeftPlaneEquation( 
00731     ON_PlaneEquation& left_plane_equation 
00732     ) const;
00734   /*
00735   Description:
00736   Get right world frustum clipping plane.
00737   Parameters:
00738     right_plane - [out] 
00739       frustum right side clipping plane.  The normal points
00740       into the visible region of the frustum.  If the projection
00741       is perspective, the origin is at the camera location,
00742       otherwise the origin isthe point on the plane that is
00743       closest to the camera location.
00744   Returns:
00745     True if camera and frustum are valid and plane was set.
00746   */
00747   bool GetFrustumRightPlane( 
00748     ON_Plane& right_plane 
00749     ) const;
00751   bool GetFrustumRightPlaneEquation( 
00752     ON_PlaneEquation& right_plane_equation 
00753     ) const;
00755   /*
00756   Description:
00757   Get right world frustum clipping plane.
00758   Parameters:
00759     right_plane - [out] 
00760       frustum bottom side clipping plane.  The normal points
00761       into the visible region of the frustum.  If the projection
00762       is perspective, the origin is at the camera location,
00763       otherwise the origin isthe point on the plane that is
00764       closest to the camera location.
00765   Returns:
00766     True if camera and frustum are valid and plane was set.
00767   */
00768   bool GetFrustumBottomPlane( 
00769     ON_Plane& bottom_plane 
00770     ) const;
00772   bool GetFrustumBottomPlaneEquation( 
00773     ON_PlaneEquation& bottom_plane_equation 
00774     ) const;
00775   /*
00776   Description:
00777   Get right world frustum clipping plane.
00778   Parameters:
00779     top_plane - [out] 
00780       frustum top side clipping plane.  The normal points
00781       into the visible region of the frustum.  If the projection
00782       is perspective, the origin is at the camera location,
00783       otherwise the origin isthe point on the plane that is
00784       closest to the camera location.
00785   Returns:
00786     True if camera and frustum are valid and plane was set.
00787   */
00788   bool GetFrustumTopPlane( 
00789     ON_Plane& top_plane 
00790     ) const;
00792   bool GetFrustumTopPlaneEquation( 
00793     ON_PlaneEquation& top_plane_equation 
00794     ) const;
00796   // Description:
00797   //   Get corners of near clipping plane rectangle.
00798   //
00799   // Parameters:
00800   //   left_bottom - [out] 
00801   //   right_bottom - [out]
00802   //   left_top - [out]
00803   //   right_top - [out]
00804   //
00805   // Returns:
00806   //   true if camera and frustum are valid.
00807   bool GetNearRect( 
00808           ON_3dPoint& left_bottom,
00809           ON_3dPoint& right_bottom,
00810           ON_3dPoint& left_top,
00811           ON_3dPoint& right_top
00812           ) const;
00814   // Description:
00815   //   Get corners of far clipping plane rectangle.
00816   //
00817   // Parameters:
00818   //   left_bottom - [out] 
00819   //   right_bottom - [out]
00820   //   left_top - [out]
00821   //   right_top - [out]
00822   //
00823   // Returns:
00824   //   true if camera and frustum are valid.
00825   bool GetFarRect( 
00826           ON_3dPoint& left_bottom,
00827           ON_3dPoint& right_bottom,
00828           ON_3dPoint& left_top,
00829           ON_3dPoint& right_top
00830           ) const;
00832   /*
00833   Description:
00834     Get the world coordinate corners of the rectangle of
00835     a view plane that is a specified distance from the camera.
00836     This rectangle is parallel to the frustum's near and far planes.
00837   Parameters:
00838     view_plane_depth - [in]
00839       The distance from the camera location to the view plane. 
00840       Positive distances are in front of the camera and
00841       negative distances are behind the camera.
00842       A value of FrustumNear() will return the frustum's
00843       near rectangle and a valud of FrustumFar() will return
00844       the frustum's far rectangle.
00845     left_bottom - [out]
00846     right_bottom - [out]
00847     left_top - [out]
00848     right_top - [out]
00849   Returns:
00850     True if the camera and frustum are valid and view_plane
00851     was calculated.  False otherwise.
00852   */
00853   bool GetViewPlaneRect(
00854           double view_plane_depth,
00855           ON_3dPoint& left_bottom,
00856           ON_3dPoint& right_bottom,
00857           ON_3dPoint& left_top,
00858           ON_3dPoint& right_top
00859           ) const;
00862   /*
00863   Description:
00864     Location of viewport in pixels.
00865     These are provided so you can set the port you are using
00866     and get the appropriate transformations to and from
00867     screen space.
00868   Parameters:
00869     port_left - [in]
00870     port_right - [in] (port_left != port_right)
00871     port_bottom - [in]
00872     port_top - [in] (port_top != port_bottom)
00873     port_near - [in]
00874     port_far - [in]
00875   Example:
00877           // For a Windows window
00878           int width = width of window client area in pixels;
00879           int height = height of window client area in pixels;
00880           port_left = 0;
00881           port_right = width;
00882           port_top = 0;
00883           port_bottom = height;
00884           port_near = 0;
00885           port_far = 1;
00886           SetScreenPort( port_left, port_right, 
00887                          port_bottom, port_top, 
00888                          port_near, port_far );
00890   Returns:
00891     true if input is valid.
00892   See Also:
00893     ON_Viewport::GetScreenPort
00894   */
00895   bool SetScreenPort(
00896         int port_left,
00897         int port_right,
00898         int port_bottom,
00899         int port_top,
00900         int port_near = 0,
00901         int port_far = 0
00902         );
00904   bool GetScreenPort(
00905         int* left,
00906         int* right,         //( port_left != port_right )
00907         int* port_bottom,
00908         int* port_top,      //( port_bottom != port_top)
00909         int* port_near=NULL,  
00910         int* port_far=NULL   
00911         ) const;
00913   /* 
00914   Returns:
00915     abs(port_right - port_left)
00916   */
00917   int ScreenPortWidth() const;
00919   /* 
00920   Returns:
00921     abs(port_bottom - port_top)
00922   */
00923   int ScreenPortHeight() const;
00925   bool GetScreenPortAspect( double& ) const; // port's |width/height|
00927   bool GetCameraAngle( 
00928           double* half_diagonal_angle, // 1/2 of diagonal subtended angle
00929           double* half_vertical_angle, // 1/2 of vertical subtended angle
00930           double* half_horizontal_angle // 1/2 of horizontal subtended angle
00931           ) const;
00932   bool GetCameraAngle( 
00933           double* half_smallest_angle  // 1/2 of smallest subtended view angle
00934           ) const;
00935   bool SetCameraAngle( 
00936           double half_smallest_angle // 1/2 of smallest subtended view angle
00937                   // 0 < angle < pi/2
00938           );
00940   // These functions assume the camera is horizontal and crop the
00941   // film rather than the image when the aspect of the frustum
00942   // is not 36/24.  (35mm film is 36mm wide and 24mm high.)
00943   //
00944   // The SetCamera35mmLensLength() preserves camera location,
00945   // changes the frustum, but maintains the frsutrum's aspect.
00946   bool GetCamera35mmLensLength( 
00947     double* lens_length 
00948     ) const;
00949   bool SetCamera35mmLensLength( 
00950     double lens_length 
00951     );
00953   // Same as GetCamera35mmLensLength() with "lens" misspelled.
00954   bool GetCamera35mmLenseLength( 
00955     double* lens_length 
00956     ) const;
00958   // Same as SetCamera35mmLensLength() with "lens" misspelled.
00959   bool SetCamera35mmLenseLength( 
00960     double lens_length 
00961     );
00963   bool GetXform( 
00964          ON::coordinate_system srcCS,
00965          ON::coordinate_system destCS,
00966          ON_Xform& matrix      // 4x4 transformation matrix (acts on the left)
00967          ) const;
00969   /*
00970   Description:
00971     Get the world coordinate line in the view frustum
00972     that projects to a point on the screen.
00973   Parameters:
00974     screenx - [in]
00975     screeny - [in] (screenx,screeny) = screen location
00976     world_line - [out] 3d world coordinate line segment
00977            starting on the near clipping plane and ending 
00978            on the far clipping plane.
00979   Returns:
00980     true if successful. 
00981     false if view projection or frustum is invalid.
00982   */
00983   bool GetFrustumLine( 
00984             double screenx, 
00985             double screeny, 
00986             ON_Line& world_line
00987             ) const;
00989   // display tools
00990   bool GetWorldToScreenScale( 
00991     const ON_3dPoint& point_in_frustum, // [in]  point in viewing frustum.
00992     double* pixels_per_unit             // [out] scale = number of pixels per world unit at the 3d point
00993     ) const;
00995   bool GetCoordinateSprite(
00996          int,        // size in pixels of coordinate sprite axes
00997          int, int,   // screen (x,y) for sprite origin
00998          int[3],     // returns depth order for axes
00999          double [3][2]  // screen coords for axes ends
01000          ) const;
01002   // Use Extents() as a quick way to set a viewport to so that bounding
01003   // volume is inside of a viewports frusmtrum.
01004   // The view angle is used to determine the position of the camera.
01005   bool Extents( 
01006          double half_view_angle,        // 1/2 smallest subtended view angle
01007                         // (0 < angle < pi/2)
01008          const ON_BoundingBox& world_bbox// 3d world coordinate bounding box
01009          );
01010   bool Extents( 
01011          double half_view_angle,        // 1/2 smallest subtended view angle
01012                         // (0 < angle < pi/2)
01013          const ON_3dPoint& center, // 3d world coordinate bounding sphere center
01014          double radius        // 3d sphere radius
01015          );
01018   // View changing from screen input points.  Handy for
01019   // using a mouse to manipulate a view.
01020   //
01023   // ZoomToScreenRect() may change camera and frustum settings
01024   bool ZoomToScreenRect(
01025          int screen_x0, 
01026          int screen_y0,  // (x,y) screen coords of a rectangle corner
01027          int screen_x1, 
01028          int screen_y1   // (x,y) screen coords of opposite rectangle corner
01029          );
01032   // DollyCamera() does not update the frustum's clipping planes.
01033   // To update the frustum's clipping planes call DollyFrustum(d)
01034   // with d = dollyVector o cameraFrameZ.  To convert screen locations
01035   // into a dolly vector, use GetDollyCameraVector().
01036   bool DollyCamera( // Does not update frustum.  To update frustum use 
01037                     // DollyFrustum(d) with d = dollyVector o cameraFrameZ
01038           const ON_3dVector& dolly_vector // dolly vector in world coordinates
01039           );
01042   // Gets a world coordinate dolly vector that can be passed to
01043   // DollyCamera().
01044   bool GetDollyCameraVector(
01045          int screen_x0, 
01046          int screen_y0,  // (x,y) screen coords of start point
01047          int screen_x1, 
01048          int screen_y1,  // (x,y) screen coords of end point
01049          double proj_plane_dist,      // distance of projection plane from camera.
01050                       // When in doubt, use 0.5*(frus_near+frus_far).
01051          ON_3dVector& dolly_vector // world coordinate dolly vector returned here
01052          ) const;
01055   // Moves frustum's clipping planes
01056   bool DollyFrustum(
01057           double dolly_distance // distance to move in camera direction
01058           );
01060   /*
01061   Description:
01062     Apply scaling factors to parallel projection clipping coordinates
01063     by setting the m_clip_mod transformation.  
01064   Parameters:
01065     x - [in] x > 0
01066     y - [in] y > 0
01067   Example:
01068     If you want to compress the view projection across the viewing
01069     plane, then set x = 0.5, y = 1.0, and z = 1.0.
01070   Returns:
01071     True if successful.
01072     False if input is invalid or the view is a perspective view.
01073   */
01074   bool SetViewScale( double x, double y );
01075   void GetViewScale( double* x, double* y ) const;
01077   /*
01078   Description:
01079     Gets the m_clip_mod transformation;
01080   Returns:
01081     value of the m_clip_mod transformation.
01082   */
01083   ON_Xform ClipModXform() const;
01085   /*
01086   Description:
01087     Gets the m_clip_mod_inverse transformation;
01088   Returns:
01089     value of the m_clip_mod_inverse transformation.
01090   */
01091   ON_Xform ClipModInverseXform() const;
01093   /*
01094   Returns:
01095     True if clip mod xform is identity.
01096   */
01097   bool ClipModXformIsIdentity() const;
01099   /*
01100   Description:
01101     Return a point on the central axis of the view frustum.
01102     This point is a good choice for a general purpose target point.
01103   Parameters:
01104     target_distance - [in]
01105       If target_distance > 0.0, then the distance from the returned
01106       point to the camera plane will be target_distance. Note that
01107       if the frustum is not symmetric, the distance from the
01108       returned point to the camera location will be larger than
01109       target_distanct.
01110       If target_distance == ON_UNSET_VALUE and the frustum
01111       is valid with near > 0.0, then 0.5*(near + far) will be used
01112       as the target_distance.
01113   Returns:
01114     A point on the frustum's central axis.  If the viewport or input
01115     is not valid, then ON_3dPoint::UnsetPoint is returned.
01116   */
01117   ON_3dPoint FrustumCenterPoint( double target_distance ) const;
01119   /*
01120   Returns:
01121     The current value of the target point.  This point does not play
01122     a role in the view projection calculations.  It can be used as a 
01123     fixed point when changing the camera so the visible regions of the
01124     before and after frustums both contain the region of interest.
01125   Remarks:
01126     The default constructor sets this point on ON_3dPoint::UnsetPoint.
01127     You must explicitly call one SetTargetPoint() functions to set
01128     the target point.
01129   */
01130   ON_3dPoint TargetPoint() const;
01132   /*
01133   Description:
01134     Set the target point.
01135   Parameters:
01136     target_point - [in]
01137       When in doubt, the point returned by FrustumCenterPoint(ON_UNSET_VALUE)
01138       is a good choice.
01139   Remarks:
01140     The default constructor sets this point on ON_3dPoint::UnsetPoint.
01141     You must explicitly call one SetTargetPoint() functions to set
01142     the target point.
01143   */
01144   bool SetTargetPoint( ON_3dPoint target_point );
01146   /*
01147   Description:
01148     Get the distance from the target point to the camera plane.
01149     Note that if the frustum is not symmetric, then this distance
01150     is shorter than the distance from the target to the camera location.
01151   Parameters:
01152     bUseFrustumCenterFallback - [in]
01153       If bUseFrustumCenterFallback is false and the target point is
01154       not valid, then ON_UNSET_VALUE is returned.
01155       If bUseFrustumCenterFallback is true and the frustum is valid
01156       and current target point is not valid or is behind the camera,
01157       then 0.5*(near + far) is returned.
01158   Returns:
01159     Shortest signed distance from camera plane to target point.
01160     If the target point is on the visible side of the camera,
01161     a positive value is returned.  ON_UNSET_VALUE is returned
01162     when the input of view is not valid.
01163   */
01164   double TargetDistance( bool bUseFrustumCenterFallback ) const;
01166   /*
01167   Description:    
01168     Get suggested values for setting the perspective minimum
01169     near distance and minimum near/far ratio.
01170   Parameters:      
01171     camera_location - [in]
01172     depth_buffer_bit_depth - [in]
01173       typically 32, 24, 16 or 8, but any positive value can be 
01174       passed in.
01175     min_near_dist - [out]
01176       Suggest value for passing to SetPerspectiveMinNearDist().     
01177     min_near_over_far - [out]
01178       Suggest value for passing to SetPerspectiveMinNearOverFar().     
01179   */
01180   static void GetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints( 
01181         ON_3dPoint camera_location,
01182         unsigned int depth_buffer_bit_depth,
01183         double* min_near_dist,
01184         double* min_near_over_far
01185         );
01187   /*
01188   Description:
01189     Calculate the value to add to homogeneous "z" clipping coordinate
01190     that corresponds to moving the corresponding euclidean camera
01191     coordinate by relative_depth_bias*(far - near).
01192   Parameters:
01193     relative_depth_bias - [in]
01194       signed relative bias. 
01195       = 0: no bias, 
01196       > 0: bias towards frustum's near clipping plane
01197       < 0: bias towards frustum's far clipping plane
01198       When you have curves and points that are "on" shaded objects,
01199       values around 1/256 work well to move the wire objects
01200       in front of or behind shaded objects.
01201     clip_z [-in]
01202     clip_w [-in]
01203       clip_z and clip_w are the homogeneous "w" and "w" coordinates
01204       of a homogeneous clipping coordinate point.
01205   Returns:
01206     The clipping coordinate depth bias to add to the z-clipping
01207     coordinate that corresponds to adding cam_depth_bias
01208     to the z camera coordinate.
01209   Remarks:
01210     For perspective views, this bias is largest in the vicinity
01211     of the frustum's near clipping plane and smallest in the
01212     vicinity of the frustum's far clipping plane.
01213     For orthographic projectsions, this bias is constant.
01214   */
01215   double ClipCoordDepthBias(
01216     double relative_depth_bias,
01217     double clip_z, 
01218     double clip_w
01219     ) const;
01221   /*
01222   Description:
01223     Calculate a transformation to apply to clipping coordinates to
01224     bias their depth.
01226   Parameters:
01227     relative_depth_bias - [in]
01228       signed relative bias. 
01229       = 0: no bias, 
01230       > 0: bias towards frustum's near clipping plane
01231       < 0: bias towards frustum's far clipping plane
01232       When you have curves and points that are "on" shaded objects,
01233       values around 1/512 work well to move the wire objects
01234       in front of or behind shaded objects.
01236     clip_bias - [out]
01237       clip_bias = cam2clip * delta * clip2cam,
01238       where delta = 1 0 0 0 
01239                     0 1 0 0
01240                     0 0 1 D
01241                     0 0 0 1
01242       and D = relative_depth_bias*(far-near).
01244   Returns:
01245     True if the function worked.  False if the frustum settings
01246     are not valild, in which cate the identity matrix is returned.
01248   Remarks:
01249     The inverse of the transformations returned by 
01250     GetClipCoordDepthBiasXform(+r,...) is the transformation
01251     returned by GetClipCoordDepthBiasXform(-r,...).
01252   */
01253   bool GetClipCoordDepthBiasXform( 
01254     double relative_depth_bias,
01255     ON_Xform& clip_bias
01256     ) const;
01258   /*
01259   Description:
01260     Set suggested the perspective minimum near distance and
01261     minimum near/far ratio to the suggested values returned
01262     by GetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints().
01263   Parameters:
01264     depth_buffer_bit_depth - [in]
01265       typically 32, 24, 16 or 8, but any positive value can be 
01266       passed in.
01267   */
01268   void SetPerspectiveClippingPlaneConstraints(
01269         unsigned int depth_buffer_bit_depth
01270         );
01272   /*
01273   Description:
01274     Expert user function to control the minimum
01275     ratio of near/far when perspective projections
01276     are begin used.
01277   Parameters:
01278     min_near_over_far - [in]
01279   Remarks:
01280     This is a runtime setting and is not saved in 3dm files.
01281   */
01282   void SetPerspectiveMinNearOverFar(double min_near_over_far);
01284   /*
01285   Description:
01286     Expert user function to get the minimum runtime
01287     value of near/far when perspective projections
01288     are begin used.
01289   Returns:
01290     The minimum permitted value of near/far when perspective 
01291     projections are begin used.
01292   Remarks:
01293     This is a runtime setting and is not saved in 3dm files.
01294   */
01295   double PerspectiveMinNearOverFar() const;
01297   /*
01298   Description:
01299     Expert user function to control the minimum
01300     value of near when perspective projections
01301     are begin used.
01302   Parameters:
01303     min_near_dist - [in]
01304   Remarks:
01305     This is a runtime setting and is not saved in 3dm files.
01306   */
01307   void SetPerspectiveMinNearDist(double min_near_dist);
01309   /*
01310   Description:
01311     Expert user function to get the minimum
01312     value of near when perspective projections
01313     are begin used.
01314   Returns:
01315     The minimum permitted value of near when perspective 
01316     projections are begin used.
01317   Remarks:
01318     This is a runtime setting and is not saved in 3dm files.
01319   */
01320   double PerspectiveMinNearDist() const;
01322   /*
01323   Description:
01324     Sets the viewport's id to the value used to 
01325     uniquely identify this viewport.
01326   Parameters:
01327     viewport_id - [in]    
01328   Returns:
01329     True if the viewport's id was successfully set
01330     and false otherwise (ie. the viewport uuid has
01331     already been set).
01332   Remarks:
01333     There is no approved way to change the viewport 
01334     id once it is set in order to maintain consistency
01335     across multiple viewports and those routines that 
01336     manage them.
01337   */
01338   bool  SetViewportId(const ON_UUID& viewport_id );
01340   ON_UUID ViewportId(void) const;
01342   /*
01343   Description:
01344     EXPERT USER function to change the viewport's id.
01345     If you change the id, you risk damaging display
01346     and visibility relationships in the model.
01347   Parameters:
01348     viewport_id - [in]    
01349   */
01350   void ChangeViewportId(const ON_UUID& viewport_id);
01352 protected:
01354   // These boolean status flags are set to true when
01355   // the associated fields contain valid values.
01356   bool m_bValidCamera;
01357   bool m_bValidFrustum;
01358   bool m_bValidPort;
01359   unsigned char m_reserved1;
01361   // Camera Settings: ///////////////////////////////////////////////
01363   // perspective or parallel projection
01364   ON::view_projection m_projection;
01366   //   Camera location, direction and orientation (in world coordinates).
01367   //   These values are used to set the camera frame vectors CamX, CamY,
01368   //   CamZ.  If bValidCamera is true, then the CamX, CamY and CamZ
01369   //   vectors are properly initialized and should be used
01370   //   instead of CamDir[] and CamUp[].  The frame vectors CamX, CamY, CamZ
01371   //   are always a right handed orthonormal frame.  The CamDir
01372   //   and CamUp vectors contain the values passed to SetViewCamera().
01374   // If true and the camera is valid, then the corresponding camera
01375   // parameter will not be changed by view editing functions. This
01376   // permits user interface to easily preserve important camera
01377   // features without having to perform excessive calculations.
01378   bool m_bLockCamUp;
01379   bool m_bLockCamDir;
01380   bool m_bLockCamLoc;
01381   unsigned char m_frustum_symmetry_flags; // 0 != (flags & 1) top/bottom symmetry enforced
01382                                           // 0 != (flags & 2) left/right symmetry enforced.
01383   ON_3dPoint m_CamLoc;  // camera location
01384   ON_3dVector m_CamDir; // from camera towards view (nonzero and not parallel to m_CamUp)
01385   ON_3dVector m_CamUp;  // (nonzero and not parallel to m_CamDir)
01387   // The camera frame vectors are properly initialized by SetCamera()
01388   ON_3dVector m_CamX;
01389   ON_3dVector m_CamY;
01390   ON_3dVector m_CamZ;
01392   // View Frustum Settings: ///////////////////////////////////////
01393   //   left, right are camera X coords on near clipping plane
01394   //   bottom, top are camera Y coords on near clipping plane
01395   //   near = distance from camera to near clipping plane
01396   //   far = distance from camera to far clipping plane
01397   double m_frus_left,   m_frus_right; // frus_left < frus_right 
01398   double m_frus_bottom, m_frus_top;   // frus_bottom < frus_top 
01399   double m_frus_near,   m_frus_far;   // frus_near < frus_far 
01400                                       // in perspective, 0 < frus_near
01403   // Device View Port Box Settings: ( in display device coordinates ) ////
01404   //   The point (left,bottom,-near), in camera coordinates, of the view
01405   //   frustum is mapped to pixel coordinate (port_left,port_bottom,port_near).
01406   //   The point (right,top,-far), in camera coordinates, of the view frustum 
01407   //   is mapped to pixel coordinate (port_right,port_top,port_far).
01408   int m_port_left,   m_port_right; // port_left != port_right
01409   int m_port_bottom, m_port_top;   // port_bottom != port_top  
01410                                    // In many situations including Windows,
01411                                    // port_left = 0,
01412                                    // port_right = viewport width-1,
01413                                    // port_top = 0,
01414                                    // port_bottom = viewport height-1.
01415   int m_port_near,   m_port_far;   // (If you want an 8 bit z-buffer with 
01416                                    // z=255 being "in front of" z=0, then
01417                                    // set port_near = 255 and port_far = 0.)
01420   // The location of this point has no impact on the 
01421   // view projection. It is simply a suggestion for a 
01422   // fixed point when views are rotated or the isometric 
01423   // depth when perpsective views are dollied.  The default
01424   // is ON_UNSET_POINT.
01425   ON_3dPoint m_target_point;
01427 private:
01428   // When this id matches the viewport id saved in an ON_DisplayMaterialRef
01429   // list in ON_3dmObjectAttributes, then the the display material is used
01430   // for that object in this view.
01431   ON_UUID m_viewport_id;
01433   bool SetCameraFrame(); // used to set m_CamX, m_CamY, m_CamZ
01435   // This transform is used to tweak the clipping 
01436   // coordinates.  The default is the identity.  
01437   // Modify this transformation when you need to do
01438   // things like z-buffer bias, non-uniform viewplane
01439   // scaling, and so on.
01441   /*
01442   Description:
01443     Sets the m_clip_mod transformation;
01444   Parameters:
01445     clip_mod_xform - [in] invertable transformation
01446   */
01447   bool SetClipModXform( ON_Xform clip_mod_xform );
01448   ON_Xform m_clip_mods;
01449   ON_Xform m_clip_mods_inverse;
01451   // Runtime values that depend on the graphics hardware being used.
01452   // These values are not saved in 3dm files.
01453   double m__MIN_NEAR_DIST;
01454   double m__MIN_NEAR_OVER_FAR;
01456 public:
01457   static const double DefaultNearDist;        // 0.005
01458   static const double DefaultFarDist;         // 1000.0
01459   static const double DefaultMinNearDist;     // 0.0001
01460   static const double DefaultMinNearOverFar;  // 0.0001
01461 };
01463 ON_DECL
01464 bool 
01465 ON_GetViewportRotationAngles( 
01466     const ON_3dVector&, // X, // X,Y,Z must be a right handed orthonormal basis
01467     const ON_3dVector&, // Y, 
01468     const ON_3dVector&, // Z,
01469     double*, // angle1, // returns rotation about world Z
01470     double*, // angle2, // returns rotation about world X ( 0 <= a2 <= pi )
01471     double*  // angle3  // returns rotation about world Z
01472     );
01474 ON_DECL
01475 bool
01476 ON_ViewportFromRhinoView( // create ON_Viewport from legacy Rhino projection info
01477         ON::view_projection, // projection,
01478         const ON_3dPoint&, // rhvp_target, // 3d point
01479         double, // rhvp_angle1 in radians
01480         double, // rhvp_angle2 in radians
01481         double, // rhvp_angle3 in radians
01482         double, // rhvp_viewsize,     // > 0
01483         double, // rhvp_cameradist,   // > 0
01484         int, // screen_width, 
01485         int, // screen_height,
01486         ON_Viewport&
01487         );
01489 /*
01490 Description:
01491   Calculate the corners of the polygon that is the
01492   intersection of a view frustum with and infinte plane.
01493 Parameters:
01494   vp - [in] defines view frustum
01495   plane_equation - [in] defined infinte plane
01496   points  - [out] corners of the polygon.
01497     If true is returned and points.Count() is zero, then
01498     the plane missed the frustum.  Note that the start/end
01499     point is not duplicated in the list.
01500 Returns:
01501   True if input was valid, false otherwise.  Note that
01502   even when true is returned, the returned points.Count()
01503   may be zero if the plane and frustum do not intersect.
01504 */
01505 ON_DECL
01506 bool
01507 ON_IntersectViewFrustumPlane(
01508           const ON_Viewport& vp,
01509           const ON_PlaneEquation& plane_equation, 
01510           ON_SimpleArray<ON_3dPoint>& points 
01511           );
01513 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:03