Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00018 //
00019 //   defines ON_TextureMapping
00020 //
00027 //
00028 // Class ON_TextureMapping
00029 //
00030 class ON_Line;
00031 class ON_BrepFace;
00032 class ON_3dPoint;
00034 typedef int  ( *TEXMAP_INTERSECT_LINE_SURFACE )( const ON_Line*, const ON_BrepFace*, ON_SimpleArray<ON_X_EVENT>& );
00035 typedef bool ( *TEXMAP_BREP_FACE_CLOSEST_POINT )( const ON_BrepFace*, const ON_3dPoint*, ON_3dPoint& );
00037 class ON_CLASS ON_TextureMapping : public ON_Object
00038 {
00039 public:
00040         ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_TextureMapping);
00042         ON_TextureMapping();
00043         ~ON_TextureMapping();
00045         // The copy constructor and operator= overrides are needed
00046   // to ensure m_geometry is properly copied.
00047         ON_TextureMapping(const ON_TextureMapping& src);
00048         ON_TextureMapping& operator=(const ON_TextureMapping& src);
00050   // overrides virtual ON_Object::IsValid
00051   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00053   // overrides virtual ON_Object::Dump
00054   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
00056   // overrides virtual ON_Object::SizeOf
00057   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
00059   // overrides virtual ON_Object::Write
00060   ON_BOOL32 Write(
00061          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00062        ) const;
00064   // overrides virtual ON_Object::Read
00065   ON_BOOL32 Read(
00066          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00067        );
00069   void Default();
00071   virtual
00072   ON_UUID ModelObjectId() const;
00074         /*
00075         Determines whether the mapping, as currently set up, requires vertex normals to be present on the
00076         mesh in order to evaluate the mapping correctly.
00077                 */
00078         bool RequiresVertexNormals() const;
00079         bool IsPeriodic(void) const;
00081   /*
00082   Description:
00083           Create a mapping that will convert surface parameters into 
00084     normalized (0,1)x(0,1) texture coordinates.
00085         */
00086         bool SetSurfaceParameterMapping(void);
00088   /*
00089   Description:
00090     Create a planar projection texture mapping.
00091   Parameters:
00092     plane - [in]
00093     dx - [in]  portion of the plane's x axis that is mapped to [0,1]
00094                (can be a decreasing interval)               
00095     dy - [in]  portion of the plane's x axis that is mapped to [0,1]
00096                (can be a decreasing interval)               
00097     dz - [in]  portion of the plane's x axis that is mapped to [0,1]
00098                (can be a decreasing interval)       
00099     projection_method - [in] 
00100         1: Closest point mapping.
00101           A target point P is mapped to the point on the plane
00102           that is closest to P.  The target normal is ignored.
00103         2: Target line mapping.  A target point-vector pair
00104           (P, N), are mapped to the point on the plane
00105           where the line through P, parallel to N, intersects
00106           the plane.  If the line is parallel to the plane,
00107           the closest point mapping is used.
00108   Example:
00109     Create a mapping that maps the world axis aligned rectangle in
00110     the world yz plane with corners at (0,3,5) and (0,7,19) to the
00111     texture coordinate unit square.
00113           ON_3dVector plane_xaxis(0.0,1.0,0.0);
00114           ON_3dVector plane_yaxis(0.0,0,0,1.0);
00115           ON_3dPoint plane_origin(0.0,2.0,4.0);
00116           ON_Plane plane(plane_origin,plane_xaxis,plane_yaxis);
00117           ON_Interval dx( 0.0, 7.0 - 3.0);
00118           ON_Interval dy( 0.0, 19.0 - 5.0);
00119           ON_Interval dz( 0.0, 1.0 );
00120           ON_TextureMapping mapping;
00121           mapping.CreatePlaneMapping(plane,dx,dy,dz);
00123   Returns:
00124     True if input is valid.
00125   */
00126   bool SetPlaneMapping(
00127             const ON_Plane& plane,
00128             const ON_Interval& dx,
00129             const ON_Interval& dy,
00130             const ON_Interval& dz
00131             );
00133   /*
00134   Description:
00135     Create a cylindrical projection texture mapping.
00136   Parameters:
00137     cylinder - [in]  
00138         cylinder in world space used to define a cylindrical
00139         coordinate system.  The angular parameter maps (0,2pi)
00140         to texture "u" (0,1), The height parameter maps 
00141         (height[0],height[1]) to texture "v" (0,1), and 
00142         the radial parameter maps (0,r) to texture "w" (0,1).
00143     bIsCapped - [in]
00144         If true, the cylinder is treated as a finite
00145         capped cylinder.          
00146   Returns:
00147     True if input is valid.
00148   Remarks:
00149     When the cylinder is capped and m_texture_space = divided, 
00150     the cylinder is mapped to texture space as follows:
00151       The side is mapped to 0 <= "u" <= 2/3.
00152       The bottom is mapped to 2/3 <= "u" <= 5/6.
00153       The top is mapped to 5/6 <= "u" <= 5/6.
00154     This is the same convention box mapping uses.
00155   */
00156         bool SetCylinderMapping( 
00157                  const ON_Cylinder& cylinder,
00158                  bool bIsCapped
00159         );
00161   /*
00162   Description:
00163     Create a spherical projection texture mapping.
00164   Parameters:
00165     sphere - [in]  
00166         sphere in world space used to define a spherical
00167         coordinate system. The longitude parameter maps
00168         (0,2pi) to texture "u" (0,1).  The latitude paramter
00169         maps (-pi/2,+pi/2) to texture "v" (0,1).
00170         The radial parameter maps (0,r) to texture "w" (0,1).
00171   Returns:
00172     True if input is valid.
00173   */
00174         bool SetSphereMapping( 
00175                  const ON_Sphere& sphere
00176         );
00178   /*
00179   Description:
00180     Create a box projection texture mapping.
00181   Parameters:
00182     plane - [in]  
00183         The sides of the box the box are parallel to the 
00184         plane's coordinate planes.  The dx, dy, dz intervals
00185         determine the location of the sides.
00186     dx - [in]
00187        Determines the location of the front and back planes.
00188        The vector plane.xaxis is perpendicular to these planes
00189        and they pass through plane.PointAt(dx[0],0,0) and
00190        plane.PointAt(dx[1],0,0), respectivly.
00191     dy - [in]
00192        Determines the location of the left and right planes.
00193        The vector plane.yaxis is perpendicular to these planes
00194        and they pass through plane.PointAt(0,dy[0],0) and
00195        plane.PointAt(0,dy[1],0), respectivly.
00196     dz - [in] 
00197        Determines the location of the top and bottom planes.
00198        The vector plane.zaxis is perpendicular to these planes
00199        and they pass through plane.PointAt(0,0,dz[0]) and
00200        plane.PointAt(0,0,dz[1]), respectivly.
00201     bIsCapped - [in]
00202         If true, the box is treated as a finite
00203         capped box.          
00204   Returns:
00205     True if input is valid.
00206   Remarks:
00207     When m_texture_space = divided, the box is mapped to texture 
00208     space as follows:
00210     If the box is not capped, then each side maps to 1/4 of the texture map.
00212           v=1+---------+---------+---------+---------+
00213              | x=dx[1] | y=dy[1] | x=dx[0] | y=dy[0] |
00214              | Front   | Right   | Back    | Left    |
00215              | --y->   | <-x--   | <-y--   | --x->   |
00216           v=0+---------+---------+---------+---------+
00217             0/4 <=u<= 1/4 <=u<= 2/4 <=u<= 3/4 <=u<= 4/4
00219     If the box is capped, then each side and cap gets 1/6 of the texture map.
00221           v=1+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
00222              | x=dx[1] | y=dy[1] | x=dx[0] | y=dy[0] | z=dx[1] | z=dz[0] |
00223              | Front   | Right   | Back    | Left    | Top     |  Bottom |
00224              | --y->   | <-x--   | <-y--   | --x->   | --x->   | --x->   |
00225           v=0+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
00226             0/6 <=u<= 1/6 <=u<= 2/6 <=u<= 3/6 <=u<= 4/6 <=u<= 5/6 <=u<= 6/6 
00227   */
00228         bool SetBoxMapping( 
00229                  const ON_Plane& plane,
00230                  ON_Interval dx,
00231                  ON_Interval dy,
00232                  ON_Interval dz,
00233      bool bIsCapped
00234         );
00236         /*
00237   Description:
00238     Get plane mapping parameters from this texture mapping.
00239   Parameters:
00240     plane - [out]
00241     dx - [out]
00242       Portion of the plane's x axis that is mapped to [0,1]
00243     dy - [out]
00244       Portion of the plane's y axis that is mapped to [0,1]
00245     dz - [out]
00246       Portion of the plane's z axis that is mapped to [0,1]
00247   Returns:
00248           True if valid plane mapping parameters were returned.
00249   Remarks:
00250     NOTE WELL:
00251       Generally, GetMappingPlane will not return the same
00252       parameters passed to SetPlaneMapping.  However, the
00253       location of the plane will be the same.
00254         */
00255         bool GetMappingPlane(
00256                  ON_Plane& plane,
00257                  ON_Interval& dx,
00258                  ON_Interval& dy,
00259                  ON_Interval& dz
00260            ) const;
00262         /*
00263   Description:
00264           Get a cylindrical projection parameters from this texture mapping.
00265         Parameters:
00266           cylinder - [out]  
00267   Returns:
00268           True if a valid cylinder is returned.
00269   Remarks:
00270     Generally, GetMappingCylinder will not return the same
00271     parameters passed to SetCylinderMapping.  However, the
00272     location of the cylinder will be the same.  
00273     If this mapping is not cylindrical, the cylinder will
00274     approximate the actual mapping primitive.
00275         */
00276         bool GetMappingCylinder( 
00277                  ON_Cylinder& cylinder
00278         ) const;
00280         /*
00281   Description:
00282           Get a spherical projection parameters from this texture mapping.
00283         Parameters:
00284           sphere - [out]  
00285   Returns:
00286           True if a valid sphere is returned.
00287   Remarks:
00288     Generally, GetMappingShere will not return the same
00289     parameters passed to SetSphereMapping.  However, the
00290     location of the sphere will be the same.
00291     If this mapping is not cylindrical, the cylinder will
00292     approximate the actual mapping primitive.
00293         */
00294         bool GetMappingSphere( 
00295                  ON_Sphere& sphere
00296         ) const;
00298         /*
00299         Get a box projection from the texture mapping.
00300         Parameters:
00301         plane - [out]  
00302                 The center of the box is at plane.origin and the sides
00303                 of the box are parallel to the plane's coordinate planes.
00304         dx - [out]
00305            The "front" and "back" sides of the box are in spanned
00306            by the vectors plane.yaxis and plane.zaxis.  The back
00307            plane contains the point plane.PointAt(dx[0],0,0) and
00308            the front plane contains the point plane.PointAt(dx[1],0,0).
00309         dy - [out]
00310            The "left" and "right" sides of the box are in spanned
00311            by the vectors plane.zaxis and plane.xaxis.  The left
00312            plane contains the point plane.PointAt(0,dx[0],0) and
00313            the back plane contains the point plane.PointAt(0,dy[1],0).
00314         dz - [out] 
00315            The "top" and "bottom" sides of the box are in spanned
00316            by the vectors plane.xaxis and plane.yaxis.  The bottom
00317            plane contains the point plane.PointAt(0,0,dz[0]) and
00318            the top plane contains the point plane.PointAt(0,0,dz[1]).
00319   Returns:
00320           True if a valid box is returned.
00321   Remarks:
00322     Generally, GetMappingBox will not return the same
00323     parameters passed to SetBoxMapping.  However, the
00324     location of the box will be the same.
00325         */
00326         bool GetMappingBox( 
00327                  ON_Plane& plane,
00328                  ON_Interval& dx,
00329                  ON_Interval& dy,
00330                  ON_Interval& dz
00331         ) const;
00334   /*
00335   Description:
00336     Reverses the texture in the specified direction.
00337   Parameters:
00338     dir - [in] 0 = reverse "u", 1 = reverse "v", 2 = reverse "w".
00339   Remarks:
00340     Modies m_uvw so that the spedified direction transforms
00341     the texture coordinate t to 1-t.
00342   Returns:
00343     True if input is valid.
00344   */
00345   bool ReverseTextureCoordinate( int dir );
00347   /*
00348   Description:
00349     Swaps the specified texture coordinates.
00350   Parameters:
00351     i - [in]
00352     j - [in]
00353   Remarks:
00354     Modifies m_uvw so that the specified texture coordinates are swapped.
00355   Returns:
00356     True if input is valid.
00357   */
00358   bool SwapTextureCoordinate( int i, int j );
00360   /*
00361   Description:
00362     Tiles the specified texture coordinates.
00363   Parameters:
00364     dir - [in] 0 =  "u", 1 = "v", 2 = "w".
00365     count - [in] number of tiles
00366     offset - [in] offset of the tile
00367   Remarks:
00368     Modies m_uvw so that the specified texture coordinate is
00369     tiled.
00370   Returns:
00371     True if input is valid.
00372   */
00373   bool TileTextureCoordinate( int dir, double count, double offset );
00375   /*
00376   Description:
00377     Evaluate the mapping to get a texture coordinate.
00378   Parameters:
00379     P - [in] Vertex location
00380     N - [in] If the mapping projection is ray_projection,
00381              then this is the vertex unit normal.  Otherwise
00382              N is ignored.
00383     T - [out] Texture coordinate (u,v,w)
00385     P_xform -[in] 
00386       Transformation to be applied to P before performing
00387       the mapping calculation.
00388     N_xform - [in] 
00389       Transformation to be applied to N before performing
00390       the mapping calculation.  One way to calculate N_xform
00391       is to use the call P_xform::GetVectorTransform(N_xform).
00393   Returns:
00394     Nonzero if evaluation is successful.  When the mapping
00395     is a box or capped cylinder mapping, the value indicates 
00396     which side was evaluated.
00398       Cylinder mapping:
00399         1 = cylinder wall, 2 = bottom cap, 3 = top cap
00400       Box mapping:
00401         1 = front
00402         2 = right
00403         3 = back
00404         4 = left
00405         5 = bottom
00406         6 = top        
00408   See Also:
00409     ON_TextureMapping::GetTextureCoordinates
00410     ON_Mesh::SetTextureCoordinates
00411   */
00412   virtual
00413   int Evaluate( 
00414     const ON_3dPoint& P,
00415     const ON_3dVector& N,
00416     ON_3dPoint* T
00417     ) const;
00419   virtual
00420   int Evaluate( 
00421     const ON_3dPoint& P,
00422     const ON_3dVector& N,
00423     ON_3dPoint* T,
00424           const ON_Xform& P_xform,
00425     const ON_Xform& N_xform
00426     ) const;
00428   int EvaluatePlaneMapping( 
00429     const ON_3dPoint& P,
00430     const ON_3dVector& N,
00431     ON_3dPoint* T
00432     ) const;
00434   int EvaluateSphereMapping( 
00435     const ON_3dPoint& P,
00436     const ON_3dVector& N,
00437     ON_3dPoint* T
00438     ) const;
00440   int EvaluateCylinderMapping( 
00441     const ON_3dPoint& P,
00442     const ON_3dVector& N,
00443     ON_3dPoint* T
00444     ) const;
00446   int EvaluateBoxMapping( 
00447     const ON_3dPoint& P,
00448     const ON_3dVector& N,
00449     ON_3dPoint* T
00450     ) const;
00452   /*
00453   Description:
00454     Quickly check to see if a mesh or tag has texture coordinates
00455     set by this mapping.
00456   Parameters:
00457     mesh - [in]
00458     tag - [in]
00459     object_xform - [in] (optional)
00460       If this transform is not NULL, then true will be
00461       returned only if the mapping function is the same and
00462       the tag's m_mesh_xform field is the same as mesh_xform.
00463       This parameter is typically NULL or the value of 
00464       ON_MappingRef::m_object_xform.
00465   Returns:
00466     True if the meshes texture coordinates were set by this
00467     mapping.
00468   */
00469   bool HasMatchingTextureCoordinates( 
00470          const ON_Mesh& mesh,
00471          const ON_Xform* object_xform = 0
00472          ) const; 
00473   bool HasMatchingTextureCoordinates( 
00474          const class ON_MappingTag& tag,
00475          const ON_Xform* object_xform = 0
00476          ) const; 
00478   /*
00479   Description:
00480     Get texture coordinates.  This calculation is
00481     expensive.  When possible, use a MappingMatch()
00482     query to avoid unnecessary calculations.
00483   Parameters:
00484     mesh - [in]
00485     T - [out] Texture coordinates returned here.
00486     mesh_xform - [in] (optional)
00487       If the mesh has been transformed since the texture mapping was set 
00488       up, pass the transformation here.  Typically this is the value
00489       of ON_Mesh::m_mapping_xform or ON_MappingRef::m_object_xform
00490     bLazy - [in]
00491       If true and the mesh.m_T[] values were calculated using
00492       this mapping, they are simply copied to the T[] array
00493       and no calculations are performed.  If you are calling
00494       the 3d point version and you care about the z-coordinate,
00495       then do not use the lazy option (meshes only store
00496       2d texture coordinates).
00497     Tside - [out]
00498       In the case of divided textures, side information is returned
00499       here if a lazy mapping is not done.  Otherwise Tside->Count()
00500       will be zero.
00501       Cylinder mapping:
00502         1 = cylinder wall, 2 = bottom cap, 3 = top cap
00503       Box mapping:
00504         1 = front
00505         2 = right
00506         3 = back
00507         4 = left
00508         5 = bottom
00509         6 = top        
00510   Example:
00512           ON_TextureMapping mapping = ...;
00513           const ON_Mesh* mesh = ...;
00514           bool bLazy = true;
00515           ON_SimpleArray<ON_3dPoint> T(mesh->VertexCount());
00516           T.SetCount(mesh->m_VertexCount());
00517           if ( !mapping.GetTextureCoordinates(mesh,3,3,&T[0].x,bLazy) )
00518             T.SetCount(0).
00520   Returns:
00521     True if successful.
00522   */
00523   bool GetTextureCoordinates( 
00524     const ON_Mesh& mesh, 
00525     ON_SimpleArray<ON_3fPoint>& T,
00526                 const ON_Xform* mesh_xform = 0,
00527     bool bLazy = false,
00528     ON_SimpleArray<int>* Tside = 0
00529     ) const;
00531   bool GetTextureCoordinates( 
00532     const ON_Mesh& mesh, 
00533     ON_SimpleArray<ON_2fPoint>& T,
00534                 const ON_Xform* mesh_xform = 0,
00535     bool bLazy = false,
00536     ON_SimpleArray<int>* Tside = 0
00537     ) const;
00539 public:
00540   // The only reliable and persistent way to reference texture 
00541   // mappings is by the mapping_id.  If the mapping id is
00542   // set to m_srfp_mapping_id, then all other mapping settings
00543   // are ignored.
00544   ON_UUID m_mapping_id;
00546   // Runtime texture mapping table index. 
00547   // This value is NOT SAVED IN 3DM FILES.
00548   // This value is constant for each runtime instance of Rhino,
00549   // but can change each time a model is loaded or saved.  
00550   // Once a texture mapping is in the CRhinoDoc material table,
00551   // its id and index never change in that instance of Rhino.
00552   int m_mapping_index;
00554   // The texture mapping name is for UI and user comfort. 
00555   // Duplicates are permitted.
00556   ON_wString m_mapping_name;
00559   //
00560   // Mapping types:
00561   //
00562   //   You can either calculate texture coordinates based on
00563   //   the parameterization of the surface used to create a mesh,
00564   //   or project the natural parameterization from a mapping
00565   //   primitive, like a plane, sphere, box, or cylinder.
00566   //
00567         // Do not change TYPE enum values - they are saved in 3dm files.
00568   //
00569   enum TYPE
00570   {
00571     no_mapping       = 0,
00573     srfp_mapping     = 1, // u,v = linear transform of surface params,w = 0
00574     plane_mapping    = 2, // u,v,w = 3d coordinates wrt frame
00575     cylinder_mapping = 3, // u,v,w = logitude, height, radius
00576     sphere_mapping   = 4, // (u,v,w) = longitude,latitude,radius
00577     box_mapping      = 5,
00578     mesh_mapping_primitive = 6, // m_mapping_primitive is an ON_Mesh 
00579     srf_mapping_primitive  = 7, // m_mapping_primitive is an ON_Surface
00580     brep_mapping_primitive = 8, // m_mapping_primitive is an ON_Brep
00582     force_32bit_mapping_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
00583   };
00585         TYPE m_type;
00588   //
00589   // Projection:
00590   //
00591   //   When a mapping primitive, like a plane, sphere, box,
00592   //   or cylinder, is used, there are two projection options.
00593   //
00594   //  clspt_projection: world xyz maps to the point on the 
00595   //                    mapping primitive that is closest to xyz.
00596   //                    In this case, ON_TextureMapping::Evaluate
00597   //                    ignores the vector argument.
00598   //
00599   //  ray_projection:   world xyz + world vector defines a world line.
00600   //                    The world line is intersected with the mapping 
00601   //                    primitive and the intersection point that is
00602   //                    closest to the world xyz point is used to
00603   //                    calculate the mapping parameters.
00604   //
00605   //  The value of m_projection can be changed as needed.
00606   //
00607   //  If m_type = srfp_mapping, then m_projection is ignored.
00608   //
00609   enum PROJECTION
00610   {
00611     no_projection    = 0,
00612     clspt_projection = 1,
00613     ray_projection   = 2,
00614     force_32bit_mapping_projection = 0xFFFFFFFF
00615   };
00617   PROJECTION m_projection;
00620   //
00621   // Texture space
00622   //
00623   //   When a mapping primitive is a box or a capped cylinder,
00624   //   there are two options for the mapping.  Either the sides
00625   //   all map to (0,1)x(0,1) (so the either texture map appears 
00626   //   on each side, or the sides map to distinct regions of the
00627   //   texture space.  
00628   //   
00629   enum TEXTURE_SPACE
00630   {
00631     single  = 0, // sides and caps map to same texture space
00632     divided = 1, // sides and caps map to distinct vertical
00633                  // regions of texture space.
00634                  // (0, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1) for uncapped boxes.
00635                  // (0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 1) for capped boxes.
00636                  // (0, 4/6, 5/6, 1) for capped cylinders.
00637     force_32bit_texture_space = 0xFFFFFFFF
00638   };
00640   TEXTURE_SPACE m_texture_space;
00642   // The m_bCapped applies to planar, cylinder and box mappings.
00643   // If m_bCapped is false, the cylinder or box is "infinite", if m_bCapped is true, they are finite.
00644   // In planar mappings, m_bCapped=false means "the Z texture coordinate will always be 0.0"
00645   // this is now the default behaviour in Rhino 5.0 - it's what users expect apparently.
00646   bool m_bCapped;
00649   //
00650   // For primitive based mappings, these transformations are
00651   // used to map the world coordinate (x,y,z) point P and 
00652   // surface normal N before it is projected to the normalized 
00653   // mapping primitive. The surface normal transformation,
00654   // m_Nxyz, is always calculated from m_Pxyz.  It is a 
00655   // runtime setting that is not saved in 3dm files. 
00656   // If m_type is srfp_mapping, then m_Pxyz and m_Nxyz are
00657   // ignored.
00658   ON_Xform m_Pxyz;
00659   ON_Xform m_Nxyz;
00661   // Transform applied to mapping coordinate (u,v,w) to 
00662   // convert it into a texture coordinate.
00663   ON_Xform m_uvw;
00665   // Custom mapping primitive.
00666   ON_Object* m_mapping_primitive;
00668   static TYPE TypeFromInt( int i );
00669   static PROJECTION ProjectionFromInt( int i );
00670   static TEXTURE_SPACE TextureSpaceFromInt( int i);
00672   ON__UINT32 MappingCRC() const;
00673 };
00675 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
00676 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
00677 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
00678 // article ID Q168958 for details.
00679 #pragma warning( push )
00680 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
00681 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_TextureMapping>;
00682 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ObjectArray<ON_TextureMapping>;
00683 #pragma warning( pop )
00684 #endif
00687 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:03