Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00017 #if !defined(ON_OBJECT_HISTORY_INC_)
00018 #define ON_OBJECT_HISTORY_INC_
00020 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
00021 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
00022 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
00023 // article ID Q168958 for details.
00024 #pragma warning( push )
00025 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
00026 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray< class ON_Value* >;
00027 #pragma warning( pop )
00028 #endif
00030 class ON_CLASS ON_CurveProxyHistory
00031 {
00032 public:
00033   // Used to save information needed to create an ON_CurveProxy
00034   // reference in history records.
00035   ON_CurveProxyHistory();
00036   ~ON_CurveProxyHistory();
00038   ON_ObjRef m_curve_ref;                // from ON_CurveProxy.m_real_curve
00039   bool      m_bReversed;                // from ON_CurveProxy.m_bReversed
00040   ON_Interval m_full_real_curve_domain; // from ON_CurveProxy.m_real_curve.Domain()
00041   ON_Interval m_sub_real_curve_domain;  // from ON_CurveProxy.m_real_curve_domain
00042   ON_Interval m_proxy_curve_domain;     // from ON_CurveProxy.m_this_domain
00044   void Destroy();
00045   bool Write( ON_BinaryArchive& ) const;
00046   bool Read( ON_BinaryArchive& );
00047   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
00049 private:
00050   ON__UINT8 m_reserved[64];
00051 };
00053 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
00054 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
00055 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
00056 // article ID Q168958 for details.
00057 #pragma warning( push )
00058 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
00059 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_CurveProxyHistory>;
00060 #pragma warning( pop )
00061 #endif
00063 class ON_CLASS ON_PolyEdgeHistory
00064 {
00065 public:
00066   // Used to save information needed to create an CRhinoPolyEdge
00067   // reference in history records.
00068   ON_PolyEdgeHistory();
00069   ~ON_PolyEdgeHistory();
00071   void Destroy();
00072   bool Write( ON_BinaryArchive& ) const;
00073   bool Read( ON_BinaryArchive& );
00074   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
00076   ON_ClassArray< ON_CurveProxyHistory > m_segment;
00077   ON_SimpleArray<double> m_t;
00078   int m_evaluation_mode;
00079 private:
00080   ON__UINT8 m_reserved[64];
00081 };
00083 class ON_CLASS ON_HistoryRecord : public ON_Object
00084 {
00085   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_HistoryRecord);
00086 public:
00087   ON_HistoryRecord();
00088   ~ON_HistoryRecord();
00090   // The copy constructor and operator= create duplicates
00091   // of the linked list of ON_Value classes.
00092   ON_HistoryRecord(const ON_HistoryRecord& src);
00093   ON_HistoryRecord& operator=(const ON_HistoryRecord& src);
00095   // virtual ON_Object::IsValid override
00096   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00097   // virtual ON_Object::Dump override
00098   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
00099   // virtual ON_Object::Write override
00100   ON_BOOL32 Write(ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive) const;
00101   // virtual ON_Object::Read override
00102   ON_BOOL32 Read(ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive);
00103   // virtual
00104   ON_UUID ModelObjectId() const;
00107   // If history becomes invalid, call Destroy()
00108   void Destroy();
00110   void DestroyValue( int value_id );
00112   /*
00113   Description:
00114     For setting values.
00115   Parameters:
00116     value_id - [in]
00117       If there a value with the same input
00118       id exists, the old value is replaced.
00119     count - [in]
00120       Number of values
00121     b - [in]
00122       array of count bools
00123     i - [in]
00124       array of count ints
00125     x - [in]
00126       array of count doubles
00127     p - [in]
00128       array of count 3d points
00129     v - [in]
00130       array of count 3d vectors
00131     xform - [in]
00132       array of count xforms
00133     c - [in]
00134       array of count colors
00135     or - [in]
00136       array of count object references
00137     g - [in]
00138       array of count geometry pointers
00139     u - [in]
00140       array of uuids
00141     s - [in]
00142       string
00143   */
00144   bool SetBoolValue(     int value_id, bool b);
00145   bool SetIntValue(      int value_id, int i);
00146   bool SetDoubleValue(   int value_id, double x);
00147   bool SetPointValue(    int value_id, ON_3dPoint p);
00148   bool SetVectorValue(   int value_id, ON_3dVector v);
00149   bool SetXformValue(    int value_id, ON_Xform xform);
00150   bool SetColorValue(    int value_id, ON_Color c);
00151   bool SetObjRefValue(   int value_id, const ON_ObjRef& oref);
00152   bool SetPointOnObjectValue( int value_id, const ON_ObjRef& oref, ON_3dPoint point );
00153   bool SetUuidValue(     int value_id, ON_UUID uuid );
00154   bool SetStringValue(   int value_id, const wchar_t* s );
00155   bool SetGeometryValue( int value_id, ON_Geometry* g);
00156   bool SetPolyEdgeValue( int value_id, const ON_PolyEdgeHistory& polyedge );
00158   /*
00159   Description:
00160     For setting values.
00161   Parameters:
00162     value_id - [in]
00163       If there a value with the same input
00164       id exists, the old value is replaced.
00165     count - [in]
00166       Number of values
00167     b - [in]
00168       array of count bools
00169     i - [in]
00170       array of count ints
00171     x - [in]
00172       array of count doubles
00173     P - [in]
00174       array of count 3d points
00175     V - [in]
00176       array of count 3d vectors
00177     xform - [in]
00178       array of count xforms
00179     c - [in]
00180       array of count colors
00181     or - [in]
00182       array of count object references
00183     g - [in]
00184       array of count geometry pointers
00185     u - [in]
00186       array of uuids
00187     s - [in]
00188       array of strings
00189   */
00190   bool SetBoolValues(     int value_id, int count, const bool* b);
00191   bool SetIntValues(      int value_id, int count, const int* i);
00192   bool SetDoubleValues(   int value_id, int count, const double* x);
00193   bool SetPointValues(    int value_id, int count, const ON_3dPoint* P);
00194   bool SetVectorValues(   int value_id, int count, const ON_3dVector* V);
00195   bool SetXformValues(    int value_id, int count, const ON_Xform* xform);
00196   bool SetColorValues(    int value_id, int count, const ON_Color* c);
00197   bool SetObjRefValues(   int value_id, int count, const ON_ObjRef* oref);
00198   bool SetUuidValues(     int value_id, int count, const ON_UUID* u );
00199   bool SetStringValues(   int value_id, int count, const wchar_t* const* s );
00200   bool SetStringValues(   int value_id, const ON_ClassArray<ON_wString>& s );
00201   bool SetGeometryValues( int value_id, const ON_SimpleArray<ON_Geometry*> a);
00202   bool SetPolyEdgeValues( int value_id, int count, const ON_PolyEdgeHistory* a );
00204   /*
00205   Description:
00206     For retrieving values.
00207   */
00208   bool GetStringValue( int value_id, ON_wString& str ) const;
00209   bool GetBoolValue( int value_id, bool* b ) const;
00210   bool GetIntValue( int value_id, int* i ) const;
00211   bool GetDoubleValue( int value_id, double* number ) const;
00212   bool GetPointValue( int value_id, ON_3dPoint& point ) const;
00213   bool GetVectorValue( int value_id, ON_3dVector& point ) const;
00214   bool GetXformValue( int value_id, ON_Xform& point ) const;
00215   bool GetColorValue( int value_id, ON_Color* color ) const;
00216   bool GetObjRefValue( int value_id, ON_ObjRef& oref ) const;
00217   bool GetPointOnObjectValue( int value_id, ON_ObjRef& oref ) const;
00218   bool GetCurveValue( int value_id, const ON_Curve*& ) const;
00219   bool GetSurfaceValue( int value_id, const ON_Surface*& ) const;
00220   bool GetBrepValue( int value_id, const ON_Brep*& ) const;
00221   bool GetMeshValue( int value_id, const ON_Mesh*& ) const;
00222   bool GetGeometryValue( int value_id, const ON_Geometry*& ) const;
00223   bool GetUuidValue( int value_id, ON_UUID* uuid ) const;
00224   bool GetPolyEdgeValue( int value_id, const ON_PolyEdgeHistory*& polyedge ) const;
00226   int GetStringValues( int value_id, ON_ClassArray<ON_wString>& string ) const;
00227   int GetBoolValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<bool>& ) const;
00228   int GetIntValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<int>& ) const;
00229   int GetDoubleValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<double>& ) const;
00230   int GetPointValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<ON_3dPoint>& ) const;
00231   int GetVectorValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<ON_3dVector>& ) const;
00232   int GetXformValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<ON_Xform>& ) const;
00233   int GetColorValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<ON_Color>& ) const;
00234   int GetObjRefValues( int value_id, ON_ClassArray<ON_ObjRef>& objects ) const;
00235   int GetGeometryValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<const ON_Geometry*>& ) const;
00236   int GetUuidValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<ON_UUID>& ) const;
00237   int GetPolyEdgeValues( int value_id, ON_SimpleArray<const ON_PolyEdgeHistory*>& ) const;
00239   /*
00240   Desccription:
00241     Determine if object is an antecedent (input) in this
00242     history record.
00243   Parameters:
00244     object_uuid - [in] 
00245   Returns:
00246     Returns true if object_uuid is the id of an input
00247     object.
00248   */
00249   bool IsAntecedent( ON_UUID object_uuid ) const;
00252   /*
00253   Description:
00254     Print a list of the values in text_log.
00255   Parameters:
00256     text_log - [in]
00257   Returns:
00258     Number of values listed.
00259   */
00260   int ValueReport( ON_TextLog& text_log ) const;
00262   // CRhinoCommand::CommandId() value of the command that
00263   // created this history record.  Each time the command
00264   // is run, it can create a history record.
00265   ON_UUID m_command_id;
00267   // A YYYYMMDDn version number that gets updated when
00268   // a command changes.  This version is checked so that
00269   // new versions of a command's ReplayHistory don't 
00270   // attempt to use information saved in old files.
00271   int m_version;
00273   enum RECORD_TYPE
00274   {
00275     history_parameters = 0, // parameters for UpdateHistory
00276     feature_parameters = 1, // parameters for a feature
00277     force_32bit_record_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
00278   };
00280   RECORD_TYPE m_record_type;
00282   /*
00283   Description:
00284     Convert integer into an ON_HistoryRecord::RECORD_TYPE.
00285   Parameters:
00286     i - [in]
00287   Returns:
00288     ON_HistoryRecord::RECORD_TYPE enum with same value as i.
00289   */
00290   static
00291   RECORD_TYPE RecordType(int i);
00293   // Each history record has a unique id that is assigned
00294   // when the record is added to Rhino's history record table.
00295   ON_UUID m_record_id;
00297   // List of object id values of antecedent objects that 
00298   // are referenced in the list of input events in m_value[].
00299   // These were the command's "input" objects.
00300   ON_UuidList m_antecedents;
00302   // List of object id values of descendant objects that 
00303   // were created.  These were the command's "output" objects 
00304   ON_UuidList m_descendants;
00306   // Information needed to update the descendant objects
00307   // when an antecedent object is modified.
00308   ON_SimpleArray< class ON_Value* > m_value;
00310   /*
00311   Description:
00312     This tool is used in rare situations when the object ids 
00313     stored in the uuid list need to be remapped.
00314   Parameters:
00315     uuid_remap - [in]
00316       Is it critical that uuid_remap[] be sorted with respect
00317       to ON_UuidPair::CompareFirstUuid.
00318   */
00319   void RemapObjectIds( const ON_SimpleArray<ON_UuidPair>& uuid_remap );
00321 private:
00322   bool m_bValuesSorted;
00323   ON_Value* FindValueHelper( int, int, bool ) const;
00324   void CopyHelper( const ON_HistoryRecord&);
00325 };
00328 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:02