Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00018 //
00019 //   Definition of NURBS curve
00020 //
00023 #if !defined(OPENNURBS_NURBSCURVE_INC_)
00026 #include <pcl/pcl_exports.h>
00028 class ON_NurbsCurve;
00029 class PCL_EXPORTS ON_CLASS ON_NurbsCurve : public ON_Curve
00030 {
00031   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_NurbsCurve);
00033 public:
00034   /*
00035   Description:
00036     Use ON_NurbsCurve::New(...) instead of new ON_NurbsCurve(...)
00037   Returns:
00038     Pointer to an ON_NurbsCurve.  Destroy by calling delete.
00039   Remarks:
00040     See static ON_Brep* ON_Brep::New() for details.
00041   */
00042   static ON_NurbsCurve* New();
00043   static ON_NurbsCurve* New(
00044             const ON_NurbsCurve& nurbs_curve 
00045             );
00046   static ON_NurbsCurve* New(
00047             const ON_BezierCurve& bezier_curve 
00048             );
00049   static ON_NurbsCurve* New(
00050             int dimension,
00051             ON_BOOL32 bIsRational,
00052             int order,
00053             int cv_count
00054             );
00056   ON_NurbsCurve();
00057   ON_NurbsCurve(const ON_NurbsCurve&);
00059   // Description:
00060   //   Create a NURBS curve equal to bezier with domain [0,1].
00061   // Parameters:
00062   //   bezier_curve - [in]
00063   ON_NurbsCurve(
00064         const ON_BezierCurve& bezier_curve
00065         );
00067   // Description:
00068   //   Create a NURBS curve with knot a cv memory allocated.
00069   // Parameters:
00070   //   dimension - [in] (>= 1)
00071   //   bIsRational - [in] true to make a rational NURBS
00072   //   order - [in] (>= 2) The order=degree+1
00073   //   cv_count - [in] (>= order) number of control vertices
00074   ON_NurbsCurve(
00075           int dimension,
00076           ON_BOOL32 bIsRational,
00077           int order,
00078           int cv_count
00079           );
00081   // virtual ON_Object::SizeOf override
00082   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
00084   // virtual ON_Object::DataCRC override
00085   ON__UINT32 DataCRC(ON__UINT32 current_remainder) const;
00087   /*
00088   Description:
00089     See if this and other are same NURBS geometry.
00090   Parameters:
00091     other - [in] other NURBS curve
00092     bIgnoreParameterization - [in] if true, parameterization
00093              and orientaion are ignored.
00094     tolerance - [in] tolerance to use when comparing
00095                      control points.
00096   Returns:
00097     true if curves are tne same.
00098   */
00099   bool IsDuplicate( 
00100           const ON_NurbsCurve& other, 
00101           bool bIgnoreParameterization,
00102           double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE 
00103           ) const;
00105   // Description:
00106   //   Zeros all fields.
00107   void Initialize(void);
00109   // Description:
00110   //   Create a NURBS curve with knot a cv memory allocated.
00111   // Parameters:
00112   //   dimension - [in] (>= 1)
00113   //   bIsRational - [in] true to make a rational NURBS
00114   //   order - [in] (>= 2) The order=degree+1
00115   //   cv_count - [in] (>= order) number of control vertices
00116   bool Create( 
00117           int dimension,
00118           ON_BOOL32 bIsRational,
00119           int order,
00120           int cv_count
00121           );
00123   // Description:
00124   //   Create a clamped uniform NURBS curve from a list
00125   //   of control points
00126   // Parameters:
00127   //   dimension - [in] 1, 2 or 3
00128   //   order - [in] (>=2) order=degree+1
00129   //   point_count - [in] (>=order) number of control vertices
00130   //   point - [in] array of control vertex locations.
00131   //   knot_delta - [in] (>0.0) knot spacing
00132   // Returns:
00133   //   true if successful
00134   bool CreateClampedUniformNurbs( 
00135           int dimension,
00136           int order,
00137           int point_count,
00138           const ON_3dPoint* point,
00139           double knot_delta = 1.0
00140           );
00142   // Description:
00143   //   Create a periodic uniform NURBS curve from a list
00144   //   of control points
00145   // Parameters:
00146   //   dimension - [in] 1, 2 or 3
00147   //   order - [in] (>=2) order=degree+1
00148   //   point_count - [in] (>=max(3,order-1)) number of distinct control vertices
00149   //   point - [in] array of distinct control vertex locations.
00150   //   knot_delta - [in] (>0.0) knot spacing
00151   // Returns:
00152   //   true if successful
00153   bool CreatePeriodicUniformNurbs( 
00154           int dimension,
00155           int order,
00156           int point_count,
00157           const ON_3dPoint* point,
00158           double knot_delta = 1.0
00159           );
00161   // Description:
00162   //   Deallocate knot and cv memory.  Zeros all fields.
00163   void Destroy();
00165   virtual ~ON_NurbsCurve();
00167   // Description:
00168   //   Call if memory used by ON_NurbsCurve becomes invalid.
00169   void EmergencyDestroy(); 
00171         ON_NurbsCurve& operator=(const ON_NurbsCurve& src);
00173   // Description:
00174   //   Set NURBS curve equal to bezier with domain [0,1].
00175   // Parameters:
00176   //   bezier_curve - [in]
00177         ON_NurbsCurve& operator=(
00178     const ON_BezierCurve& bezier_curve
00179     );
00182   // ON_Object overrides
00184   /*
00185   Description:
00186     Tests an object to see if its data members are correctly
00187     initialized.
00188   Parameters:
00189     text_log - [in] if the object is not valid and text_log
00190         is not NULL, then a brief englis description of the
00191         reason the object is not valid is appened to the log.
00192         The information appended to text_log is suitable for 
00193         low-level debugging purposes by programmers and is 
00194         not intended to be useful as a high level user 
00195         interface tool.
00196   Returns:
00197     @untitled table
00198     true     object is valid
00199     false    object is invalid, uninitialized, etc.
00200   Remarks:
00201     Overrides virtual ON_Object::IsValid
00202   */
00203   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00205   // Description:
00206   //   virtual ON_Object::Dump override
00207   void Dump( 
00208     ON_TextLog& dump
00209     ) const;
00211   // Description:
00212   //   virtual ON_Object::Write override
00213   ON_BOOL32 Write(
00214          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00215        ) const;
00217   // Description:
00218   //   virtual ON_Object::Read override
00219   ON_BOOL32 Read(
00220          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00221        );
00224   // ON_Geometry overrides
00226   // Description:
00227   //   virtual ON_Geometry::Dimension override
00228   // Returns:
00229   //   value of m_dim
00230   int Dimension() const;
00232   // Description:
00233   //   virtual ON_Geometry::GetBBox override
00234   //   Calculates axis aligned bounding box.
00235   // Parameters:
00236   //   boxmin - [in/out] array of Dimension() doubles
00237   //   boxmax - [in/out] array of Dimension() doubles
00238   //   bGrowBox - [in] (default=false) 
00239   //     If true, then the union of the input bbox and the 
00240   //     object's bounding box is returned in bbox.  
00241   //     If false, the object's bounding box is returned in bbox.
00242   // Returns:
00243   //   true if object has bounding box and calculation was successful
00244   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox( // returns true if successful
00245          double* boxmin,
00246          double* boxmax,
00247          int bGrowBox = false
00248          ) const;
00250   // Description:
00251   //   virtual ON_Geometry::Transform override.
00252   //   Transforms the NURBS curve.
00253   //
00254   // Parameters:
00255   //   xform - [in] transformation to apply to object.
00256   //
00257   // Remarks:
00258   //   When overriding this function, be sure to include a call
00259   //   to ON_Object::TransformUserData() which takes care of 
00260   //   transforming any ON_UserData that may be attached to 
00261   //   the object.
00262   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
00263          const ON_Xform& xform
00264          );
00266   // virtual ON_Geometry::IsDeformable() override
00267   bool IsDeformable() const;
00269   // virtual ON_Geometry::MakeDeformable() override
00270   bool MakeDeformable();
00272   // Description:
00273   //   virtual ON_Geometry::SwapCoordinates override.
00274   //   Swaps control vertex coordinate values with indices i and j.
00275   // Parameters:
00276   //   i - [in] coordinate index
00277   //   j - [in] coordinate index
00278   ON_BOOL32 SwapCoordinates(
00279         int i, 
00280         int j
00281         );
00284   // ON_Curve overrides
00286   // Description:
00287   //   virtual ON_Curve::Domain override.
00288   // Returns:
00289   //   domain of the NURBS curve.
00290   ON_Interval Domain() const;
00292   // Description:
00293   //   virtual ON_Curve::SetDomain override.
00294   //   Set the domain of the curve
00295   // Parameters:
00296   //   t0 - [in]
00297   //   t1 - [in] new domain will be [t0,t1]
00298   // Returns:
00299   //   true if successful.
00300   ON_BOOL32 SetDomain(
00301         double t0, 
00302         double t1 
00303         );
00305   /*
00306   Description:
00307     If this curve is closed, then modify it so that
00308     the start/end point is at curve parameter t.
00309   Parameters:
00310     t - [in] curve parameter of new start/end point.  The
00311              returned curves domain will start at t.
00312   Returns:
00313     true if successful.
00314   Remarks:
00315     Overrides virtual ON_Curve::ChangeClosedCurveSeam
00316   */
00317   ON_BOOL32 ChangeClosedCurveSeam( 
00318             double t 
00319             );
00321   // Description:
00322   //   virtual ON_Curve::SpanCount override.
00323   //   Get number of nonempty smooth (c-infinity) spans in curve
00324   // Returns:
00325   //   Number of nonempty smooth (c-infinity) spans.
00326   // Remarks:
00327   //   A nonempty span is bracked by knots m_knot[i] < m_knot[i+1]
00328   //   with m_order-2 <= i < m_cv_count-1.
00329   int SpanCount() const;
00331   // Description:
00332   //   virtual ON_Curve::GetSpanVector override.
00333   //   Get number of parameters of distinct knots in NURBS curve's domain.
00334   // Parameters:
00335   //   knot_values - [out] an array of length SpanCount()+1 is 
00336   //       filled in with the distinct knot values in the list
00338   // Returns:
00339   //   true if successful
00340   ON_BOOL32 GetSpanVector(
00341          double* knot_values
00342          ) const; // 
00344   // Description:
00345   //   virtual ON_Curve::Degree override.
00346   // Returns:
00347   //   m_order-1
00348   int Degree() const; 
00350   // Description:
00351   //   virtual ON_Curve::GetParameterTolerance override.
00352   ON_BOOL32 GetParameterTolerance( // returns tminus < tplus: parameters tminus <= s <= tplus
00353          double t,
00354          double* tminus,
00355          double* tplus
00356          ) const;
00358   // Description:
00359   //   virtual ON_Curve::IsLinear override.
00360   ON_BOOL32 IsLinear(
00361         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00362         ) const;
00364   /*
00365   Description:
00366     Several types of ON_Curve can have the form of a polyline including
00367     a degree 1 ON_NurbsCurve, an ON_PolylineCurve, and an ON_PolyCurve
00368     all of whose segments are some form of polyline.  IsPolyline tests
00369     a curve to see if it can be represented as a polyline.
00370   Parameters:
00371     pline_points - [out] if not NULL and true is returned, then the
00372         points of the polyline form are returned here.
00373     t - [out] if not NULL and true is returned, then the parameters of
00374         the polyline points are returned here.
00375   Returns:
00376     @untitled table
00377     0        curve is not some form of a polyline
00378     >=2      number of points in polyline form
00379   */
00380   int IsPolyline(
00381         ON_SimpleArray<ON_3dPoint>* pline_points = NULL,
00382         ON_SimpleArray<double>* pline_t = NULL
00383         ) const;
00385   // Description:
00386   //   virtual ON_Curve::IsArc override.
00387   ON_BOOL32 IsArc(
00388         const ON_Plane* plane = NULL,
00389         ON_Arc* arc = NULL,
00390         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00391         ) const;
00393   // Description:
00394   //   virtual ON_Curve::IsPlanar override.
00395   ON_BOOL32 IsPlanar(
00396         ON_Plane* plane = NULL,
00397         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00398         ) const;
00400   // Description:
00401   //   virtual ON_Curve::IsInPlane override.
00402   ON_BOOL32 IsInPlane(
00403         const ON_Plane& test_plane,
00404         double tolerance = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE
00405         ) const;
00407   // Description:
00408   //   virtual ON_Curve::IsClosed override.
00409   // Returns:
00410   //   true if NURBS curve is closed. (Either curve has
00411   //   clamped end knots and euclidean location of start
00412   //   CV = euclidean location of end CV, or curve is
00413   //   periodic.)
00414   ON_BOOL32 IsClosed() const;
00416   // Description:
00417   //   virtual ON_Curve::IsPeriodic override.
00418   // Returns:
00419   //   true if NURBS curve is periodic (degree > 1,
00420   //   periodic knot vector, last degree many CVs 
00421   //   are duplicates of first degree many CVs).
00422   ON_BOOL32 IsPeriodic() const;
00424   /*
00425   Description:
00426     Search for a derivatitive, tangent, or curvature discontinuity.
00427   Parameters:
00428     c - [in] type of continity to test for.  If ON::C1_continuous
00429     t0 - [in] search begins at t0
00430     t1 - [in] (t0 < t1) search ends at t1
00431     t - [out] if a discontinuity is found, the *t reports the
00432           parameter at the discontinuity.
00433     hint - [in/out] if GetNextDiscontinuity will be called repeatedly,
00434        passing a "hint" with initial value *hint=0 will increase the speed
00435        of the search.       
00436     dtype - [out] if not NULL, *dtype reports the kind of discontinuity
00437         found at *t.  A value of 1 means the first derivative or unit tangent
00438         was discontinuous.  A value of 2 means the second derivative or
00439         curvature was discontinuous.
00440     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only when
00441         c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the cosine
00442         of the angle between two tangent vectors 
00443         is <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00444     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used only when
00445         c is ON::G2_continuous or ON::Gsmooth_continuous.  
00446         ON::G2_continuous:
00447           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated
00448           from above and below and |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance,
00449           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00450         ON::Gsmooth_continuous:
00451           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated from above and below
00452           and the angle between K0 and K1 is at least twice angle tolerance
00453           or ||K0| - |K1|| > (max(|K0|,|K1|) > curvature_tolerance,
00454           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00455   Returns:
00456     true if a discontinuity was found on the interior of the interval (t0,t1).
00457   Remarks:
00458     Overrides ON_Curve::GetNextDiscontinuity.
00459   */
00460   bool GetNextDiscontinuity( 
00461                   ON::continuity c,
00462                   double t0,
00463                   double t1,
00464                   double* t,
00465                   int* hint=NULL,
00466                   int* dtype=NULL,
00467                   double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00468                   double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00469                   ) const;
00471   /*
00472   Description:
00473     Test continuity at a curve parameter value.
00474   Parameters:
00475     c - [in] continuity to test for
00476     t - [in] parameter to test
00477     hint - [in] evaluation hint
00478     point_tolerance - [in] if the distance between two points is
00479         greater than point_tolerance, then the curve is not C0.
00480     d1_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two first derivatives is
00481         greater than d1_tolerance, then the curve is not C1.
00482     d2_tolerance - [in] if the difference between two second derivatives is
00483         greater than d2_tolerance, then the curve is not C2.
00484     cos_angle_tolerance - [in] default = cos(1 degree) Used only when
00485         c is ON::G1_continuous or ON::G2_continuous.  If the cosine
00486         of the angle between two tangent vectors 
00487         is <= cos_angle_tolerance, then a G1 discontinuity is reported.
00488     curvature_tolerance - [in] (default = ON_SQRT_EPSILON) Used only when
00489         c is ON::G2_continuous or ON::Gsmooth_continuous.  
00490         ON::G2_continuous:
00491           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated
00492           from above and below and |K0 - K1| > curvature_tolerance,
00493           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00494         ON::Gsmooth_continuous:
00495           If K0 and K1 are curvatures evaluated from above and below
00496           and the angle between K0 and K1 is at least twice angle tolerance
00497           or ||K0| - |K1|| > (max(|K0|,|K1|) > curvature_tolerance,
00498           then a curvature discontinuity is reported.
00499   Returns:
00500     true if the curve has at least the c type continuity at the parameter t.
00501   Remarks:
00502     Overrides ON_Curve::IsContinuous.
00503   */
00504   bool IsContinuous(
00505     ON::continuity c,
00506     double t, 
00507     int* hint = NULL,
00508     double point_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00509     double d1_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00510     double d2_tolerance=ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE,
00511     double cos_angle_tolerance=ON_DEFAULT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COSINE,
00512     double curvature_tolerance=ON_SQRT_EPSILON
00513     ) const;
00515   /*
00516   Description:
00517     Force the curve to start at a specified point.
00518   Parameters:
00519     start_point - [in]
00520   Returns:
00521     true if successful.
00522   Remarks:
00523     Some end points cannot be moved.  Be sure to check return
00524     code.
00525   See Also:
00526     ON_Curve::SetEndPoint
00527     ON_Curve::PointAtStart
00528     ON_Curve::PointAtEnd
00529   */
00530   //virtual
00531   ON_BOOL32 SetStartPoint(
00532           ON_3dPoint start_point
00533           );
00535   /*
00536   Description:
00537     Force the curve to end at a specified point.
00538   Parameters:
00539     end_point - [in]
00540   Returns:
00541     true if successful.
00542   Remarks:
00543     Some end points cannot be moved.  Be sure to check return
00544     code.
00545   See Also:
00546     ON_Curve::SetStartPoint
00547     ON_Curve::PointAtStart
00548     ON_Curve::PointAtEnd
00549   */
00550   //virtual
00551   ON_BOOL32 SetEndPoint(
00552           ON_3dPoint end_point
00553           );
00555   // Description:
00556   //   virtual ON_Curve::Reverse override.
00557   //   Reverse parameterizatrion by negating all knots
00558   //   and reversing the order of the control vertices.
00559   // Remarks:
00560   //   Domain changes from [a,b] to [-b,-a]
00561   ON_BOOL32 Reverse();       
00563   // Description:
00564   //   virtual ON_Curve::Evaluate override.
00565   ON_BOOL32 Evaluate( // returns false if unable to evaluate
00566          double,         // evaluation parameter
00567          int,            // number of derivatives (>=0)
00568          int,            // array stride (>=Dimension())
00569          double*,        // array of length stride*(ndir+1)
00570          int = 0,        // optional - determines which side to evaluate from
00571                          //         0 = default
00572                          //      <  0 to evaluate from below, 
00573                          //      >  0 to evaluate from above
00574          int* = 0        // optional - evaluation hint (int) used to speed
00575                          //            repeated evaluations
00576          ) const;
00578   /*
00579   Parameters:
00580     span_index - [in]
00581       (0 <= span_index <= m_cv_count-m_order)
00582     min_length -[in]
00583       minimum length of a linear span
00584     tolerance -[in]
00585       distance tolerance to use when checking control points
00586       between the span ends
00587   Returns 
00588     true if the span is a non-degenrate line.  This means:
00589     - dimension = 2 or 3
00590     - There are full multiplicity knots at each end of the span.
00591     - The length of the the line segment from the span's initial 
00592       control point to the span's final control point is 
00593       >= min_length.
00594     - The distance from the line segment to the interior control points
00595       is <= tolerance and the projections of these points onto
00596       the line increases monotonically.
00597   */
00598   bool SpanIsLinear( 
00599     int span_index, 
00600     double min_length,
00601     double tolerance
00602     ) const;
00604   bool SpanIsLinear( 
00605     int span_index, 
00606     double min_length,
00607     double tolerance,
00608     ON_Line* line
00609     ) const;
00611   /*
00612   Description:
00613     Looks for problems caused by knots that are close together
00614     or have mulitplicity >= order. If bRepair is true, the problems
00615     are fixed.  Does not change the domain.
00616   Parameters:
00617     knot_tolerance - [in] >= 0  When in doubt, use zero.
00618     bRepair - [in] If true, then problems are repaired.
00619       Otherwise this function looks for problemsn that
00620       can be repaired, but does not modify the curve.
00621   Returns:
00622     True if bad knots were found and can be repaired.
00623   See Also:
00624     ON_NurbsCurve::RemoveShortSegments
00625   */
00626   bool RepairBadKnots(
00627     double knot_tolerance=0.0,
00628     bool bRepair = true
00629     );
00631   // Description:
00632   //   virtual ON_Curve::Trim override.
00633   ON_BOOL32 Trim( const ON_Interval& );
00635   // Description:
00636   //   Where possible, analytically extends curve to include domain.
00637   // Parameters:
00638   //   domain - [in] if domain is not included in curve domain, 
00639   //   curve will be extended so that its domain includes domain.  
00640   //   Will not work if curve is closed. Original curve is identical
00641   //   to the restriction of the resulting curve to the original curve domain, 
00642   // Returns:
00643   //   true if successful.
00644   bool Extend(
00645     const ON_Interval& domain
00646     );
00648   // Description:
00649   //   virtual ON_Curve::Split override.
00650   //
00651   // Split() divides the curve at the specified parameter.  The parameter
00652   // must be in the interior of the curve's domain.  The pointers passed
00653   // to ON_NurbsCurve::Split must either be NULL or point to an ON_NurbsCurve.
00654   // If the pointer is NULL, then a curve will be created
00655   // in Split().  You may pass "this" as one of the pointers to Split().
00656   // For example, 
00657   //
00658   //   ON_NurbsCurve right_side;
00659   //   crv.Split( crv.Domain().Mid() &crv, &right_side );
00660   //
00661   // would split crv at the parametric midpoint, put the left side in crv,
00662   // and return the right side in right_side.
00663   ON_BOOL32 Split(
00664       double split_param,    // t = curve parameter to split curve at
00665       ON_Curve*& left_result, // left portion returned here (must be an ON_NurbsCurve)
00666       ON_Curve*& right_result // right portion returned here (must be an ON_NurbsCurve)
00667     ) const;
00669   // Description:
00670   //   virtual ON_Curve::GetNurbForm override.
00671   int GetNurbForm( // returns 0: unable to create NURBS representation
00672                    //            with desired accuracy.
00673                    //         1: success - returned NURBS parameterization
00674                    //            matches the curve's to wthe desired accuracy
00675                    //         2: success - returned NURBS point locus matches
00676                    //            the curve's to the desired accuracy but, on
00677                    //            the interior of the curve's domain, the 
00678                    //            curve's parameterization and the NURBS
00679                    //            parameterization may not match to the 
00680                    //            desired accuracy.
00681         ON_NurbsCurve& nurbsform,
00682         double tolerance = 0.0,
00683         const ON_Interval* subdomain = NULL     // OPTIONAL subdomain of curve
00684         ) const;
00686   // Description:
00687   //   virtual ON_Curve::HasNurbForm override.
00688   int HasNurbForm( // returns 0: unable to create NURBS representation
00689                    //            with desired accuracy.
00690                    //         1: success - returned NURBS parameterization
00691                    //            matches the curve's to wthe desired accuracy
00692                    //         2: success - returned NURBS point locus matches
00693                    //            the curve's to the desired accuracy but, on
00694                    //            the interior of the curve's domain, the 
00695                    //            curve's parameterization and the NURBS
00696                    //            parameterization may not match to the 
00697                    //            desired accuracy.
00698         ) const;
00700   // Description:
00701   //   virtual ON_Curve::GetCurveParameterFromNurbFormParameter override
00702   ON_BOOL32 GetCurveParameterFromNurbFormParameter(
00703         double  nurbs_t,
00704         double* curve_t
00705         ) const;
00707   // Description:
00708   //   virtual ON_Curve::GetNurbFormParameterFromCurveParameter override
00709   ON_BOOL32 GetNurbFormParameterFromCurveParameter(
00710         double  curve_t,
00711         double* nurbs_t
00712         ) const;
00714 public:
00717   // Interface
00719   bool IsRational(  // true if NURBS curve is rational
00720         void
00721         ) const;
00723   int CVSize(       // number of doubles per control vertex 
00724         void        // = IsRational() ? Dim()+1 : Dim()
00725         ) const;
00727   int Order(        // order = degree + 1
00728         void
00729         ) const;
00731   int CVCount(      // number of control vertices
00732         void 
00733         ) const;
00735   int KnotCount(    // total number of knots in knot vector
00736         void
00737         ) const;
00739   /*
00740   Description:
00741     Expert user function to get a pointer to control vertex
00742     memory.  If you are not an expert user, please use
00743     ON_NurbsCurve::GetCV( ON_3dPoint& ) or 
00744     ON_NurbsCurve::GetCV( ON_4dPoint& ).
00745   Parameters:
00746     cv_index - [in]
00747   Returns:
00748     Pointer to control vertex.
00749   Remarks:
00750     If the NURBS curve is rational, the format of the 
00751     returned array is a homogeneos rational point with
00752     length m_dim+1.  If the NURBS curve is not rational, 
00753     the format of the returned array is a nonrational 
00754     euclidean point with length m_dim.
00755   See Also
00756     ON_NurbsCurve::CVStyle
00757     ON_NurbsCurve::GetCV
00758     ON_NurbsCurve::Weight
00759   */
00760   double* CV(
00761         int cv_index
00762         ) const;
00764   /*
00765   Description:
00766     Returns the style of control vertices in the m_cv array.
00767   Returns:
00768     @untitled table
00769     ON::not_rational                m_is_rat is false
00770     ON::homogeneous_rational        m_is_rat is true
00771   */
00772   ON::point_style CVStyle() const;
00775   double Weight(        // get value of control vertex weight
00776         int             // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
00777         ) const;
00779   ON_BOOL32 SetWeight(      // get value of control vertex weight
00780         int,            // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
00781         double
00782         );
00784   ON_BOOL32 SetCV(              // set a single control vertex
00785         int,              // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
00786         ON::point_style, // style of input point
00787         const double*     // value of control vertex
00788         );
00790   ON_BOOL32 SetCV(               // set a single control vertex
00791         int,               // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
00792         const ON_3dPoint& // value of control vertex
00793                            // If NURBS is rational, weight
00794                            // will be set to 1.
00795         );
00797   ON_BOOL32 SetCV(              // set a single control vertex
00798         int,              // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
00799         const ON_4dPoint& // value of control vertex
00800                           // If NURBS is not rational, euclidean
00801                           // location of homogeneous point will
00802                           // be used.
00803         );
00805   ON_BOOL32 GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
00806         int,              // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
00807         ON::point_style, // style to use for output point
00808         double*           // array of length >= CVSize()
00809         ) const;
00811   ON_BOOL32 GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
00812         int,              // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
00813         ON_3dPoint&      // gets euclidean cv when NURBS is rational
00814         ) const;
00816   ON_BOOL32 GetCV(              // get a single control vertex
00817         int,              // CV index ( >= 0 and < CVCount() )
00818         ON_4dPoint&      // gets homogeneous cv
00819         ) const;
00821   // Description:
00822   //   Set knot value.
00823   // Parameters:
00824   //   knot_index - [in] 0 <= knot_index <= KnotCount()-1
00825   //   knot_value - [in]
00826   // Remarks:
00827   //   m_knot[] must exist.  Use ReserveKnotCapacity to
00828   //   allocate m_knot[].
00829   // Returns:
00830   //   true if successful
00831   // See Also:
00832   //   ON_NurbsCurve::ReserveKnotCapacity
00833   bool SetKnot(
00834         int knot_index,
00835         double knot_value
00836         );
00838   // Description:
00839   //   Get knot value.
00840   // Parameters:
00841   //   knot_index - [in] 0 <= knot_index <= KnotCount()-1
00842   // Returns:
00843   //   knot value = m_knot[knot_index]
00844   // See Also:
00845   //   ON_NurbsCurve::SetKnot, ON_NurbsCurve::KnotMultiplicity
00846   double Knot(
00847         int knot_index
00848         ) const;
00850   // Description:
00851   //   Get knot multiplicity.
00852   // Parameters:
00853   //   knot_index - [in] 0 <= knot_index <= KnotCount()-1
00854   // Returns:
00855   //   knot multiplicity = m_knot[knot_index]
00856   // See Also:
00857   //   ON_NurbsCurve::SetKnot, ON_NurbsCurve::Knot, 
00858   //   ON_NurbsCurve::InsertKnot
00859   int KnotMultiplicity(
00860         int knot_index
00861         ) const;
00863   // Description:
00864   //   Get pointer to knot vector array.
00865   // Returns:
00866   //   pointer to knot vector array (m_knot).
00867   // See Also:
00868   //   ON_NurbsCurve::SetKnot, ON_NurbsCurve::Knot, 
00869   //   ON_NurbsCurve::InsertKnot
00870   const double* Knot() const;
00872   // Description:
00873   //   Make knot vector a clamped uniform knot vector
00874   //   based on the current values of m_order and m_cv_count.
00875   //   Does not change values of control vertices.
00876   // Parameters:
00877   //   delta - [in] (>0.0) knot spacing.
00878   // Returns:
00879   //   true if successful.
00880   // Remarks:
00881   //   Allocates m_knot[] if it is not big enough.
00882   // See Also:
00883   //   ON_MakeClampedUniformKnotVector
00884   bool MakeClampedUniformKnotVector( 
00885     double delta = 1.0 
00886     );
00888   // Description:
00889   //   Make knot vector a periodic uniform knot vector
00890   //   based on the current values of m_order and m_cv_count.
00891   //   Does not change values of control vertices.
00892   // Parameters:
00893   //   delta - [in] (>0.0) knot spacing.
00894   // Returns:
00895   //   true if successful.
00896   // Remarks:
00897   //   Allocates m_knot[] if it is not big enough.
00898   // See Also:
00899   //   ON_MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector
00900   bool MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector( 
00901     double delta = 1.0 
00902     );
00904   bool IsClamped( // determine if knot vector is clamped
00905         int = 2 // end to check: 0 = start, 1 = end, 2 = start and end
00906         ) const;
00908   double SuperfluousKnot(
00909            int // 0 = start, 1 = end
00910            ) const;
00912   double GrevilleAbcissa(
00913            int   // index (0 <= index < CVCount(dir)
00914            ) const;
00916   bool GetGrevilleAbcissae( // see ON_GetGrevilleAbcissae() for details
00917            double*   // g[cv_count]
00918            ) const;
00920   bool ZeroCVs(); // zeros control vertices and, if rational, sets weights to 1
00922   // Description:
00923   //   Clamp end knots.  Does not modify control points.
00924   // Parameters:
00925   //   end - [in] 0 = clamp start, 1 = clamp end, 2 = clamp start and end
00926   // Returns:
00927   //   true if successful
00928   bool ClampEnd(
00929             int end
00930             );
00932   // Description:
00933   //   Insert a knot and update cv locations.
00934   // Parameters:
00935   //   knot_value - [in] m_knot[order-2] < knot_value < m_knot[m_cv_count-1]
00936   //   knot_multiplicity - [in] 1 to degree - includes multiplicity of existing knots.
00937   // Remarks:
00938   //   Does not change parameterization or locus of curve.
00939   // Returns:
00940   //   true if successful
00941   bool InsertKnot( 
00942             double knot_value,
00943             int knot_multiplicity
00944             );
00946   bool MakeRational();
00948   bool MakeNonRational();
00950   bool IncreaseDegree(
00951           int desired_degree
00952           );
00954   bool ChangeDimension(
00955           int desired_dimension
00956           );
00958   bool Append( const ON_NurbsCurve& );
00961   // Tools for managing CV and knot memory
00962   bool ReserveCVCapacity(
00963     int // number of doubles to reserve
00964     );
00965   bool ReserveKnotCapacity(
00966     int // number of doubles to reserve
00967     );
00970   // returns the length of the control polygon
00971   double ControlPolygonLength() const;
00974   // Converts a span of the NURBS curve into a bezier.  If
00975   // the span is empty 
00976   // (m_knot[span_index+m_order-2] == m_knot[span_index+m_order-1]),
00977   // then false is returned.
00978   bool ConvertSpanToBezier(
00979       int,            // span_index (0 <= span_index <= m_cv_count-m_order)
00980       ON_BezierCurve& // bezier returned here
00981       ) const;
00983   /*
00984   Paramaters:
00985     span_index - [in]
00986       The index of a non-empty span to test.
00987         span_index >= 0
00988         span_index <= m_cv_count-m_order
00989         m_knot[span_index+m_order-2] < m_knot[span_index+m_order-1]
00990   Returns:
00991     true if the span_index parameter is valid and the span is singular
00992     (collapsed to a point).
00993     false if the span is not singular or span_index does not identify
00994     a non-empty span.
00995   */
00996   bool SpanIsSingular( 
00997     int span_index 
00998     ) const;
01000   /*
01001   Returns:
01002     True if every span in the NURBS curve is singular.
01003   See Also:
01004     ON_NurbsCurve::RepairBadKnots()
01005     ON_NurbsCurve::RemoveShortSegments()
01006   */
01007   bool IsSingular() const;
01009   /*
01010   Paramaters:
01011     span_index - [in]
01012       The index of a non-empty span to remove.
01013         span_index >= 0
01014         span_index <= m_cv_count-m_order
01015         m_knot[span_index+m_order-2] < m_knot[span_index+m_order-1]
01016   Returns:
01017     True if the span was successfully removed.
01018   Remarks:
01019     The NURBS curve must have 2 or more spans (m_cv_count > m_order).
01020     Set m0 = mulitiplicity of the knot at m_knot[span_index+m_order-2]
01021     and m1 = mulitiplicity of the knot at m_knot[span_index+m_order-1].
01022     If (m0 + m1) < degree, then the degree-(m0+m1) cvs will be added
01023     to the NURBS curve. If (m0+m1) > degree, then (m0+m1)-degree cvs will
01024     be removed from the curve.
01025   See Also:
01026     ON_NurbsCurve::RepairBadKnots()
01027     ON_NurbsCurve::RemoveShortSegments()
01028   */
01029   bool RemoveSpan(
01030     int span_index 
01031     );
01033   /*
01034   Returns:
01035     Number of spans removed.
01036   */
01037   int RemoveSingularSpans();
01040   // Returns true if the NURBS curve has bezier spans 
01041   // (all distinct knots have multiplitity = degree)
01042   bool HasBezierSpans() const;
01044   /*
01045   Description:
01046     Clamps ends and adds knots so the NURBS curve has bezier spans 
01047    (all distinct knots have multiplitity = degree).
01048   Paremeters:
01049     bSetEndWeightsToOne - [in] If true and the first or last weight is
01050        not one, then the first and last spans are reparameterized so 
01051        that the end weights are one.
01052   Returns:
01053     true if successful.
01054   */      
01055   bool MakePiecewiseBezier( 
01056         bool bSetEndWeightsToOne = false
01057         );
01059   /*
01060   Description:
01061     Use a combination of scaling and reparameterization to change
01062     the end weights to the specified values.
01063   Parameters:
01064     w0 - [in] weight for first cv
01065     w1 - [in] weight for last cv
01066   Returns:
01067     true if successful.
01068   See Also:
01069     ON_ChangeRationalNurbsCurveEndWeights
01070   Remarks:
01071     The domain, eucleanean locations of the control points,
01072     and locus of the curve do not change, but the weights,
01073     homogeneous cv values and internal knot values may change.
01074     If w0 and w1 are 1 and the curve is not rational, the 
01075     curve is not changed.
01076   */
01077   bool ChangeEndWeights( double w0, double w1 );
01079   /*
01080   Description:
01081     Use a linear fractional transformation to reparameterize 
01082     the NURBS curve.  This does not change the curve's domain.
01083   Parameters:
01084     c - [in]
01085       reparameterization constant (generally speaking, c should be > 0).
01086       The control points and knots are adjusted so that 
01087       output_nurbs(t) = input_nurbs(lambda(t)), where
01088       lambda(t) = c*t/( (c-1)*t + 1 ).
01089       Note that lambda(0) = 0, lambda(1) = 1, lambda'(t) > 0, 
01090       lambda'(0) = c and lambda'(1) = 1/c.
01091   Returns:
01092     true if successful.  
01093   Remarks:
01094     The cv and knot values are values are changed so that
01095     output_nurbs(t) = input_nurbs(lambda(t)).
01096   See Also:
01097     ON_ReparameterizeRationalNurbsCurve
01098   */
01099   bool Reparameterize( double c );
01104   // Implementation
01105 public:
01106   // NOTE: These members are left "public" so that expert users may efficiently
01107   //       create NURBS curves using the default constructor and borrow the
01108   //       knot and CV arrays from their native NURBS representation.
01109   //       No technical support will be provided for users who access these
01110   //       members directly.  If you can't get your stuff to work, then use
01111   //       the constructor with the arguments and the SetKnot() and SetCV()
01112   //       functions to fill in the arrays.
01114   int     m_dim;            // (>=1)
01116   int     m_is_rat;         // 1 for rational B-splines. (Rational control
01117                             // vertices use homogeneous form.)
01118                             // 0 for non-rational B-splines. (Control
01119                             // verticies do not have a weight coordinate.)
01121   int     m_order;          // order = degree+1 (>=2)
01123   int     m_cv_count;       // number of control vertices ( >= order )
01125   // knot vector memory
01127   int     m_knot_capacity;  // If m_knot_capacity > 0, then m_knot[]
01128                             // is an array of at least m_knot_capacity
01129                             // doubles whose memory is managed by the
01130                             // ON_NurbsCurve class using rhmalloc(),
01131                             // onrealloc(), and rhfree().
01132                             // If m_knot_capacity is 0 and m_knot is
01133                             // not NULL, then  m_knot[] is assumed to
01134                             // be big enough for any requested operation
01135                             // and m_knot[] is not deleted by the
01136                             // destructor.
01138   double* m_knot;           // Knot vector. ( The knot vector has length
01139                             // m_order+m_cv_count-2. )
01141   // control vertex net memory
01143   int     m_cv_stride;      // The pointer to start of "CV[i]" is
01144                             //   m_cv + i*m_cv_stride.
01146   int     m_cv_capacity;    // If m_cv_capacity > 0, then m_cv[] is an array
01147                             // of at least m_cv_capacity doubles whose
01148                             // memory is managed by the ON_NurbsCurve
01149                             // class using rhmalloc(), onrealloc(), and rhfree().
01150                             // If m_cv_capacity is 0 and m_cv is not
01151                             // NULL, then m_cv[] is assumed to be big enough
01152                             // for any requested operation and m_cv[] is not
01153                             // deleted by the destructor.
01155   double* m_cv;             // Control points.
01156                             // If m_is_rat is false, then control point is
01157                             //
01158                             //          ( CV(i)[0], ..., CV(i)[m_dim-1] ).
01159                             //
01160                             // If m_is_rat is true, then the control point
01161                             // is stored in HOMOGENEOUS form and is
01162                             //
01163                             //           [ CV(i)[0], ..., CV(i)[m_dim] ].
01164                             //
01165 };
01167 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:02