Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00017 #if !defined(OPENNURBS_INSTANCE_INC_)
00020 /*
00021 Description:
00022   An ON_InstanceDefinition defines the geometry used by 
00023   instance references.
00024 See Also:
00025   ON_InstanceRef
00026 */
00027 class ON_CLASS ON_InstanceDefinition : public ON_Geometry
00028 {
00029   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_InstanceDefinition);
00031 public:
00033   // IDEF_UPDATE_TYPE lists the possible relationships between
00034   // the instance definition geometry and the archive 
00035   // (m_source_archive) containing the original defition.
00036   enum IDEF_UPDATE_TYPE
00037   {
00038     static_def = 0,
00039     embedded_def = 1,
00040       // As of 7 February, "static_def" and "embedded_def" 
00041       // and shall be treated the same. Using "static_def"
00042       // is prefered and "embedded_def" is obsolete.
00043       // The geometry for the instance definition
00044       // is saved in archives, is fixed and has no
00045       // connection to a source archive.
00046       // All source archive information should be
00047       // empty strings and m_source_archive_checksum
00048       // shoule be "zero".
00049     linked_and_embedded_def = 2,
00050       // The geometry for the instance definition
00051       // is saved in archives.  Complete source
00052       // archive and checksum information will be 
00053       // present. The document setting 
00054       // ON_3dmIOSettings.m_idef_link_update 
00055       // determines if, when and how the instance
00056       // definition geometry is updated by reading the
00057       // source archive.
00058     linked_def = 3,   
00059       // The geometry for this instance definition
00060       // is not saved in the archive that contains
00061       // this instance definition. This instance 
00062       // definition geometry is imported from a
00063       // "source archive" The "source archive" file
00064       // name and checksum information are saved
00065       // in m_source_archive and m_source_archive_checksum.
00066       // If file named in m_source_archive is not available, 
00067       // then this instance definition is not valid and any
00068       // references to it are not valid.
00069     force_32bit_idef_update_type = 0xFFFFFFFF
00070   };
00072   // Converts and integer into an IDEF_UPDATE_TYPE enum.
00073   static IDEF_UPDATE_TYPE IdefUpdateType(int i);
00075   // Bits that identify subsets of the instance defintion
00076   // fields. These bits are used to determine which fields to
00077   // set when an ON_InstanceDefinition class is used to
00078   // modify an existing instance definition.
00079   enum
00080   {
00081     no_idef_settings            =    0,
00082     idef_name_setting           =    1,  // m_name
00083     idef_description_setting    =    2,  // m_description
00084     idef_url_setting            =    4,  // all m_url_* fields
00085     idef_units_setting          =    8,  // m_us and m_unit_scale
00086     idef_source_archive_setting = 0x10,  // all m_source_*, layer style, update depth fields
00087     idef_userdata_setting       = 0x20, 
00088     all_idef_settings           = 0xFFFFFFFF
00089   };
00091 public:
00092   ON_InstanceDefinition();
00093   ~ON_InstanceDefinition();
00095   // virtual ON_Object overrides
00096   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00098   // virtual ON_Object::Dump override
00099   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const;
00101   ON_BOOL32 Write(
00102          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00103        ) const;
00104   ON_BOOL32 Read(
00105          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00106        );
00107   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
00108   unsigned int SizeOf() const;
00110   // virtual ON_Geometry overrides
00111   int Dimension() const;
00112   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox(
00113          double* boxmin,
00114          double* boxmax,
00115          int bGrowBox = false
00116          ) const;
00117   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
00118          const ON_Xform& xform
00119          );
00121   // virtual
00122   ON_UUID ModelObjectId() const;
00124   // Interface
00125   const wchar_t* Name() const;
00126   void SetName( const wchar_t* name );
00128   const wchar_t* Description() const;
00129   void SetDescription( const wchar_t* description );
00131   const wchar_t* URL() const;
00132   void SetURL( const wchar_t* url );
00134   const wchar_t* URL_Tag() const;
00135   void SetURL_Tag( const wchar_t* url_tag );
00137   ON_UUID Uuid() const;
00138   void SetUuid( ON_UUID uuid );
00140   void SetBoundingBox( ON_BoundingBox bbox );
00142   // list of object ids in the instance geometry table.
00143   ON_SimpleArray<ON_UUID> m_object_uuid;
00145   /*
00146   Description:
00147     If the instance definition is linked or embedded, use
00148     SetSource to specify the source archive.
00149   Parameters:
00150     source_archive - [in] name of source archive
00151     checksum - [in] check sum used to detect changed.
00152       Generally, you will pass ON_CheckSum::UnsetCheckSum
00153       for this argument and Rhino will handle setting
00154       the checksum to the appropriate value at the appropriate
00155       time.
00156     source_type - [in]
00157       If source_archive and checksum are empty, then
00158       source_type is ignored and static_def will be used.
00159       If source_archive is a nonempty string and checksum
00160       is set, then source_type must be either 
00161       linked_and_embedded_def or linked_def.  If you
00162       are changing the source archive of a valid idef,
00163       then simply pass this->IdefUpdateType().
00164   Remarks:
00165     See the IDEF_UPDATE_TYPE comments for more details.
00166   */
00167   void SetSourceArchive( 
00168         const wchar_t* source_archive, 
00169         ON_CheckSum checksum,
00170         IDEF_UPDATE_TYPE update_type
00171         );
00173   /*
00174   Description:
00175     Destroys all source archive information.
00176     Specifically:
00177       * m_source_archive is set to the empty string.
00178       * m_source_bRelativePath is set to false
00179       * The alternative source archive path is set
00180         to the empty string.
00181       * m_source_archive_checksum.Zero() is used to
00182         destroy all checksum information.
00183       * m_idef_update_type is set to static_def.
00184   */
00185   void DestroySourceArchive();
00187   /*
00188   Returns:
00189     Name of source archive.
00190   */
00191   const wchar_t* SourceArchive() const;
00193   /*
00194   Returns:
00195     Check sum of source archive.
00196   */
00197   ON_CheckSum SourceArchiveCheckSum() const;
00199   const ON_UnitSystem& UnitSystem() const;
00201   /*
00202   Description:
00203     Use this function to specify an alternate location to
00204     look for a linked instance defininition archive if it
00205     cannot be found in the location specified by m_source_archive.
00206   Parameters:
00207     alternate_source_archive_path - [in]
00208       alterate location. pass null to delete the alternate path.
00209     bRelativePath - [in]
00210       true if alternate_source_archive_path is a relative path.
00211   */
00212   void SetAlternateSourceArchivePath( 
00213         const wchar_t* alternate_source_archive_path,
00214         bool bRelativePath
00215         );
00217   /*
00218   Description:
00219     If there is an alternate location to look for a linked instance
00220     defininition archive when it cannot be found in the location 
00221     specified by m_source_archive, then function will return the
00222     alterate location.
00223   Parameters:
00224     alternate_source_archive_path - [out]
00225     bRelativePath - [out]
00226       true if alternate_source_archive_path is a relative path.
00227   */
00228   bool GetAlternateSourceArchivePath( 
00229         ON_wString& alternate_source_archive_path,
00230         bool& bRelativePath
00231         ) const;
00232   /*
00233   Description:
00234     Sets m_us and m_unit_scale.
00235   */
00236   void SetUnitSystem( ON::unit_system us );
00237   void SetUnitSystem( const ON_UnitSystem& us );
00239   /*
00240   Returns:
00241     True if this is a linked instance definition with
00242     layer settings information.
00243   */
00244   bool HasLinkedIdefLayerSettings() const;
00246   /*
00247   Description:
00248     Set linked instance definition reference file layer settings.
00249   Parameters:
00250     layer_settings - [in/out]
00251       input: layer settings read from the linked file.
00252       output: layer settings to use in the context of the idef.
00253   */
00254   void UpdateLinkedIdefReferenceFileLayerSettings( unsigned int layer_count, ON_Layer** layer_settings );
00256   /*
00257   Description:
00258     Set linked instance definition parent layer information. 
00259     Typically this is done just before the linked idef is 
00260     saved to a file.
00261   Parameters:
00262     linked_idef_parent_layer - [in]
00263   */
00264   void UpdateLinkedIdefParentLayerSettings( const ON_Layer* linked_idef_parent_layer );
00266   const ON_Layer* LinkedIdefParentLayerSettings() const;
00268   /*
00269   Description:
00270     When a linked instance definition is read and its layers are added to the
00271     context when the idef exists, runtime layer ids may need to be changed
00272     when an id collision occures.  In this case, use this function to
00273     inform the linked instance definition of the map from runtime layer
00274     id to the layer id found in the linked file.
00275   Parameters:
00276     id_map - [in]
00277       The first id in the pair is the layer id in the current context
00278       where the idef is being used.
00279       The second id in the pair is the layer id found in the linked file.
00280   */
00281   void UpdateLinkedIdefReferenceFileLayerRuntimeId( const ON_UuidPairList& id_map );
00283   /*
00284   Description:
00285     Set linked instance definition layer settings.
00286     Typically this is done just before the linked idef is 
00287     saved to a file.
00288   Parameters:
00289     layer_settings - [in]
00290       Layer settings in the context where the linked idef is being used.
00291   Remarks:
00292     Linked idefs save the original layer informtion from the linked file.
00293     In the context where the idef is used, some of those settings (color,
00294     visibility, ...) can be modified. This function saves those modifications
00295     so the can be applied the next time the linked idef is read.
00296   */
00297   void UpdateLinkedIdefLayerSettings( unsigned int layer_count, const ON_Layer*const* layer_settings );
00299 public:
00301   ON_UUID m_uuid;     // unique id for this instance definition
00302   ON_wString m_name;  // The "name" is for human comfort.  
00303                       // It can be empty and duplicates
00304                       // may exist. Instance reference use
00305                       // m_uuid to find instance definitions.
00306   ON_wString m_description; 
00308   ON_wString m_url;
00309   ON_wString m_url_tag;     // UI link text for m_url
00311 #if defined(ON_32BIT_POINTER)
00312 private:
00313   // 24 January 2011:
00314   //   Because the Rhino 4 and 5 SDKs are fixed, the offset of 
00315   //   existing fields cannot be changed and the m_reserved1
00316   //   value has to be located in different places for 
00317   //   32 and 64 bit builds.
00318   unsigned int m_reserved1;
00319 #endif
00321 public:
00322   ON_BoundingBox m_bbox;
00324   ON_UnitSystem  m_us;
00326   // Note: the embedded_def type is obsolete.
00327   //  To avoid having to deal with this obsolete type in
00328   //  your code, using ON_InstanceDefintion::IdefUpdateType()
00329   //  to get this value.  The IdefUpdateType() function
00330   //  with convert the obsolte value to the correct
00331   //  value.
00332   IDEF_UPDATE_TYPE m_idef_update_type; 
00334   IDEF_UPDATE_TYPE IdefUpdateType() const;
00336   int m_idef_update_depth; // Controls how much geometry is read when
00337                            // a linked idef is updated.
00338                            //   0: read everything, included nested linked idefs
00339                            //   1: skip nested linked idefs.
00341   ON_wString m_source_archive;   // filename used to update idef 
00342                                  // (it can be empty or relative)
00343   bool m_source_bRelativePath;  // True if the filename in m_source_archive is
00344                                  // a relative the location of the 3dm file
00345                                  // containing this instance definition.
00347   // A static or linked_and_embedded idef must have m_layer_style = 0
00348   // A linked idef must have m_layer_style = 1 or 2
00349   //   0 = unset
00350   //   1 = active (linked idef layers will be active)
00351   //   2 = reference (linked idef layers will be reference)
00352   unsigned char m_idef_layer_style;
00354 private:
00355   unsigned char m_reserved2[2];
00357 #if defined(ON_64BIT_POINTER)
00358 private:
00359   // 24 January 2011:
00360   //   Because the Rhino 4 and 5 SDKs are fixed, the offset of 
00361   //   existing fields cannot be changed and the m_runtime_sn
00362   //   value has to be located in different places for 
00363   //   32 and 64 bit builds.
00364   unsigned int m_reserved1;
00365 #endif
00367 public:
00368   ON_CheckSum m_source_archive_checksum; // used to detect when idef is out of
00369                                          // synch with source archive.
00370 };
00373 /*
00374 Description:
00375   An ON_InstanceRef is a reference to an instance definition
00376   along with transformation to apply to the definition.
00377 See Also:
00378   ON_InstanceRef
00379 */
00380 class ON_CLASS ON_InstanceRef : public ON_Geometry
00381 {
00382   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE(ON_InstanceRef);
00384 public:
00385   ON_InstanceRef();
00388   //
00389   // virtual ON_Object overrides
00390   //
00391   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00392   ON_BOOL32 Write(
00393          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00394        ) const;
00395   ON_BOOL32 Read(
00396          ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
00397        );
00398   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
00401   //
00402   // virtual ON_Geometry overrides
00403   //
00404   int Dimension() const;
00405   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox(
00406          double* boxmin,
00407          double* boxmax,
00408          int bGrowBox = false
00409          ) const;
00410   ON_BOOL32 Transform( 
00411          const ON_Xform& xform
00412          );
00414   // virtual ON_Geometry::IsDeformable() override
00415   bool IsDeformable() const;
00417   // virtual ON_Geometry::MakeDeformable() override
00418   bool MakeDeformable();
00421   //
00423   // Unique id of the instance definition (ON_InstanceDefinition) 
00424   // in the instance definition table that defines the geometry
00425   // used by this reference.
00426   ON_UUID m_instance_definition_uuid;
00428   // Transformation for this reference.
00429   ON_Xform m_xform;
00431   // Bounding box for this reference.
00432   ON_BoundingBox m_bbox;
00434   // Tolerance to use for flagging instance xforms
00435   // as singular.
00436   static const double m_singular_xform_tol;
00437 };
00439 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:01