Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* $NoKeywords: $ */
00002 /*
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (c) 1993-2012 Robert McNeel & Associates. All rights reserved.
00005 // OpenNURBS, Rhinoceros, and Rhino3D are registered trademarks of Robert
00006 // McNeel & Associates.
00007 //
00011 //                              
00012 // For complete openNURBS copyright information see <>.
00013 //
00015 */
00020 /*
00021   class ON_HatchLoop
00023   Represents a 3d boundary loop curve
00024 */
00025 class ON_CLASS ON_HatchLoop
00026 {
00027 public:
00028 #if defined(ON_DLL_EXPORTS) || defined(ON_DLL_IMPORTS)
00029   // When the Microsoft CRT(s) is/are used, this is the best
00030   // way to prevent crashes that happen when a hatch loop is
00031   // allocated with new in one DLL and deallocated with
00032   // delete in another DLL.
00034   // new/delete
00035   void* operator new(size_t);
00036   void  operator delete(void*);
00038   // array new/delete
00039   void* operator new[] (size_t);
00040   void  operator delete[] (void*);
00042   // in place new/delete
00043   void* operator new(size_t,void*);
00044   void  operator delete(void*,void*);
00045 #endif
00047   enum eLoopType
00048   {
00049     ltOuter = 0,
00050     ltInner = 1,
00051   };
00053   ON_HatchLoop();
00054   ON_HatchLoop( ON_Curve* pCurve2d, eLoopType type = ltOuter);
00055   ON_HatchLoop( const ON_HatchLoop& src);
00056   ~ON_HatchLoop();
00058   ON_HatchLoop& operator=( const ON_HatchLoop& src);
00060   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00061   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
00062   ON_BOOL32 Write( ON_BinaryArchive&) const;
00063   ON_BOOL32 Read( ON_BinaryArchive&);
00065   // Interface
00068   /*
00069   Description:
00070     Get a closed 2d curve boundary loop
00071   Parameters:
00072   Return:
00073     Pointer to loop's 2d curve
00074   */
00075   const ON_Curve* Curve() const;
00077   /*
00078   Description:
00079     Specify the 2d loop curve in the hatch's plane coordinates
00080   Parameters:
00081     curve - [in] 2d input curve
00082   Return:
00083     true: success, false, curve couldn't be duplicated
00084   Remarks:
00085     The curve is copied
00086   */
00087   bool SetCurve( const ON_Curve& curve);
00089   /*
00090   Description:
00091     Get the type flag of the loop
00092   Returns:
00093     eLoopType::ltInner or eLoopType::ltOuter
00094   */
00095   eLoopType Type() const;
00097   /*
00098   Description:
00099     Specify the type flag of the loop
00100   Parameters:
00101     type - [in] ltInner or ltOuter
00102   */
00103   void SetType( eLoopType type);
00105 protected:
00106   friend class ON_Hatch;
00107   eLoopType m_type;         // loop type flag - inner or outer
00108   ON_Curve* m_p2dCurve;     // 2d closed curve bounding the hatch
00109                             // This is really a 3d curve with z coordinates = 0
00110 };
00113 /*
00114   class ON_HatchLine
00116   Represents one line of a hatch pattern
00117   Similar to AutoCAD's .pat file definition
00118   ON_HatchLine's are used by ON_HatchPattern
00119     to specify the dashes and offset patterns of the lines.
00121   Each line has the following information:
00122   Angle is the direction of the line CCW from the x axis
00123   The first line origin is at base
00124   Each line repetition is offset by offset from the previous line
00125     offset.x is parallel to the line and 
00126     offset.y is perpendicular to the line
00127   The base and offset values are rotated by the line's angle to 
00128     produce a location in the hatch pattern's coordinate system
00129   There can be gaps and dashes specified for drawing the line
00131   If there are no dashes, the line is solid
00132   Negative length dashes are gaps
00133   Positive length dashes are drawn as line segments
00134 */
00136 class ON_CLASS ON_HatchLine
00137 {
00138 public:
00139   ON_HatchLine();
00140   // C++ default copy construction and operator= work fine.
00142   ON_HatchLine( 
00143     double angle, 
00144     const ON_2dPoint& base, 
00145     const ON_2dVector& offset,
00146     const ON_SimpleArray<double> dashes);
00148   bool operator==( const ON_HatchLine&) const;
00149   bool operator!=( const ON_HatchLine&) const;
00151   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00152   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
00153   ON_BOOL32 Write( ON_BinaryArchive&) const;  // serialize definition to binary archive
00154   ON_BOOL32 Read( ON_BinaryArchive&);  // restore definition from binary archive
00156   // Interface
00159   /*
00160   Description:
00161     Get angle of the hatch line.
00162     CCW from x-axis
00163   Parameters:
00164   Return:
00165     The angle in radians
00166   */
00167   double Angle() const;
00169   /*
00170   Description:
00171     Set angle of the hatch line.
00172     CCW from x-axis
00173   Parameters:
00174     angle - [in] angle in radians
00175   Return:
00176   */
00177   void SetAngle( double angle);
00179   /*
00180   Description:
00181     Get this line's 2d basepoint
00182   Parameters:
00183   Return:
00184     the base point
00185   */
00186   ON_2dPoint Base() const;
00187   /*
00188   Description:
00189     Set this line's 2d basepoint
00190   Parameters:
00191     base - [in] the basepoint
00192   Return:
00193   */
00194   void SetBase( const ON_2dPoint& base);
00196   /*
00197   Description:
00198     Get this line's 2d offset for line repetitions
00199     Offset().x is shift parallel to line
00200     Offset().y is spacing perpendicular to line
00201   Parameters:
00202   Return:
00203     the offset
00204   */
00205   ON_2dVector Offset() const;
00207   /*
00208   Description:
00209     Get this line's 2d offset for line repetitions
00210     Offset().x is shift parallel to line
00211     Offset().y is spacing perpendicular to line
00212   Parameters:
00213     offset - [in] the shift,spacing for repeated lines
00214   Return:
00215   */
00216   void SetOffset( const ON_2dVector& offset);
00218   /*
00219   Description:
00220     Get the number of gaps + dashes in the line
00221   Parameters:
00222   Return:
00223     nummber of dashes in the line
00224   */
00225   int DashCount() const;
00227   /*
00228   Description:
00229     Get the dash length at index
00230   Parameters:
00231     index - [in] the dash to get
00232   Return:
00233     the length of the dash ( gap if negative)
00234   */
00235   double Dash( int) const;
00237   /*
00238   Description:
00239     Add a dash to the pattern
00240   Parameters:
00241     dash - [in] length to append - < 0 for a gap
00242   */
00243   void AppendDash( double dash);
00245   /*
00246   Description:
00247     Specify a new dash array
00248   Parameters:
00249     dashes - [in] array of dash lengths
00250   */
00251   void SetPattern( const ON_SimpleArray<double>& dashes);
00253   /*
00254   Description:
00255     Get the line's angle, base, offset and dashes 
00256     in one function call
00257   Parameters:
00258     angle  - [out] angle in radians CCW from x-axis
00259     base   - [out] origin of the master line
00260     offset - [out] offset for line replications
00261     dashes - [out] the dash array for the line
00262   Return:
00263   */
00264   void GetLineData(
00265     double& angle, 
00266     ON_2dPoint& base, 
00267     ON_2dVector& offset, 
00268     ON_SimpleArray<double>& dashes) const;
00270   /*
00271   Description:
00272     Get the total length of a pattern repeat
00273   Parameters:
00274   Return:
00275     Pattern length
00276   */
00277   double GetPatternLength() const;
00279 public:
00280   double m_angle;
00281   ON_2dPoint m_base;
00282   ON_2dVector m_offset;
00283   ON_SimpleArray< double> m_dashes;
00284 };
00289 #if defined(ON_DLL_TEMPLATE)
00290 // This stuff is here because of a limitation in the way Microsoft
00291 // handles templates and DLLs.  See Microsoft's knowledge base 
00292 // article ID Q168958 for details.
00293 #pragma warning( push )
00294 #pragma warning( disable : 4231 )
00295 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_SimpleArray<ON_HatchLoop*>;
00296 ON_DLL_TEMPLATE template class ON_CLASS ON_ClassArray<ON_HatchLine>;
00297 #pragma warning( pop )
00298 #endif
00301 /*
00302   class ON_HatchPattern
00304   Fill definition for a hatch
00306   The hatch  will be one of 
00307     ON_Hatch::ftLines     - pat file style definition
00308     ON_Hatch::ftGradient  - uses a color function
00309     ON_Hatch::ftSolid     - uses entity color
00311 */
00312 class ON_CLASS ON_HatchPattern : public ON_Object
00313 {
00314   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE( ON_HatchPattern);
00316 public:
00318   enum eFillType
00319   {
00320     ftSolid    = 0,  // uses entity color
00321     ftLines    = 1,  // pat file definition
00322     ftGradient = 2,  // uses a fill color function
00323     ftLast     = 3
00324   };
00326   ON_HatchPattern();
00327   ~ON_HatchPattern();
00328   // C++ default copy construction and operator= work fine.
00330  // ON_Object overrides
00332    ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00333   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
00334   ON_BOOL32 Write( ON_BinaryArchive&) const;
00335   ON_BOOL32 Read( ON_BinaryArchive&);
00337   // virtual
00338   ON_UUID ModelObjectId() const;
00342   // Interface
00344   /*
00345   Description:
00346     Return the pattern's fill type
00347   Parameters:
00348   */
00349   eFillType FillType() const;
00351   /*
00352   Description:
00353     Set the pattern's fill type
00354   Parameters:
00355     type - [in] the new filltype
00356   */
00357   void SetFillType( eFillType type);
00359   /*
00360   Description:
00361     Set the name of the pattern
00362   Parameters:
00363     pName - [in] the new name
00364   Returns:
00365   */
00366   void SetName( const wchar_t* pName);
00367   void SetName( const char* pName);
00369   /*
00370   Description:
00371     Get the name of the pattern
00372   Parameters:
00373     string - [out] The name is returned here
00374   */
00375   void GetName( ON_wString& string) const;
00377   /*
00378   Description:
00379     Get the name of the pattern
00380   Returns:
00381     The name string
00382   */
00383   const wchar_t* Name() const;
00385   /*
00386   Description:
00387     Set the name of the pattern
00388   Parameters:
00389     pDescription - [in] the new description
00390   Returns:
00391   */
00392   void SetDescription( const wchar_t* pDescription);
00393   void SetDescription( const char* pDescription);
00395   /*
00396   Description:
00397     Get a short description of the pattern
00398   Parameters:
00399     string - [out] The string is returned here
00400   */
00401   void GetDescription( ON_wString& string) const;
00403   /*
00404   Description:
00405     Return a short text description of the pattern type
00406   Parameters:
00407   Returns:
00408     The description string
00409   */
00410   const wchar_t* Description() const;
00412   /*
00413   Description:
00414     Set the table index of the pattern
00415   Parameters:
00416     index - [in] the new index
00417   Returns:
00418   */
00419   void SetIndex( int index);
00421   /*
00422   Description:
00423     Return the table index of the pattern
00424   Parameters:
00425   Returns:
00426     The table index
00427   */
00428   int Index() const;
00430   // Interface functions for line hatches
00432   /*
00433   Description:
00434     Get the number of ON_HatchLines in the pattern
00435   Parameters:
00436   Return:
00437     number of lines
00438   */
00439   int HatchLineCount() const;
00441   /*
00442   Description:
00443     Add an ON_HatchLine to the pattern
00444   Parameters:
00445     line - [in] the line to add
00446   Return:
00447     >= 0 index of the new line
00448     -1 on failure
00449   */
00450   int AddHatchLine( const ON_HatchLine& line);
00452   /*
00453   Description:
00454     Get the ON_HatchLine at index
00455   Parameters:
00456     index - [in] Index of the line to get
00457   Return:
00458     the hatch line
00459     NULL if index is out of range
00460   */
00461   const ON_HatchLine* HatchLine( int index) const;
00463   /*
00464   Description:
00465     Remove a hatch line from the pattern
00466   Parameters:
00467     index - [in] Index of the line to remove
00468   Return:
00469     true - success
00470     false - index out of range
00471   */
00472   bool RemoveHatchLine( int index);
00474   /*
00475   Description:
00476     Remove all of the hatch line from the pattern
00477   Parameters:
00479   Return:
00480     true - success
00481     false - index out of range
00482   */
00483   void RemoveAllHatchLines();
00485   /*
00486   Description:
00487     Set all of the hatch lines at once. 
00488     Existing hatchlines are deleted.
00489   Parameters:
00490     lines - [in] Array of lines to add.  Lines are copied
00491   Return:
00492     number of lines added
00493   */
00494   int SetHatchLines( const ON_ClassArray<ON_HatchLine> lines);
00496 public:
00497   int m_hatchpattern_index;         // Index in the hatch pattern table
00498   ON_wString m_hatchpattern_name;   // String name of the pattern
00499   ON_UUID m_hatchpattern_id;
00501   eFillType m_type;
00503   ON_wString m_description;  // String description of the pattern
00505   // Represents a collection of ON_HatchLine's to make a complete pattern
00506   // This is the definition of a hatch pattern.
00507   // Simple solid line hatches with fixed angle and spacing are also 
00508   // represented with this type of hatch
00509   ON_ClassArray<ON_HatchLine> m_lines; // used by line hatches
00510 };
00512 /*
00513   class ON_Hatch
00515   Represents a hatch in planar boundary loop or loops 
00516   This is a 2d entity with a plane defining a local coordinate system
00517   The loops, patterns, angles, etc are all in this local coordinate system
00519   The ON_Hatch object manages the plane and loop array
00520   Fill definitions are in the ON_HatchPattern or class derived from ON_HatchPattern
00521   ON_Hatch has an index to get the pattern definition from the pattern table
00523 */
00524 class ON_CLASS ON_Hatch : public ON_Geometry
00525 {
00526   ON_OBJECT_DECLARE( ON_Hatch);
00528 public:
00529   // Default constructor
00530   ON_Hatch();
00531   ON_Hatch( const ON_Hatch&);
00532   ON_Hatch& operator=(const ON_Hatch&);
00533   ~ON_Hatch();
00535   virtual ON_Hatch* DuplicateHatch() const;
00537   // ON_Object overrides
00539   ON_BOOL32 IsValid( ON_TextLog* text_log = NULL ) const;
00540   void Dump( ON_TextLog& ) const; // for debugging
00541   ON_BOOL32 Write( ON_BinaryArchive&) const;
00542   ON_BOOL32 Read( ON_BinaryArchive&);
00543   ON::object_type ObjectType() const;
00545   // ON_Geometry overrides
00547   /*
00548     Returns the geometric dimension of the object ( usually 3)
00549   */
00550   int Dimension() const;
00552   /*
00553     Description:
00554       Get a bounding 3d WCS box of the object
00555       This is a bounding box of the boundary loops
00556     Parameters:
00557       [in/out] double* boxmin - pointer to dim doubles for min box corner
00558       [in/out] double* boxmax - pointer to dim doubles for max box corner
00559       [in] ON_BOOL32 growbox   - true to grow the existing box,
00560                             false ( the default) to reset the box
00561     Returns:
00562       true = Success
00563       false = Failure
00564     Remarks:
00565   */
00566   ON_BOOL32 GetBBox( double*, double*, ON_BOOL32 = false) const;
00568   /*
00569         Description:
00570     Get tight bounding box of the hatch.
00571         Parameters:
00572                 tight_bbox - [in/out] tight bounding box
00573                 bGrowBox -[in]  (default=false)                 
00574       If true and the input tight_bbox is valid, then returned
00575       tight_bbox is the union of the input tight_bbox and the 
00576       tight bounding box of the hatch.
00577                 xform -[in] (default=NULL)
00578       If not NULL, the tight bounding box of the transformed
00579       hatch is calculated.  The hatch is not modified.
00580         Returns:
00581     True if the returned tight_bbox is set to a valid 
00582     bounding box.
00583   */
00584         bool GetTightBoundingBox( 
00585                         ON_BoundingBox& tight_bbox, 
00586       int bGrowBox = false,
00587                         const ON_Xform* xform = 0
00588       ) const;
00591   /*
00592     Description:
00593       Transform the object by a 4x4 xform matrix
00595     Parameters:
00596       [in] xform  - An ON_Xform with the transformation information
00597     Returns:
00598       true = Success
00599       false = Failure
00600     Remarks:
00601       The object has been transformed when the function returns.
00602   */
00603   ON_BOOL32 Transform( const ON_Xform&);
00605   // Interface
00608   /*
00609   Description:
00610     Create a hatch from input geometry and parameters
00611   Parameters:
00612     plane [I] - ON_Plane to make the hatch on
00613     loops [I] - Array of boundary loops with the outer one first
00614     pattern_index [I] - Index into the hatch table
00615     pattern_rotation [I] - ccw in radians about plane origin
00616     pattern_scale [I] - Scale factor for pattern definition
00617   Returns:
00618     true = success, false = failure
00619   */
00620   bool Create( const ON_Plane& plane,
00621                const ON_SimpleArray<const ON_Curve*> loops, 
00622                int pattern_index, 
00623                double pattern_rotation, 
00624                double pattern_scale);
00626   /*
00627   Description:
00628     Get the plane defining the hatch's coordinate system
00629   Parameters:
00630   Returns:
00631     the plane
00632   */
00633   const ON_Plane& Plane() const;
00635   /*
00636   Description:
00637     Set the plane defining the hatch's coordinate system
00638   Parameters:
00639     plane - [in] the plane to set
00640   Returns:
00641   */
00642   void SetPlane( const ON_Plane& plane);
00644   /*
00645   Description:
00646     Gets the rotation applied to the hatch pattern 
00647     when it is mapped to the hatch's plane
00648   Returns:
00649     The rotation in radians
00650   Remarks:
00651     The pattern is rotated counter-clockwise around
00652     the hatch's plane origin by this value
00653   */
00654   double PatternRotation() const;
00656 /*
00657   Description:
00658     Sets the rotation applied to the hatch pattern 
00659     when it is mapped to the hatch's plane
00660   Parameters:
00661     rotation - [in] The rotation in radians
00662   Remarks:
00663     The pattern is rotated counter-clockwise around
00664     the hatch's plane origin by this value
00665   */
00666   void SetPatternRotation( double rotation);
00668   /*
00669   Description:
00670     Gets the scale applied to the hatch pattern 
00671     when it is mapped to the hatch's plane
00672   Returns:
00673     The scale
00674   Remarks:
00675     The pattern is scaled around
00676     the hatch's plane origin by this value
00677   */
00678   double PatternScale() const;
00680 /*
00681   Description:
00682     Sets the scale applied to the hatch pattern 
00683     when it is mapped to the hatch's plane
00684   Parameters:
00685     scale - [in] The scale
00686   Remarks:
00687     The pattern is scaled around
00688     the hatch's plane origin by this value
00689   */
00690   void SetPatternScale( double scale);
00692   /*
00693   Description:
00694     Get the number of loops used by this hatch
00695   Parameters:
00696   Returns:
00697     the number of loops
00698   */
00699   int LoopCount() const;
00701   /*
00702   Description:
00703     Add a loop to the hatch
00704   Parameters:
00705     loop - [in] the loop to add. Memory management for the loop is managed
00706            by this class.
00707   Returns:
00708   */
00709   void AddLoop( ON_HatchLoop* loop);
00711   /*
00712   Description:
00713     Insert a loop to the hatch at the specified index
00714   Parameters:
00715     index - [in] zero based index of the position where insert the loop to.
00716     loop - [in] the loop to insert. Memory management for the loop is managed
00717                 by this class on success.
00718   Returns:
00719     true if success
00720           false if index is lower than 0 or greater than current loop count.
00721   */
00722   bool InsertLoop( int index,
00723                    ON_HatchLoop* loop);
00725   /*
00726   Description:
00727     Remove a loop in the hatch
00728   Parameters:
00729     loop - [in] zero based index of the loop to remove.
00730   Returns:
00731     true if success
00732   */
00733   bool RemoveLoop( int index);
00735   /*
00736   Description:
00737     Get the loop at index
00738   Parameters:
00739     index - [in] which loop to get
00740   Returns:
00741     pointer to loop at index
00742     NULL if index is out of range
00743   */
00744   const ON_HatchLoop* Loop( int index) const;
00746   /*
00747   Description:
00748     Get the 3d curve corresponding to loop[index]
00749   Parameters:
00750     index - [in] which loop to get
00751   Returns:
00752     pointer to 3d curve of loop at index
00753     NULL if index is out of range or curve can't be made
00754     Caller deletes the returned curve
00755   */
00756   ON_Curve* LoopCurve3d( int index) const;
00758   /*
00759   Description:
00760     Get the index of the hatch's pattern
00761   Parameters:
00762   Returns:
00763     index of the pattern
00764   */
00765   int PatternIndex() const;
00767 /*
00768   Description:
00769     Set the index of the hatch's pattern
00770   Parameters:
00771     index - [in] pattern index to set
00772   Returns:
00773   */
00774   void SetPatternIndex( int index);
00776   // Basepoint functions added March 23, 2008 -LW
00777   /*
00778   Description:
00779     Set 2d Base point for hatch pattern alignment.
00780   Parameters:
00781     basepoint - 2d point in hatch's ECS
00782   */
00783   void SetBasePoint(ON_2dPoint basepoint);
00785   /*
00786   Description:
00787     Set 3d Base point for hatch pattern alignment.
00788   Parameters:
00789     point - 3d WCS point
00790   Remarks:
00791     Projects point to hatch's plane and sets 2d point
00792   */
00793   void SetBasePoint(ON_3dPoint point);
00795   /*
00796   Description:
00797     Return 3d WCS point that lies on hatch's plane used for pattern origin.
00798   */
00799   ON_3dPoint BasePoint() const;
00801   /*
00802   Description:
00803     Return 2d ECS point used for pattern origin.
00804   */
00805   ON_2dPoint BasePoint2d() const;
00807   /*
00808   Function added June 12 2008 LW
00809   Description:
00810     Remove all of the loops on the hatch and add the curves in 'loops' as new loops
00811   Parameters:
00812     loops - [in] An array of pointers to 2d or 3d curves
00813                  If the curves are 2d, add them to the hatch directly
00814                  If they are 3d, project them to the hatch's plane first
00815   Returns:
00816     true  - success
00817     false - no loops in input array or an error adding them
00818   */
00819   bool ReplaceLoops(ON_SimpleArray<const ON_Curve*> loops);
00821 protected:
00822   ON_Plane m_plane;
00823   double m_pattern_scale;
00824   double m_pattern_rotation;
00825   ON_SimpleArray<ON_HatchLoop*> m_loops;
00826   int m_pattern_index;
00828     // This function is temporary and will be removed next time the SDK can be modified.
00829   class ON_HatchExtra* HatchExtension();
00831 };
00833 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:27:01